An Liang ordered No. 4 Tianji Shensu to develop a routine to prevent the waistcoat from being lost, so as to keep the middleman's waistcoat.

"etc. An Liang added,"When you ask for the agency fee, remind the seller not to tell the buyer the points of the agency fee.""

This is another routine!

This routine further shows that the middleman and the buyer are not the same family.

"OK"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded,"BOSS, if the seller asks us how many points we charge the buyer, how should I answer?"

"We directly told the other party that we charged 8% because the seller gave them less, and we wanted to get it back from the buyers and show that the buyers did not have many choices."An Liang explained

"clear."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 hung up the voice call.

Zhao Wanxi said on the side,"The seller probably couldn't guess that the middleman and the buyer were in the same group!"

"This is the effect you want!"An Liang responded with a smile.

"Shall we go to Dark Core Technology?"Zhao Wanxi suggested

"no problem."An Liang agreed.

When the two were on their way to Dark Core Technology Company, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan used the middleman vest of [Greedy One] to contact the seller Li Zhengyi

"Mr. Li, we found that the buyer has transported the goods into Xia Kingdom, which means that this transaction is successful. When will your agency fees be paid?"The Divine Calculation No. 4 was executed according to An Liang's routine.

Li Zhengyi pretended to be surprised,"Is the buyer from the Xia Kingdom?"

"According to our investigation, the buyer is Xia Guo’s Dark Core Technology Company."Tianji Divine No. 4 didn't hide anything.

Because there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

Besides, Li Zhengyi must also know about this matter.

In fact, it is also true!

"Dear Greedy One, we have been deducted 10% of the final payment by the buyer, and we hope you will help us claim the final payment."Li Zhengyi explained

"no problem."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 agreed directly.

An Liang was not prepared to delay the final payment. Although this transaction was an abnormal transaction and the two parties did not sign any valid contract, the more it was because of this, the more credibility was needed.

If Dark Core Technology Company refuses to pay the final payment, After that, the reputation of Dark Core Technology Company in the black market fell directly to negative numbers, and it was almost impossible to conduct any transactions through the black market.

After all, in the black market, reputation means everything.

"Please wait a moment, Greedy Sir, we will pay you the corresponding intermediary fees immediately."Li Zhengyi did not refuse to pay the intermediary fee. It was also due to credibility issues.

If he refused to pay the intermediary fee, would there be any middlemen willing to work as a broker for him in the future? The

No. 4 Tianji Divine Speller continued according to the routine ordered by An Liang," Mr. Li, there is one more thing we need your help with."

"Speaking."Li Zhengyi did not refuse directly, but waited for the other party to explain the specific situation.

If it is a little effort, then there is no problem.

But if they need to use their resources, it will be embarrassing. It is impossible to help for free.

"If a buyer contacts you, we ask that you not disclose the agency fee points."The Divine Calculation No. 4 explained.

Li Zhengyi was indeed fooled!

He immediately felt that a greedy person had deceived the buyer and charged the buyer a high intermediary fee.

Li Zhengyi asked tentatively,"I am very curious about the buyer's intermediary fee. yes...If greedy people can explain, I will keep this matter 100% secret."

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 deliberately paused for a few seconds before responding,"We charge eight percent of the buyer's agency fee."

"After all, you only give an agency fee of two to three percent, and we must find a way to recover it from the buyers."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator added the explanation.

Li Zhengyi secretly sighed in his heart, 8% agency fee?

This buyer has obviously been taken advantage of!

"Thank you Greedy for the offer. Please rest assured that we will not contact the buyer. If the buyer contacts us, we will not acknowledge the matter nor disclose the relevant information."Li Zhengyi said with certainty.

"Thank you Mr. Li."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded,"We have received your agency fee, and we will notify the buyer so that the buyer can pay the balance to you as soon as possible."

"Trouble. Li Zhengyi responded.

After the two parties ended the call, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan contacted An Liang again, and then described the exchange between him and Li Zhengyi in detail.

"BOSS, I suggest that we send the final payment as soon as possible."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 suggested.

An Liang agreed firmly,"No problem, you can send the balance after a while."

As for whether there is a problem with those lithography machines after the balance payment is made?

The probability is very small!

It is still a credibility issue.

Li Zhengyi has a very good reputation in the black market. If his credibility is destroyed because of this transaction, it will be very serious. It is not cost-effective, so the probability of problems with the lithography machine is kept small.

After An Liang and No. 4 Tianji Shensuan finished the call, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi arrived at the Dark Core Technology Company, and An Liang took Zhao Wanxi into the Dark Core Technology Company. office building, preparing to visit the entire Dark Core Technology Company, including the production room where the lithography machine is located.

After all, Zhao Wanxi should be considered the boss of Dark Core Technology Company now, right?

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