The next day, Friday.

At 7:30 in the morning, An Liang and Chen Siyu got up together. He was going to the National Conservatory of Music to help Chen Siyu ask for leave.

I guess Sun Minzhi will go crazy again?

At seven fifty-five.

An Liang and Chen Siyu came to the door of piano room No. 9, where Mu Xinmei was playing.

Three minutes later, Mu Xinmei's practice ended. Under normal circumstances, Sun Minzhi would have summarized it, and then it was Chen Siyu's turn to practice playing for the next half hour.

Before Sun Minzhi concluded, An Liang spoke first,"Teacher Sun, please excuse me."

Sun Minzhi suddenly showed a helpless look,"Want to ask for leave?"

This Sun Minzhi is also an understanding person!

"Yes. An Liang did not deny it,"I am leaving the Imperial Capital the day after tomorrow. Before I leave, I am going to have a beach seafood barbecue party, so I hope to ask Siyu for leave tomorrow.""

Sun Minzhi breathed a sigh of relief. She originally thought that An Liang would take two days off, and even half a day today.

"Can you come to class the day after tomorrow? Sun Minzhi asked.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"No problem. We will go there this afternoon and have a beach seafood barbecue in the evening. We will come back tomorrow afternoon and have normal classes the day after tomorrow." An

Liang added,"The location of our beach seafood barbecue party this time is very close, on Yuedao Island northeast of Tianjin, so it won't waste too much time.""

Actually, Yue Island is in Beihe Province, but it is only near Tianjin.

An Liang planned to go to Tianjin by flying motorcycle, and then to Yue Island by yacht.

Mu Xinmei listened with envy, and then she felt silently worried, what if If Chen Siyu can't come tomorrow, isn't she practicing piano alone? Her teammates go to the beach for a seafood barbecue accompanied by her boyfriend, while she stays to practice piano alone. What kind of human suffering is this?

Just thinking about it makes me feel sad!

Sun Minzhi responded helplessly,"Fine!"

"By the way, Teacher Sun, should we finish early this afternoon?"An Liang added.

What else could Sun Minzhi do?

Of course he agreed!

"Let Chen Siyu practice first in the afternoon and finish on time at 4:30."Sun Minzhi responded

"Thank you, Teacher Sun. An Liang said politely.

Sun Minzhi waved her hand helplessly,"Classmate An, if you have nothing else to do, now is Chen Siyu's time to practice piano.""

An Liang didn't speak anymore, just waved his hands and left.

The purpose of asking for leave has been achieved, An Liang sneaked away first!

Leaving the No. 9 piano room, An Liang sent a message to Song Qian

‘An Liang: [Beach Seafood BBQ Plan】’

‘An Liang: Siyu will finish practicing piano at 4:30 in the afternoon. Come to the parking lot on time.’

‘Song Qian: Oh!’

‘Song Qian: Do you want to bring a swimsuit?’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: It’s October now!’

‘An Liang: Are you sure?’

‘Song Qian: [Embarrassed] '

Song Qian is because of An Liang'She went together, so she was a little too happy and ignored the season and temperature.

‘Song Qian: See you then’

‘An Liang: Are you making up lessons again?’

‘Song Qian: [Theoretical Knowledge Map]’

‘Song Qian: She is painfully studying theoretical knowledge and waiting for the next exam.’

‘An Liang: Come on, I haven’t failed any class even if I haven’t been to school for a long time.’

‘Song Qian:...’

‘Song Qian: You are poisonous! '

After the exchange between An Liang and Song Qian, he walked to the parking lot and prepared to drive back to Yunjing International Apartment. As soon as he got into the car, he received a new message. He picked it up and checked it.

‘Alek: Are you there? '

This Alek actually sent text in Xia Mandarin!

An Liang still replied in the northern bear language to avoid the other party not being able to understand.

‘An Liang: According to our Xia country’s custom, when you send [Are you there], you need to explain what you have to do’

‘An Liang: I will decide whether I am here or not based on what you sent.’

‘Alek:? ? ?’

‘Alek: Is this still possible? '

For a straightforward Northern Bear man, Alek didn't understand such a coquettish operation.

‘An Liang: So what exactly is going on with you? '

Actually, An Liang already knows it well!

Because the food reward he and Zhao Wanxi received in the old kitchen of Sandaomen reminded Alek that he would bring him ternary computer technology talents. as expected!

‘Alek: I heard that you and Aurora collaborated on a ternary computer?’

‘An Liang: Did the news spread so quickly?’

‘Alek: My sister and Aurora are very good friends, and I happened to know about this.’

‘An Liang: You won’t tell me that you know ternary computer related technologies, right?’

‘An Liang: You, a guy who designed a flying motorcycle, can do this? '

An Liang deliberately teased Alek

‘Alek: I can’t!’

‘Alek: But my friend does! '

An Liang once again asked questions knowingly

‘An Liang: Who is your friend?’

‘Alek: Sokosky BASF, a senior student at the School of Computer Science at Moscow State University’

‘Alek: He's very good at ternary computers!’

‘An Liang: So the current situation is that you heard that I am planning to invest in the field of ternary computers, and you help recommend your friends. Do you hope that your friends will come to work? '

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