Artificial intelligence systems have always been considered a symbol of the Industry 4.0 era.

The current industrial intelligence and unmannedization is actually not the era of Industry 4.0, but the era of Industry 3.5.

The real era of Industry 4.0 is the era of artificial intelligence!

However, current artificial intelligence systems...

It’s really hard to describe!

Artificial intelligence based on binary basis is actually more like an artificial retardation system. Even the artificial intelligence system carefully built by giant companies still cannot reach a satisfactory level.

The fundamental reason is the lack of [uncertain] state.

The quantum computer currently under development can actually be regarded as an alternative ternary computer, because it can express the [uncertain] state in which 0 and 1 coexist at the same time.

However, the development of quantum computers is too bumpy, and there is a technological split. There is currently no clear direction at all, so the ternary system seems to be a better choice?

An Liang has actually always wanted to develop artificial intelligence systems.

Previously, Anliang wanted to acquire the quantum computer project and even the artificial intelligence system project of Xiong Zhang Company. Unfortunately, Xiong Zhang Company was only willing to transfer the quantum computer project and was not willing to sell the core artificial intelligence system project.

Now based on the ternary computer, the artificial intelligence system project seems to be taking a new turn!

‘Zero: In this case, we are fully involved in the ternary computer project’

‘No. 4: Boss, can you get the original design of the ternary computer from the North Bear Country?’

‘No. 4: If you don’t have a design plan, you can also have a prototype.’

‘Number Zero: I’ll try my best!’

‘Zero: If there is no design plan or prototype, can you develop a ternary computer from scratch?’

‘No. 4: Yes, yes’

‘Number 4: But if we have a reference, we can save a lot of time’

‘Number Zero: OK! '

After An Liang finished communicating with the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, he silently thought about investing in the ternary computer.

Now there is another reason to invest in ternary computers. In the field of ternary computers, artificial intelligence systems may have the opportunity to break through the shackles!

However, as the Divine Calculation No. 4 explains, building the foundation of a ternary computer from scratch will require an investment of a large amount of money, even trillions of dollars.

But Anliang is really not short of money!


To be precise, An Liang controlled a very huge amount of funds.

Previously, through Dark Core Technology Company, An Liangcai raised more than 1.6 trillion in capital reserves in the Bai Yujing Club, but it has not been mobilized for the time being.

Once necessary, dark core technology can be put into the field of ternary computers. After all, ternary computers and dark core technology are technical projects that cooperate with each other.

When Dark Core Technology Company invests in the field of carbon-based chips, it can just as well invest in the field of ternary computers, thereby thoroughly establishing the rules of dark core technology.

An Liang glanced at the time. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Instead of sending a message to Avrola, he put down his phone and came to Chen Siyu.

An Liang likes to play four-hand play with Chen Siyu. Although An Liang's technique is a bit inferior, Chen Siyu doesn't care. She also likes to play four-hand play with An Liang.

The two played their repertoire.

The song is over.

Ning Ruoshuang had slipped away quietly because she was aware of the danger.

Chen Siyu naturally has no way to escape!

An Liang took Chen Siyu to take a shower and change clothes before joining the league game. The two of them still played a double role. An Liang still liked to be a shooter, and Chen Siyu naturally acted as a support.

The game lasted for more than half an hour, and Chen Siyu's combat effectiveness was still at five points. It was difficult to continue the second game. It was natural for her to betray her best friend.

In the second game, Ning Ruoshuang filled in.

It was close to 0:30 in the morning before An Liang fell asleep with them.

The next day.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang's alarm clocks rang on time. Chen Siyu kept her promise not to be late. Ning Ruoshuang was also going to school to continue practicing her solo dance. She wanted to get on the national stage with her own ability, and An Liang would only encourage her.

It's about eight o'clock in the morning.

After Anliang finished his breakfast, he sent a message to Avora.

‘An Liang: Do you have time in the morning?’

‘Avora: Forest coffee?’

‘An Liang: See you later. '

The exchange between the two was very concise because they both understood what the other meant.

Avora understood that An Liang must have decided to invest in the field of ternary computers when he contacted her, so she directly set the meeting place at Forest Coffee.

Less than half an hour later, An Liang arrived at Forest Coffee.

Avora still stood out from the crowd. He just walked into the forest coffee and saw Avora. The main reason was that her temperament and appearance were so outstanding and so eye-catching!

Today, Aurora is wearing a bright yellow tight sweater, a white down jacket draped on the chair behind her, and her slender thighs are wearing tight pantyhose.

Although it is already relatively cold in the imperial capital in October, who knows who wears tights? They are actually quite warm. After all, tights are also thickened and velvet!

"This way!"Aflora also saw An Liang, and she waved hello.

An Liang walked over directly, thinking about how Avora wanted to cooperate?

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