Opposite Teito International University, Forest Coffee.

An Liang sat across from Aurora. This bear girl was wearing a tight sweater that highlighted her beautiful figure.

"Or Kaman orange juice?"Aflora asked proactively.

An Liang nodded,"No problem. Avora switched to the polar bear language and asked,"Have you decided to invest in a ternary computer?"

An Liang also switched to the northern bear language and responded,"What do you think?""

"I guess you will!"Aphrola replied confidently

"Why?"An Liang asked casually.

"Whether it is the external environment or internal demand, the timing is just right."Aphlora replied.

Aphlora continued to explain,"In terms of the external environment, cutting-edge silicon-based chip technology has been firmly blocked; in terms of internal demand, you have decided to bypass silicon-based chips through carbon-based chips. Since there are already Bypassing the idea of ​​silicon-based chips, why not bypass binary?"

"Anyway, we are starting from scratch, and I believe you would rather get rid of the clamps completely."Aphrola said analytically.

"The most important thing is that you are not short of money!"Aphrola looked envious,"You have obtained too much money from the capital market, so you have the capital to do these things."

This is the most important thing!

Without money, no matter what idea you have, it will be impossible to realize it!

An Liang smiled and nodded. Avora is an understanding person. An Liang does control a huge amount of funds, so he is qualified to invest three hexadecimal computer field

"We need all the details of the ternary computer designed by Sulla's League."An Liang made his request directly.

Because of this kind of request, regardless of whether An Liang raised it or not, Avora was well aware of it.

Avora responded affirmatively,"No problem."

"We have already prepared relevant information, including all the original manuscripts, and we also have three ternary computers that have been produced."Aphroela said straightforwardly.

"What do you need?"An Liang asked back.

Regarding the fact that Aurora had prepared relevant information in advance, and even three ternary computers, An Liang was not surprised at all, but took it for granted.

Aurora opened her mouth and said,"We want dark core technology. Ten percent of the company's shares!"

Before Anliang refused, Aflorala continued,"We only want shares, and all management and voting rights will be handed over to you."

"Do you know the valuation of DarkCore Technologies?"An Liang asked back.

"certainly!"Aflora said with certainty,"I know the valuation of Dark Core Technology Company, and I also know that your club has raised a lot of funds for Dark Core Technology Company, so I gave you the information on the ternary computer."

"In this case, do you think that a mere piece of ternary computer information can be exchanged for 10% of the equity?"An Liang asked back.

Avrola responded with a smile,"Don't you have a saying in the Xia Kingdom of [making high prices in the sky and counter-offering on the ground]?"

"Equity in DarkCore Technologies is an impossibility!"Anliang made a direct counteroffer.

"In fact, the data of the ternary computer is just a dispensable thing. If it is available, it will be the icing on the cake. If it is not available, it is not really a big problem."Anliang added.

Avora did not deny it.

The Sulla Alliance developed a ternary computer as early as 1958. It was possible to develop a ternary computer in that era. Now more than sixty years have passed. Could it be that Still can't develop a ternary computer?

What a joke!

It's just a waste of time!

According to the current valuation of Dark Core Technology, 10% of the equity is 300 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is simply impossible. Do n't Saying it is 300 billion Xia Guoyuan, it is 300 million Xia Guoyuan. It should be possible to thoroughly study the re-engraving of the 1958 ternary computer.

What's the big deal? Spend a little more time?

"We want to be part of Dark Core Technologies, and we want to be a part of it."Aphrola explained.

"Just like you are blocked from cutting-edge silicon-based chip technology, we also face this problem, so we want to break through the blockade, but we don’t want to be blocked by you again in the future."Aflora added.

This is indeed Afrola's concern.

If Dark Core Technology suddenly emerges in the field of carbon-based chips and ternary computers, and even breaks the dominance of binary computers, that will naturally be a good thing.

But what if Dark Core Technology Company grows into an evil dragon again?

There are too many things about dragon-slaying warriors turning into evil dragons!

Staring into the abyss, the abyss looks back!

Who can guarantee that Dark Core Technology Company will not use technological blockade methods in the future? ?

After all, Anliang’s Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is an old player in technology blockade!

Whether it is the lighthouse project or the Guardian prosthetic framework project, all of them are subject to various kinds of seed discrimination and technology blockade!

More importantly, Dream Future Graphene Technology In the graphene battery project, the group's technical blockade has become more stringent, fully exerting its market dominance brought by monopoly.

In view of this situation, it is right for Avora to have concerns!


Update time: December 2, 2021 00:02:19, good night


An Liang: Looking back into the abyss, I am still young!


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