When Sokosky BASF expressed his views in the field of ternary computers through two examples, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator immediately recognized the other party's excellence.

Sokoski did not get carried away, but responded modestly,"Thank you sir for the compliment."

"You're welcome."Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 responded, and then asked the question again,"If you are asked to lead the ternary computer project now, where are you going to start?"

In the current environment, there is no room for the survival of ternary computers, let alone ternary computer products, so no one knows what direction to develop.

Faced with the new problems raised by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, Sokoski did not Any complaints, on the contrary, were secretly pleasantly surprised.

Because this question revealed Sokoski's intention to serve as the leader of the ternary computer project.

If he can become the leader of the ternary computer project, it is definitely a good development opportunity.

Sokoski Koski did not give up such an opportunity. He thought about it for a moment and then responded,"If I were asked to be responsible for the ternary computer project, I would probably adopt the development idea of ​​'accumulate gradually and make progress gradually'. Sokosky continued,"The ternary computer appeared in 1958, and it appeared at the predecessor of our Moscow University. It has been more than sixty years ago."

"These sixty years have been the sixty years of the explosion of science and technology. Silicon-based chips and binary computers have achieved explosive development, and computing performance has expanded exponentially." Sokoski added

"Take the current smartphone processor A14 as an example. It can reach a peak of 11 trillion calculations per second. This performance is the speed of your Xia Shuguang 4000A supercomputer fifteen years ago." Sokoski started to give examples again.

"In the era from 2004 to 2020 alone, processors with supercomputer-level performance were integrated into mobile devices. This shows that the development of binary computers has reached its peak." Sokoski sighed.

"In such a large environment, just like I used new energy vehicles as an example before, our ternary computers must first be computers before they have a chance to compete with binary computers."Sokoski brought the topic back.

"Since 1958, ternary computer technology has almost completely stopped, without any substantial progress at all. It is simply impossible to compete with the most advanced binary computers with technology that is more than 60 years behind. matter."Sokoski's understanding is very clear.

"In view of the power of binary computer technology, if I were asked to be responsible for the ternary computer project, I would definitely not rush to implement the ternary computer. Instead, I would use the current advanced design concepts and powerful process technology to optimize the design of the ternary computer. plan." Sokoski added

"In my opinion, the minimum requirement for the ternary computer developed by the ternary computer project is to make the ternary computer reach the performance of the current mainstream binary computer entry-level products, so that we can have a chance to compete. Sokoski added.

If we continue to use new energy vehicles as an example, top-level binary computers are now equivalent to new energy vehicle products equipped with graphene battery technology, which not only solves the problem of battery life, but also solves the charging speed and battery life. question.

It’s simply impeccable, right!

If you want to compete with such an almost invulnerable opponent, then the ternary computer must be at least equivalent to the Red Light Mini. While providing relative performance, the competitiveness is strong enough and in fine detail. Looking for opportunities in different markets.

Sokosky paused for a moment and then continued,"Actually, we have an advantage. As long as our ternary computer develops to a certain level, we can carry out research through the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Ecosystem cultivation and market exploration"

"Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has multiple projects that can apply ternary computers, including the lighthouse project, the Guardian prosthetic framework, and even graphene battery power management solutions, all of which can provide solutions through ternary computer technology."Sokoski proposed a practical plan.

His idea is not wrong!

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can indeed provide an ecosystem for ternary computer technology.

Taking the Lighthouse Project as an example, the software and hardware autonomy of the Lighthouse Project is very high, especially As for the core processor, it is independently designed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Although this design is based on a binary solution, if there is an opportunity in the future, it can indeed be fully invested in the embrace of ternary computers.

This is Dark core technology develops the ecosystem advantages of ternary computer technology!

Without the ecosystem support provided by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, it would be very difficult to promote ternary computer technology just by relying on the independent development of dark core technology companies.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Of course he also saw this, and he affirmed again,"Good analysis!"

This Sokoski is indeed quite powerful. Whether it is the overall situation or the specific details, he has considered everything in detail. He can definitely serve as the person in charge of the ternary computer project!

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