Facing Avrola's concerns, Anliang silently considered the situation.

Avora has also remained silent, and she does hope to acquire an equity stake in Dark Core Technologies.

The two sides were silent for almost a minute before An Liang sighed and said,"Are you willing to contribute money?"

Afrola looked bitter,"I think you know our economic situation very well."

The economic situation of the Northern Bear Country Pretty bad!

In fact, the economy of the Northern Bear Country is already on the verge of collapse

"Since you have investigated Dark Core Technology Company, you should know that this time all the shares of Dark Core Technology Company were purchased with real money!"An Liang reminded him.

In fact, except for the one percent gifted to Zhao Wanxi, all other equity shares were subscribed with real money, and there was no exception for anyone.

"I know."Aphrola nodded, with a pitiful expression on her face,"But it's true that we have no money."

Of course An Liang knows it's true!

"Who do you represent?" An Liang asked bluntly.

Avrola asked back,"Is it important?"

"Of course it’s important!"An Liang nodded.

Avora was silent for a few seconds before responding,"I represent myself, but I am a bit like you."

An Liang smiled, he understood what Avrola meant.

"If you are unable to contribute capital, and only use the original data of the ternary computer in 1958 and three ternary computers produced that year as capital, I can give you 0.01% of the equity out of friendship."An Liang explained.

Even if it is one ten thousandth of the equity, according to the current valuation of Dark Core Technology Company, it is worth 300 million Xia Guoyuan

"A little less."Aflora looked into An Liang's eyes,"Can there be more?

An Liang shook his head and refused,"No way.""

"Unless you can fund it. An Liang added,"Even if I contribute capital, I will only give you 0.5% of the shares at most.""

Aflora agreed directly,"Deal!"

Facing Avrola's readily agreed, Anliang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly,"Your tricks are so deep!"

He has understood Afrola's routine. The other party has never thought about obtaining 10% of the equity, nor has he even thought about using the equity for free. He just hopes to obtain more equity.

But when he raised it directly, the other party Afraid of Anliang's rejection.

Now that Anliang is willing to give out 0.5% of the equity, Avrola is very satisfied

"Mr. An, can we invest at 5% of the stock price?"Aphrola asked tentatively.

The Heavenly Baiyujing Club's previous subscription to Dark Core Technology Company only paid 5% of the valuation funds.

An Liang shook his head in refusal,"That is the privilege of our Heavenly Baiyujing Club members. , because if we need funds, they can quickly provide funds anytime and anywhere"

"You seem to have no such guarantee."Anliang continued to respond.

Afrola did not refute,"In this case, we will pay 15 billion Xia Guoyuan as soon as possible. Can we use our Beixiong Yuan to pay?"

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

"No preferential treatment at all?"Aflora wanted to act coquettishly, but she couldn't find a position.

"After all, we are Xia Guoyuan's company, so it is normal to use Xia Guoyuan for settlement."An Liang responded

"However, we can give you a supervisory seat so that you can understand the situation of dark core technology." An Liang added.

Avora agreed immediately,"Thank you, Mr. An, for taking care of me!"

"I will send you the account of Anxin Bank later."An Liang responded

"no problem."Aphroela replied,"Our funds are also ready. When the equity documents are handed over, we will send the relevant information and the ternary computer."

This Afrola is really watertight!

"OK"An Liang naturally agreed.

After the two parties confirmed the cooperation plan, they quickly processed the relevant legal documents.

Near noon, all the legal documents were signed, and Afrola also transferred 15 billion Xia Guoyuan to the designated account. She officially became a shareholder of Dark Core Technology

"Welcome to DarkCore Technology Company!"An Liang stretched out his right hand.

Aurora immediately held An Liang's right hand with both hands and rubbed the back of An Liang's hand very provocatively,"Thank you, Mr. An, for the opportunity!"

"I would like to ask Mr. An if you have time at noon. I would like to treat Mr. An to dinner."Aflora invited An Liang to dinner again.

An Liang also refused again,"Sorry, I don't have time today either."

"Got a girlfriend again?"Aflora teased.

An Liang did not deny it,"As you know, I have more than one girlfriend."

"Mr. An is so funny!"Aphrola responded with a smile.

An Liang waved his hand and reminded,"Remember to send the information on the ternary computer."

"Please rest assured that we have already started making arrangements to handle this matter."Aflora responded.

After An Liang got the answer he wanted, he said goodbye to Aflorala. This tall and beautiful Bei Xiong girl was indeed full of attraction, but she was also full of troubles. An Liang was very restrained.

This is the brilliance of An Liang. This is also the difference between An Liang and Yun Haiyang.

So An Liang is cool and unrestrained, while Yun Haiyang is miserable!

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