Dark Core Technologies, office building lobby.

Cui Zhenghao greeted An Liang,"Good afternoon, Mr. An."

An Liang nodded in response and formally introduced Zhao Wanxi to Cui Zhenghao, indicating that Zhao Wanxi has become a shareholder of Dark Core Technology Company

"Lao Cui, our photolithography machine is coming back. Have you made preparations?"An Liang asked.

When the photolithography machine transaction just started, An Liang informed Cui Zhenghao to make preparations in advance.

"We have made all preparations and are just waiting for the photolithography machine to arrive and then start debugging. Cui Zhenghao said in response.

At this point, Cui Zhenghao hesitated for a moment, and then continued,"Mr. An, I am prepared to poach people with high salaries and premiums!""

"From your old club?" An Liang asked casually.

Hearing An Liang's rhetorical question, Cui Zhenghao's expression was a little hesitant, and he looked at Zhao Wanxi again.

An Liang guessed what the other party was thinking, and he added,"Mr. Zhao knows your identity. In addition, Mr. Zhao can be absolutely trusted."

Cui Zhenghao immediately bowed ninety degrees and saluted"I'm very sorry, Mr. Zhao, please forgive me."

Zhao Wanxi waved her hand,"It's okay. You said you want to poach people with high salaries. Are you planning to poach people from Sansang Group?

This time Cui Zhenghao did not deny,"Yes!""

"Not only are the talents of Sansang Group, I am also ready to take action on Tai Chi Electric. Cui Zhenghao added.

Zhao Wanxi frowned slightly,"Isn't there a competition agreement?""

"A considerable number of older employees do not have non-compete agreements."Cui Zhenghao learns the details

"In fact, there have been similar examples before. Cui Zhenghao gave an example,"Xia's civil aviation industry directly poached many experienced captains from Corea with high salaries."

"On Corea's side, the annual salary of a civil aviation captain with 6,000 hours of flying experience is approximately 400,000 to 500,000 Xia Guo yuan. This salary level is quite low in Xia Guo, so Xia Guo's aviation industry directly pays double the premium. Many experienced civil aviation captains were poached from Correa's aviation industry. Cui Zhenghao explained the situation in detail.

This incident once had a huge impact on Corea Civil Aviation Industry. It eventually led to Corea Civil Aviation Industry raising wages and benefits, which ended the situation of being poached by Xia Guo Aviation Industry.

"In addition to the aviation industry, the display panel industry has also suffered such a blow."Cui Zhenghao continued to give examples.

"Xia Guo's display panel industry also poached people through high-tech, directly poaching a large number of talents from the Corea display panel industry! Cui Zhenghao said with some sigh.

Xia Guo's display panel industry is currently rising rapidly. Although there are still some gaps in the high-end field, it is already very competitive.

"My old employer once proposed to the Corea court to limit such malicious competition, but it had no effect at all."Cui Zhenghao's tone was full of ridicule.

"Although Sansang Group is still the first choice and ideal employer in the hearts of Correa people, if there is a high salary, we will still succeed! Cui Zhenghao was full of confidence.

An Liang continued,"Actually, it's also because your Corea and Neon are very similar. There is a merit sequence system, and young people basically have no chance, right?" Cui

Zhenghao said in a serious tone,"Mr. An, I am a Xia citizen now, I will also be a Xia citizen in the future, and my descendants will also be Xia people!""

At present, Cui Zhenghao has completely become a Xiaguo native.

If you investigate from the information, Cui Zhenghao is a native of Xiaguo.

Zhao Wanxi smiled, this Corea person is interesting!


This guy is now a native of Xiaguo. People from Xia!

"It’s no problem to poach people with high salaries!" An Liang agreed first.

Before Cui Zhenghao answered, An Liang continued,"But after poaching people, how are you going to balance the salary structure within the company?"

The balance of the salary structure within the company is a big issue!

Take Dark Core Technology Company as an example. If the current employees of Dark Core Technology Company are paid far less than those hired in the future, there will definitely be conflicts.

This is also a lot The company's problem!

After all, the salary of a new employee who just changes jobs is far higher than that of the old employees. Can the old employees accept it?

Cui Zhenghao responded positively,"The salary level of our Dark Core Technology Company is already higher than that of the same industry." Average level. After the new photolithography machine arrives, I will use this reason to raise the salary of the original employees, thereby increasing the salary level of the old employees."

"In addition, I will also set a higher bonus KPI system to further stimulate the enthusiasm of employees. Whether they are old employees or new employees hired in the future, if they want to get higher bonuses, they all need to contribute to the company." Cui Zhenghao added

"Mr. An, I am confident that we will create more profits after the new photolithography machines are introduced, thereby balancing our human resource costs and further increasing our profits."Cui Zhenghao added

"Now that you have an idea, that's no problem. Try to find talents. Don't just focus on your old club and Taiji Electric. If someone from Neon is willing to come over, I think that's okay."An Liang responded with a smile.

Neon also has some talents in the semiconductor industry.

Although Neon's semiconductor industry has also declined, Neon once was brilliant, so it has retained some technical talents.

"OK, I will also keep an eye on Neon's semiconductor technology talent."Cui Zhenghao agreed.


Update time: December 4, 2021 00:03:10, good night.

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