Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Sokoski responded without any hesitation,"BOSS, I can go to Xia State to work at any time. I can apply for early graduation. Even if I fail to apply, I can also apply for an off-campus internship."

Sokoski cherishes it very much. Job opportunities provided by Anliang

"In this case, there is no problem. You should first deal with the matter of graduating early or applying for off-campus internship at school. I will arrange for people to go to your Northern Bear Country and ask Alek to accompany you and sign a contract with you."An Liang explained

"OK Sokoski was secretly excited.

An Liang added casually,"Is there anyone else in your school who has done research on ternary computers?"

Sokoski hesitated for a moment, then responded affirmatively,"Yes." If BOSS didn't ask this question, I would also be preparing to discuss this issue with BOSS. Sokoski continued to explain,"We have a technical interest group that specializes in ternary computers. There are 11 people in the group, all of whom are senior students."

"BOSS, their technology is also very good, please ask them..."Sokoski asked half-heartedly.

An Liang understood what Sokoski meant. Sokoski wanted to ask An Liang if he could provide a job for others.

"Are you the leader of this group? An Liang asked.

Sokosky responded affirmatively,"Yes, this technical interest group was established by me!""

"If your technical level is rated 100 times, how many ratings can you give to other people's technical level?"Anliang asked again.

Sokoski responded quickly,"If my own level is 100 points, two of the other 10 people can reach at least 80 points, and the other 8 people have a minimum of 60 points."

"Our technical interest group does not admit new members, so there are no low-level members." Sokoski added.

In fact, it's not that Sokoski doesn't want to accept new members, but that there are no new members to join their technical interest group.

After all, ternary computer technology is a non-mainstream niche technology, and it is a niche technology without any practical value. public technology, so the technical interest group founded by Sokoski only attracted ten people from his classmates.

Facing Sokoski’s answer, An Liang smiled. He asked Sokoski’s purpose to make Sokoski Ji helps to recruit talents, but now he takes the initiative to send them to his door?

"Are these people also willing to work in Xia Country? An Liang asked.

Sokoski answered on behalf of his teammates without hesitation,"Of course I will!" BOSS, they will definitely be willing."

The main reason is that the economic situation in the North Bear Country is so bad. The development of young people from the North Bear Country will be very restricted in the North Bear Country. If there is an opportunity to go to Xia Country and get a high salary, why not go?

"If you were to set the salary, what salary do you think is appropriate for them?"Anliang tried to delegate power, and it was also a test.

Sokoski considered it carefully.

Sokoski was very mature and considered the problem very comprehensively. When he faced the difficulties of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation before, Sokoski passed careful thinking. Breaking the situation.

Now facing An Liang's inquiry, Sokoski naturally understood what An Liang meant by the test. He thought silently for nearly five seconds before responding,"As for their salary, I think it can be done based on technical strength. Ladder grading"

"For example, for two people with a technical score of 80 points, I suggest they give Xia Guoyuan an annual salary of 200,000; for four people with a technical score of 70, they can give Xia Guoyuan an annual salary of 100,000; and for the last four people with a technical score of 60, I think they should give 5 There is no problem with Wan Xia Guoyuan's annual salary."Sokoski divided the annual salary ladder into

"If we achieve results in the first year, I also hope that they can double their annual salary starting from the second year like me. And as their skills improve, I hope their annual salaries can also be reasonably increased." Sokoski added.

After Anliang listened, he secretly gave Sokoski a high evaluation in his heart, because the annual salary ladder was divided quite appropriately, and Sokoski did not betray the interests of the team.

Sokoski considered it An Liang's interests also take into account the interests of the team he leads, which is very good.

If Sokoski deliberately sets the annual salary of team members very low in order to please An Liang, An Liang will not like it.

Sokoski currently sets The plan is very good. It not only sets the annual salary of the ladder level according to the technical level of the team members, but also reserves room for growth for the team members. It also encourages the growth of the team members through this setting, thus providing Anliang with a better future. The project has brought healthy development space.

So An Liangcai is very satisfied!

An Liangliang silently thanked the Life Winner System for once again bringing him an outstanding talent. This Sokoski is not only a technical talent, but also a managerial one. With talented people, the ternary computer project can be handed over to Sokowsky!

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