An Liangzhong was quite satisfied with the annual salary proposal proposed by Sokoski, and he was also quite satisfied with Sokoski. He responded,"Leave your team's affairs to you. If they are willing to come to work in Xia Country, you can On behalf of our Dark Core Technology, we welcome them to join us"

"Their contract will be processed together with your contract. An Liang added,"In addition, after they sign the contract, each one will be given a signing bonus of 20,000 Xia Guoyuan, and our Dark Core Technology will bear the tax."

Sokoski quickly responded with thanks,"Thank you, BOSS!""

"No need to be polite, please take care of your team's affairs as soon as possible, and we will then send a contract team to your northern bear country."An Liang explained.

The two parties quickly exchanged some details, such as staff dormitories, staff canteens, transportation expenses, etc. before ending the call. After ending the call

, An Liang contacted Qin Tianxiang and began to give instructions about the beach seafood barbecue.

The distant northern bear Moscow University, China.

It was already very cold in Moscow in October, but Sokosky felt hot in his heart. After talking to Anliang Technology, he called Lermontov.

Lermontov is a ternary computer technology The vice-captain of the interest group, his skills are quite powerful, and he was one of the 80 points rated by Sokoski.

"Lermontov, you contact Liao Shenka and others immediately, and you come to our dormitory to assemble."Waiting for the call to be connected, Sokoski ordered.

Liao Shenka is another guy who was evaluated by Sokoski with 80 points in terms of technology.

"OK"Lermontov agreed first, and then asked inquiringly,"Is there anything urgent?"

It's midnight in the Northern Bear Country!

If there's no emergency, Lermontov doesn't think it's good to wake up others in the middle of the night.

"Something big is happening! Sokoski did not explain on the phone,"I will wait for you in the dormitory. You should hurry up.""

Mosk University, male dormitory.

Sokoski prepared some sausages and vodka and waited for the arrival of his teammates.

In less than half an hour, all members of the entire technical interest group arrived, including eight male members and two female members..

Liao Shenka looked at a table of sausages and vodka, and he immediately pretended to be surprised,"Oh! Is today a holiday? Why did our stingy Sokoski prepare sausages and vodka?

Martha, one of the female members, also asked in confusion,"What urgent thing happened?""

Lermontov said negatively,"I don't know either, Sokoski just told me that something big happened."

Sokoski clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention through applause,"A big thing did happen!"

Everyone looked at Sokoski.

Sokoski said with a smile,"A giant company has entered the field of ternary computers!"

"ah?"Liao Shenka looked confused.

Lermontov also had a puzzled expression, and the others were similar. Although they studied ternary computers, it was precisely because they studied ternary computers that they knew about ternary computers. In this era of binary rule, existence has almost no role

"A giant company from the Xia Kingdom has entered the field of ternary computers and is preparing to vigorously develop ternary computer technology. Our opportunity has come! Sokosky explained.

Lermontov asked hesitantly,"Even if Xia's giant enterprise enters the field of ternary computers, how can we establish contact with each other?"

Sokoski answered the question unreasonably,"Do you remember Alek?""

"That Alek who likes to brag that he drinks a lot, and then likes to sing when he's drunk, and his singing is terrible? Liao Shenka complained directly.

Lermontov followed suit and complained,"That guy's singing is really difficult to listen to!""

Martha agreed,"He doesn't drink too much either."

"Alek had a relationship with that giant Xia company, and he recommended me to the other party." Sokosky explained.

Liao Shenka quickly asked,"So have you contacted the giant companies in Xia?"

"Because of Alek's recommendation, I have just contacted and communicated with the person in charge of the other party, and successfully passed the other party's test, and now I have been hired by the other party." Sokoski explained calmly.

"Congratulations!"Lermontov said happily. He was really happy for Sokoski.

Liao Shenka also expressed congratulations, and then added,"Team leader, remember to pay attention after you pass. If there is still a chance, Please do recommend us!"

Other members agreed one after another. Sokoski looked around and said with a smile,"Actually, I have already recommended it and secured the opportunity for you."

"There are very few talents in the field of ternary computers, and we are considered a pioneer, so we have a head start this time. Sokoski added,"The only problem is that the workplace is in Xia Country. Are you willing to go there?""

Before anyone could answer, Sokoski continued to add,"Let me first talk about the treatment given there."

"Before explaining, let's play a little game."Sokoski distributed ten pieces of A4 printing paper to each person, and attached a signature pen.

The names of the remaining ten people were printed on the A4 printing paper, and there were options from 1 to 10 after the name.

"This is an anonymous rating game. You can rate everyone, including yourself. This rating is only for technical aspects. My rating is 10 points. You can use this baseline as a reference." Sokoski said in detail.

This is obviously a ladder of technical grading!

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