In view of Deng Boda's reminder, everyone began to download the Xia Guoan Anxin Banking app, preparing to change their passwords and check their signing bonus.

Sokoski quickly downloaded the Xia Guo Anxin Bank app and then logged in. When logging in, there was actually a face recognition setting. This step showed the security level of Xia Guo Anxin Bank.

After some authentication, Sokoski finally logged into Xia Guo Anxin Bank and saw the balance figure of 100,000 Xia Guo Yuan. He also discovered the international remittance function in the Xia Guo Anxin Bank app.

Sokoski tried to click in. The first thing on the transfer page was the exchange rate information.

The current exchange rate is: 1 Xia Guoyuan to 11.2471 rubles.

Secondly, there is the issue of handling fees.

Xia Guo Anxin Bank's international remittance fees adopt the industry's lowest standards. Each remittance charges a handling fee of 0.10%, with a minimum of 20 yuan and a maximum of 200 yuan.

If it is Gongshang Bank, although the rate is also 0.10%, each remittance requires a minimum handling fee of 50 yuan and a maximum of 260 yuan.

Gongshang Bank's handling fees are not the highest. Other banks have handling fees as high as 300 yuan. Xiaguo Anxin Bank has chosen the lowest rate in the industry. The basic handling fee and the highest handling fee are both the lowest standards.

Sokoski thought about it and then tried to remit money. He entered the remittance amount of 50,050 Xia Guoyuan, of which 50 yuan was the handling fee. He chose the remittance party to pay the handling fee.

After the input was completed, the exchange rate was automatically calculated to 562,355 rubles. Sokoski's mother's annual income was only 192,000 rubles. This remittance was almost equivalent to his mother's income in three years.

Sokoski did not hesitate to choose to remit the money and remitted the funds. He had already understood the life in the Xia Kingdom Imperial Capital in advance. Since Dark Core Technology Company provided employee dormitories and employee restaurants, his living expenses would not be too high..

In addition, Sokoski is also testing the sincerity of Dark Core Technology Company to see if the signing bonus can really be remitted.

However, less than five minutes later, Sokoski received a call from his mother, who immediately answered the call.

Sokoski's mother Shariva Noyce spoke first,"Sokoski, I just received a call from the bank. The bank said that I received an overseas remittance of more than 500,000 yuan, and then asked me about this amount. In the case of remittance, the bank said that the remitter of this money is you, what is going on?"

In the era of 2020, banks in most countries around the world have similar operations, especially for overseas remittances. Once When a certain amount is reached, we will call directly to inquire about the situation.

This kind of operation not only prevents money laundering or fraud, but also links tax issues.

"Mom, please rest assured that this money was indeed remitted by me. I was hired by a company in Xia State and will soon go to work in Xia State. The other party gave me a signing bonus." Sokoski explained.

Shariva listened to Sokoski's explanation, and she breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it is not illegal gains, then there is no problem.

"What kind of company is the other party and why does it give you so much money? Shariva asked.

Sokoski responded with a smile,"The other party is a very powerful company. Mom, don't worry. I will explain it to you in detail later. When I get to the Xia Kingdom's imperial capital, I will also take photos and send you a message." video. Shariva felt even more relieved,"Okay, I'll continue working first, and I'll save the money for you.""

"No, mom, that money is just for you. This company in Xia State has given you very good treatment. I will explain to you later. Now I am having dinner with the representative of the other company." Sokoski explained.

"Then I won't disturb you. You can have dinner with the representatives first. Shariva hung up the phone directly.

Sokoski put down the phone. He looked at Dengboda sheepishly, and then took the initiative to explain,"I just used international remittance to send a sum of money to my mother, so my mother called me." Ask about the situation."

After Sokoski finished speaking, female member Martha also said,"I just sent a sum of money to my mother, and my mother is also asking about the situation."

Deng Boda responded with a smile,"Ladies and gentlemen, if you need any help, for example, if you need to prove your work status to your family, we can send a business letter."

"In addition, we can also assist you with your passport and visa issues."Deng Boda added

"Thank you Mr. Deng. Sokoski quickly expressed his gratitude.

It was close to three o'clock in the afternoon in the North Bear Country. Everyone ended the signing and dinner, and then started to deal with the specific details with the cooperation of Sokoski and Deng Boda.

For example, cooperating with Sokoski and others to apply Off-campus internships or early graduation, as well as passport and visa applications, etc.

When things in the North Bear Country were going smoothly, An Liang took Chen Siyu and his party, as well as members of the Sky Bai Yujing Club, to hold a beach seafood event on Moon Island. BBQ event.

Most members of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club participated in this beach seafood barbecue event, including Zhao Wanxi!

At this moment, Zhao Wanxi was communicating with Chen Siyu and the others...

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