An Liang also listened to Sokoski's analysis and explanation completely, and he also agreed with Sokoski's statement.

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 switched to the voice communication channel with An Liang alone and spoke proactively,"BOSS, I think he is very good."

"I also think it's very good. I understand what you mean. I have the same view as you. I am going to let him lead the ternary computer project and be responsible for the research and development of ternary computers."An Liang explained

"BOSS is wise!"Tianji God No. 4 shot a rainbow fart. An

Liang laughed and scolded,"Don't be lazy in the future. You are the second person in charge of the ternary computer project, and you must also participate in the ternary computer project."

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 did not refuse,"No problem."

"Do you have any suggestions regarding treatment?"An Liang asked No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator for his opinion.

"I don’t have any suggestions regarding remuneration, but I suggest that Sokoski sign a very strict non-competition agreement and labor contract, including longer years, more stringent restrictions, etc., so as to completely bind him. On our boat."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation explains

"Well, I think so too."An Liang responded calmly.

Because Sokoski BASF is a talent reward given by the Winner of Life System, there is no need to worry about loyalty.

After a simple discussion between An Liang and No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, An Liang said to Sokoski ,"Mr. Sokoski, first of all, congratulations on passing our assessment."

"Thanks!"Sokoski suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried to keep a calm response.

"Next we will discuss some specific issues. An Liang explained,"Mr. Sokoski, our Dark Core Technology Company would like to hire you as the person in charge of the ternary computer project.""

‘Ula! Sokoski was overjoyed in his heart, but he kept his mouth shut to avoid being viewed negatively by the other party as being too frivolous and lacking in determination.

"Regarding this job, we need you to work in Xia Kingdom. Can you come to Xia Kingdom?"An Liang asked

"No problem at all!"Sokoski responded affirmatively.

"What about working in Xia Guo for a long time? An Liang continued to ask,"Even when you have to return to the country, we should arrange for someone to accompany you back to the country to avoid the risk of technology leakage." An

Liang said it very straightforwardly!

Sokoski still agreed without hesitation,"No problem, as long as Xia State is willing to issue a visa and allow me to stay in Xia State for a long time, I will definitely be willing to stay in Xia State.""

An Liang can handle the visa issue easily.

"Regarding remuneration, we divide the remuneration into basic salary and assessment bonus. You will be given an annual salary of 500,000 Xia Guoyuan in the first year. If you achieve excellent results in the ternary computer project, we will also give you an additional bonus."An Liang explained

"If after the first year, you prove your ability in the field of ternary computers, we will increase your annual salary to 1 million Xia Guoyuan, and there will still be bonus allocation."An Liang added

"Do you have any comments on the treatment issue?"An Liang asked.

When Sokoski heard the annual salary of 500,000 Xia Guoyuan and the annual salary of 1 million Xia Guoyuan, he had already agreed ten thousand times in his heart.

Because ternary computers are a very niche technology, except for those needed by Dark Core Technology Company, In addition, there is no demand from other companies.

Besides, this salary is indeed a very high salary for Sokosky.

If Sokosky graduated from Moscow University normally and works in the polar bear country, Whether his annual salary can reach 100,000 Xia Guoyuan is still a huge question.

As for the annual salary of one million Xia Guoyuan, this salary level is very high even in Silicon Valley, the country of Bald Eagle.

So what opinions does Sokoski have?

"I am very satisfied with this treatment." Sokoski responded straightforwardly.

An Liang smiled and added,"We will also provide you with free accommodation in Xia Kingdom, as well as an after-tax signing bonus of no less than 100,000 Xia Guoyuan, so as to facilitate your life in Xia Kingdom."

"However, we would like to remind you that once you come to Xia Kingdom, you need to abide by Xia Kingdom's laws. Do you understand?"An Liang said remindingly.

"Please rest assured, BOSS, I will definitely abide by the laws of Xia Kingdom."Sokoski's heart was full of surprise.

Because Anliang actually provided accommodation and even a signing bonus of no less than 100,000 Xia Guoyuan.

According to the current exchange rate, 100,000 Xia Guoyuan was as high as more than 1.12 million rubles!

Sokos Ji is a single-parent family. His mother's annual income is less than 200,000 rubles, which is equivalent to about 17,000 yuan a year, which is a low-income group. With this signing bonus, Sokoski believes that his mother You will definitely be very happy!

"Last question, when can you come over to work?"An Liang asked the key question.

This Sokoski is now a senior student at Moscow University and has not officially graduated yet, so when can he come to work?


Update time: December 6, 2021 00:03:40, good night.

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