When faced with the difficult problem of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, Sokoski actually analyzed the issues of capital, technology, ecosystem, etc., but Sokoski still had his own understanding.

"Regarding the most important basic issue, I have some opinions of my own." Sokoski replied

"Speaking."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation signaled the other party to explain in detail.

"Sir, do you know about new energy vehicles? Sokoski asked back

"certainly."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 answered in the affirmative.

"Before Dream Future Graphene Technology Group commercialized graphene battery technology, the overall performance of new energy vehicles was actually not good, especially mid- to low-end new energy vehicles." Sokoski explained.

An Liang and No. 4 Tianji Shensuan listened patiently.

"However, although the battery life of mid- to low-end new energy vehicles is not long enough, the charging speed is not fast enough, the battery life is not long enough, and even the vehicle system is terrible, it is still a car and has the basic attributes of a car." Sokoski added.

An Liang somewhat understood what Sokoski meant!

The Divine Calculator No. 4 also almost guessed what Sokoski meant.

Sokoski continued,"The situation of ternary and binary systems is just like the current situation. New energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles"

"At present, the development of traditional fuel vehicles is approaching its peak. Whether it is ordinary family cars, powerful performance vehicles, or functional vehicles, almost all market segments have been laid out. These are like a binary system, which has spread throughout the human world.. Sokoski explained.

This is indeed the case.

"New energy vehicles are far inferior to traditional fuel vehicles in terms of overall performance, but they have the advantages of strong torque and extremely fast torque response time, which is equivalent to the advantages of high efficiency and deeper logic width of a ternary computer." Sokoski continued his analysis

"Through the comparative analysis of new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles, I believe that the most important foundation for the development of ternary computer technology is that a ternary computer must first be a computer."Sokoski finally put forward his opinion

"I think the ternary computer we develop should first be compatible with the binary computer system. Just like a new energy vehicle, it is first and foremost a car and has the functions of a car, so it can compete with traditional fuel vehicles." Sokoski explained the reason.

An Liang listened to Sokoski's opinions and couldn't help but give Sokoski a secret thumbs up. This guy is indeed a talent sent by the winner system of life. He really has something!

Sokoski ·There is absolutely no problem with the theory put forward by BASF.

A ternary computer must first be a computer before it has a chance to compete with a binary computer.

Otherwise, what chance does it have?

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator affirmed,"Not bad!" Your opinion is very reasonable!"

Sokoski continued,"For the future development of ternary computer technology, I think we can refer to the evolutionary process of the USB interface. We develop ternary computer technology, just like USB2.0 technology; binary computer technology is Quite USB1.0 technology"

"USB2.0 technology is naturally backward compatible with USB1.0 technology, and future USB3.0 technology will also be compatible with USB2.0 and 1.0 technologies. However, the next stage of USB3.1 technology will begin to eliminate traditional USB technology. From the transmission speed and reading speed at the software level to the hardware interface specifications, traditional USB technology has been eliminated."Sokoski gave another example.

This example is the development process of USB technology.

In the 2020 era, the traditional USB technology was named USB-A, and then replaced by the new USB-C technology.

The latter USB-C technology , both in terms of transmission speed and reading speed, as well as hardware interface specifications, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Although USB-C technology has not completely eliminated USB-A technology, USB-C technology has occupied the high-end market. And more and more devices only support USB-C technology, phasing out USB-A technology on a large scale.

Sokoski added,"I also have this view on the development prospects of ternary computer technology. At the beginning, We compete based on compatibility, and when our competitiveness improves, we begin to restrict binary computer technology, and finally completely eliminate binary computer technology!"

An Liang once again praised Sokoski in his heart. This guy is really awesome!

Because this guy has a very clear idea of ​​​​the development of ternary computer technology. From how to compete with binary computers to how to solve binary computer technology, he has a complete Consider it.

So you are worthy of being recommended by the Life Winner System?

"What do you think, sir?"Sokoski asked after finishing his views and opinions.

"In the field of ternary computers, you have more insights than I do!"Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 sighed. He frankly admitted that Sokoski was better than him in the field of ternary computers.

It is not that difficult to admit that others are good!

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