After An Liang said goodbye to Apolola, he received a call from Zhao Wanxi, and he put on his Bluetooth headset to answer it.

Zhao Wanxi spoke first,"Are you done?"

"Are you jealous?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi snorted and reminded her,"The father of that Northern Bear girl is the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Northern Bear Country. Her identity is quite complicated, and there are a lot of troubles behind her."

"I know who she is, I even work with her father. An Liang responded,"We are just discussing cooperation today.""

An Liang explained the specific situation of the cooperation.

"It’s actually a ternary computer!"Zhao Wanxi sighed,"If the Sulla Alliance insisted on developing ternary computers, maybe there would be another option now. An Liang responded negatively,"


"When the Sulla League evaporated, the ternary computer would still lose its competitiveness."An Liang sighed.

Although ternary computers have more advantages than binary computers, in the end it is capital that decides the answer behind the scenes.

Capital led by Bald Eagle chose binary to safeguard their own interests, so binary will win.

Even if the Sulla League vigorously developed the ternary system at the beginning, it was impossible for the ternary system to win without follow-up support.

Now to develop the ternary system, it is actually inseparable from the support of capital.

It just so happened that An Liang was ready to use The power of capital forcibly promotes the development of the ternary system

"I made a reservation at Sandaomen Old Kitchen at noon."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Are you at home? I'll come and pick you up."An Liang responded

"Well, I'm in the small courtyard."Zhao Wanxi replied

"wait for me."An Liang responded and went to the small courtyard.

In less than half an hour, An Liang arrived at the small courtyard and Zhao Wanxi got into the passenger seat.

"How much money do you plan to invest in the field of ternary computers this time?"Zhao Wanxi asked casually

"Gather all the power of dark core technology to fully enter the field of carbon-based chips and ternary computers."An Liang said without hiding anything.

"This time Afrola also invested 15 billion Xia Guoyuan, plus the funds we raised before, there are 1,699.5 billion in funds."An Liang explained the specific figures.

"I plan to invest all this money in the two fields of carbon-based chips and ternary computers!" An Liang added.

Zhao Wanxi was slightly worried,"If these funds are exhausted, but there is still no substantial progress in carbon-based chips and ternary computers, what do you plan to do?"

"Your assumption doesn't hold true!"An Liang responded directly in the negative.

"The Sulla League developed and produced a ternary computer in 1958. We have invested so much money in research, and we will inevitably make substantial progress."An Liang added.

There is no doubt about this!

The only question is the extent of this substantial progress.

After spending nearly 1.7 trillion in funds, to what extent carbon-based chips and ternary computers can achieve is the most critical Question.

There is a bottom line in An An’s conscience. When the dark core technology fund reserves are completely consumed, carbon-based chips and ternary computers must reach at least 80% of the current level of silicon-based chips. Otherwise, it may be difficult to Then raise more funds through dark core technology.

After all, almost 1.7 trillion funds were spent with real money. This amount of funds is already too large for ordinary people to be distorted.

If this level of funds is spent, it will still be If the results are not very good, it is normal for investors to be disappointed, right?

No one can invest endlessly in a project that does not develop as expected!

Zhao Wanxi responded,"I mean, the research results did not achieve the expected results. , for example, the performance of carbon-based chips and ternary computers is far inferior to that of silicon-based chips and binary computers"

"If that were the case, I would continue to invest my own money in research and development."An Liang responded.

An Liang is definitely not giving up!

Others can give up, but An Liang has no such idea.

If he really falls into the worst situation, An Liang will try again!

Zhao Wanxi responded to the side,"I I will also support you!"

Having said this, Zhao Wanxi asked casually,"Don't you care about Liang Xue recently?"

"Don't be like Lao Huang, he always likes to ask questions knowingly."An Liang pointed out Zhao Wanxi's lies.

An Liang continued,"Wanxi, sometimes, I really can't do it to the absolute extent, so there are some things that I can only watch. Zhao

Wanxi smiled,"Like Siyu, Shuangshuang, and Song Qian?""

Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian have an internal status ranking.

Chen Siyu is naturally the highest, followed by Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian is third.

In fact, Zhao Wanxi can also tell the names of the three. She She called Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang by their nicknames, but Song Qian used their full names because she knew that Song Qian had not truly transformed. Zhao

Wanxi understood An Liang's meaning better. An Liang meant that he would not care how she disintegrated the backyard alliance. Anyway, the backyard Alliance affairs can only be decided by themselves in the end.

"I have one more question!"Zhao Wanxi turned her head and looked at An Liang.

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