In the current era, ternary computers are a super niche computer branch technology with no practical application value.

However, the entry of dark core technology has changed this situation!

For the field of ternary computers, the most critical thing is financial support.

It happens that the greatest support that dark core technology can provide is financial support.

At present, Dark Core Technology can mobilize more than 1.6 trillion Xia Guoyuan funds on its books at any time. If all these funds are invested in the field of ternary computers, it will be an earth-shaking change for ternary computers.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Alek replied without hesitation.

‘Alek: Yes, I would like to recommend my friend’

‘Alek: There are very few talents studying ternary computer technology at present, and my friend is definitely the top technical talent among them.’

‘An Liang: The top technical talents?’

‘Alek: Yes!’

‘An Liang: Do you understand ternary computers?’

‘Alek: I don’t understand’

‘Alek: But Sokoski said that he is very good at ternary computer technology, I believe him! '

This Alek...

An Liang was unable to complain!

Although Anliang did not trust Alek, Anliang trusted the Life Winner System. Since the Life Winner System recommended Sokosky BASF, this guy must be a powerful figure in the field of ternary computers.

Such as graphene battery technology and Wu Chunsheng, fourth-generation nuclear power technology and Sato Mirai, nuclear contaminated wastewater harmless treatment technology and Qingshan Zhiye, and semiconductor technology and Cui Zhenghao.

The Life Winner System once again sent core technical talents to Anliang at a critical moment!

‘An Liang: Since you believe in that Sokoski, I will believe in you’

‘An Liang: Alek, your gossip is correct. We are indeed preparing to invest in the field of ternary computers. Is your friend willing to work in Xia Kingdom?’

‘Alek: I do!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: I’m asking your friend!’

‘Alek: He is definitely willing. His family situation is not very good and he is still under the pressure of college loans. If he can go to work in Xia Kingdom, he will definitely have no problem.’

‘An Liang: Give me his contact information, and I’ll call him personally to ask about the situation.’

‘Alek: Wait. '

Alek sent the contact number of Sokosky BASF to Anliang and asked Anliang to contact the other party himself.

An Liang did not contact the other party immediately. He first returned to Yunjing International Apartment to establish contact with the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

"On the 4th, someone recommended me a technical talent in the field of ternary computers. You can inspect the other person's situation for me in a while."An Liang explained the situation.

An Liang doesn't understand technology!

Professional matters are left to professionals!

So An Liang is going to let No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator inspect Sokosky BASF on his behalf.

"no problem."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded affirmatively.

"Wait a moment, I'll contact them right away."An Liang explained.

An Liang contacted Sokosky BASF according to the contact information given by Alek. In less than ten seconds, the other party answered the call.

"Hello, this is Sokoski BASF." Sokoski BASF spoke first.

An Liang responded in Northern Bear language,"Hello, classmate Sokoski, I am Alek's friend An Liang. Alek has already explained your basic situation to me. An

Liang continued,"Next, our technical experts will conduct a basic assessment on you. Are you okay?"

Sokoski responded affirmatively,"Of course no problem!""

"give it to you."An Liang ordered Tianji Shensuan No. 4.

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 asked in English,"Hello, Mr. Sokoski, can you speak English?"

In fact, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan is proficient in the Arctic Bear language, but he deliberately spoke in English to judge Sokoski's English level.

After all, English is the basis in the field of computer technology.

"certainly!"Sokoski responded affirmatively.

"First of all, I would like to ask, if we want to develop ternary computer technology, what do you think is the most important foundation?"No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator asked.

This question is actually a bit difficult.

Because in the current era of binary dominance, there are too many difficulties in developing ternary computers, whether it is funds, technology, ecosystem, etc., all They are all the foundations of foundations.

For example, if there is no funds, then it is impossible to carry out research!

For example, if there is no technology, it is also impossible to carry out research!

The same is true for the ecosystem. Without the ecosystem, ternary computer technology will not survive at all. How can we talk about development if we have poor soil?

In addition to the above three basic conditions, more basic conditions are actually needed.

So this question is a bit difficult.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation deliberately raised this difficult question to examine Sokos Ji's vision and overall view.

Faced with the question raised by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, Sokoski understood the difficulty of this question. Although this question was a bit difficult, Sokoski had his own understanding!


Update time: December 5, 2021 01:11:13. Sorry, the alliance game has been slightly delayed. Good night.

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