Because of the excellent benefits provided by Dark Core Technology, the entire ternary computer technology interest group all joined Dark Core Technology. Sokoski immediately sent an information report to Anliang.

Faced with such a result, An Liang didn't have any surprises. It was completely expected, okay?

In fact, after he and Sokoski concluded their discussions, he had already arranged for people to go to Moscow University to prepare to sign contracts with Sokoski and others.

This time there are three people in the signing team, including Yuan Guangman, the head of the legal department, Deng Boda, a legal elite who is proficient in the North Bear language and the laws of the North Bear country, and Chen Ying, who is proficient in the North Bear language from the public relations department.

The three of them took Anliang's private jet Gulfstream G650ER to Moscow, preparing to handle this matter as soon as possible.


Summer time, it's close to five o'clock in the afternoon; North Bear country Mosk time, it's close to twelve noon.

The signing team of Dark Core Technology arrived at Mosk University under the leadership of Alek. They were waiting for Sokoski and his party at the Anna Cafe near Mosk University.

Alek dialed Sokoski's phone number and waited for the other party to connect. Alek spoke first,"Sokoski, where are you?""

"What happened in the school cafeteria? Sokoski asked back

"The contract signing team of Dark Core Technology is already at Anna’s Cafe opposite the school. Come over quickly! Alek said quickly

"Are they here so soon?"Sokoski was surprised

"They have private jets. Alek said enviously,"Hurry up, we've prepared lunch for you here.""

"Wait a moment, I'll ask someone to come with me right away." Sokoski answered quickly.

Less than half an hour later, Sokoski brought all the members of the ternary computer technology interest group to Anna Cafe, and then under Alek's introduction, the two sides quickly completed the meet and greet.

Proficient Deng Boda, the legal elite of Beixiong Language, handed the relevant legal contract to Sokoski and explained,"Mr. Sokoski, please take a look at the terms of the contract first."

Sokoski quickly checked the terms of the contract. The terms of this contract have a very strict non-competition agreement and a contract period. In terms of the contract period, it is actually ten years.

However, this contract period has an annual salary of at least Under the background of 500,000 Xia Guoyuan, it was a very good clause. Sokoski had no objection at all. In about ten minutes, Sokoski read the agreement and said,"I have a question."

"Speaking."Deng Boda responded

"Regarding tax issues, how should we pay?" Sokoski asked about tax issues.

"According to the regulations of our country, if you go to Xia State to work for Xia State's company, the tax laws of Xia State will apply, and you will pay relevant taxes according to our Xia State's personal income tax."Deng Boda explained

"Regarding taxes in the North Bear Country, according to the tax treaty rules between us, after you pay taxes in the Xia Country, the same applies to the North Bear Country. According to your annual salary, after you pay taxes in the Xia Country, you only need to make up for it in the North Bear Country. Just pay very little tax."Deng Boda added.

Sokoski nodded slightly,"I have no other questions.

Deng Boda added,"After you sign the contract, we will open a Xia Guo Anxin Bank account for you. This account is your salary account. The signing bonus will also be remitted simultaneously, and the company will pay it for you." tax"

"Your accounts can be freely exchanged for foreign exchange. For example, if you earn economic benefits in Xia Country, you can remit this money to the accounts of relatives in North Bear Country. There are no restrictions on this."Deng Boda added

"Do you have any questions?"Deng Boda asked the members of the entire technical interest group.

Everyone expressed their denial.

"Since you have no questions, please take a look at your contract. If there are no questions, you can sign the agreement."Deng Boda explained.

Sokoski was the first to pick up a pen and sign the agreement. He had just read the agreement and determined that there was no problem with the agreement, so he signed without hesitation.

Others in the ternary computer technology interest group also signed. etc. After signing the contract, everyone ate a simple meal from the North Bear Country in the cafe, mainly barbecue, grilled sausages, and baked potatoes. What kind of delicacies can be found in the North Bear Country?

About an hour later, everyone was still eating and drinking. , Deng Boda took the initiative to say,"I want to tell you some good news. Your Xia Guo Anxin bank account has been established, and each person's corresponding signing bonus has been transferred into it. The relevant account number will be sent to you in a while."

Deng Boda said jokingly,"We recommend that you change your password immediately after getting the account. Although the security level of Xia Guo Anxin Bank is very high, we must also avoid unexpected situations."

After Deng Boda finished speaking, he sent Xia Guoan's bank account information to everyone, and once again urged everyone to change their passwords.

Bank account security issues cannot be underestimated!

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