
High-power lighting equipment and multiple barbecue grills are set up on the beach, as well as barbecue masters who are part-time workers from the security staff of Renyi Security Company.

An Liang and Li Cunyuan, as well as Yun Haiyang, Qian Xiaogang, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu, and other members of the Baiyujing Club in the sky, drank wine and ate seafood barbecue.

Yun Haiyang glanced at Zhao Wanxi, Chen Siyu and others who were living in harmony. He looked at An Liang with envy.

"Brother Liang, you didn’t teach me this trick!"Yun Haiyang was really full of envy.

Because Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian were also present, but Hu Xiaoyu had his own small circle, and Li Qian had her own small circle, and the two had no intersection at all.

Qian Xiaogang He answered,"Brother Liang taught me, but you can’t learn it!"

Qian Xiaogang's girlfriends Xia Shihan and Huang Beilei were also present, and they also got along very harmoniously.

Li Cunyuan was still a loner!

However, An Liang finally saw through Li Cunyuan's disguise.

This Li Cunyuan was actually on the third floor!

On the surface, Li Cunyuan He is gentle and elegant, with the feeling of a handsome nobleman, and seems to be an upright person.

However, in fact, he often goes to bars and has in-depth communication with the girls in the atmosphere group.

When it comes to love, Li Cunyuan seems not very good at it and can't seem to find anyone. A fixed girlfriend.

At first, An Liang thought that Li Cunyuan’s level of love management was too low, but now he discovered that Li Cunyuan was superior. He had truly achieved the level where he could find a girlfriend at will without a girlfriend.

This guy secretly poked fun at him It’s on the third level!

The only tragedy is Yun Haiyang. The relationship between him, Hu Xiaoyu, and Li Qian is simply a model of chaos after cutting things off.

Yun Haiyang and Hu Xiaoyu broke up more than once , the two broke off their love for each other more than once, but quickly got back together.

So can Yun Haiyang not be a tragedy?

"Brother Liang, teach me, you must have a trick! Yun Haiyang said distressedly.

An Liang said casually,"Actually, it's very simple. I've said it before, it's up to you to choose what a gentleman does and what he doesn't do!"

Qian Xiaogang answered,"I chose it myself, and I want it with tears in my eyes."..."

Li Cunyuan raised the wine bottle on the side,"Brother Haiyang, don't think too much, you should learn from Brother Liang and let them solve it by themselves."

This Li Cunyuan really sees things thoroughly!

In fact, this is An Liang's strategy. An Liang doesn't care about the backyard alliance at all. For example, the current situation, what are Zhao Wanxi and Chen Siyu talking about, why should An Liang get involved?

"Brother Yuan is right! An Liang said in agreement,"Smart people shouldn't worry about too many things. Let them solve their own affairs." Yun

Haiyang complained helplessly,"Come on, come on, drink and drink.""

Everyone drank a small bottle of beer with Yun Haiyang.

An Liang greeted everyone and said,"By the way, I have one thing to tell you."

Everyone immediately looked at An Liang

"Regarding Dark Core Technology Company, I believe everyone has heard about the photolithography machine, so I won’t talk about it anymore."An Liang explained.

Regarding the photolithography machine, everyone in the Imperial Capital circle naturally knows it. After all, the target of the photolithography machine is quite big. It is difficult to hide it after entering the Xia Kingdom.

"What I'm talking about is the ternary computer technology thing."An Liang quickly explained,"Today we searched for a group of talents at Mosk University in the North Bear Country. If there are no accidents, these talents should be able to bring us surprises."

Lin Yili answered,"Do you have any objections over there in stealing talents from the North Bear Country?"

"What comments can you make? An Liang joked with a smile,"Things in the field of ternary computers cannot be solved according to the economy of the North Bear Country. Previously, we introduced the capital of the North Bear Country and gave them a 0.50% stake in Dark Core Technology. In fact, all the troubles have been solved."

Lin Yili responded awkwardly,"I thought Brother Liang introduced that Avora because...Ahem, everyone knows it!"

"Haha, Brother Yili, when I saw you, you looked like an old snake, and it turned out to be true!" An Liang said jokingly.

Ye Xiangyu seconded Lin Yili,"Actually, Brother Yili and I have the same view. Yun

Haiyang complained,"I think so too.""

An Liang looked around and found that everyone nodded slightly.

An Liang shook his head helplessly,"I took the money, and you don't even look at this situation?"

An Liang didn't let Avrora join Dark Core Technology Company for free. Avrora not only paid for the original research and development data of ternary computer technology, but also paid sufficient funds.

If An Liang was Lao Sheskin...

All right!

Leave the old snakeskin talk aside.

If An Liang really had any thoughts about Aflorala, how could he accept Aflorala's money?

An Liang continued,"Brother Haiyang, let's teach on the spot, taking Apflora as an example. I believe everyone knows her identity, so at this time, we have to be smarter!"

Qian Xiaogang teased," If it's Brother Yang, I think Brother Yang has already rushed!"

"Seconded!"Li Cunyuan seconded the proposal

"I have a different opinion." Lin Yili spoke.

Yun Haiyang responded with a chuckle,"You three superficial brothers, look at it, Brother Yili still believes in me. Lin

Yili said negatively,"What I mean is that Avrola is taller than you. You have no chance to rush.""

"..."Yun Haiyang stared at Lin Yili with death,"Brother Yili, you have gone too far, let's fight for three bottles!"

"Come on, come on, am I afraid of you?"Lin Yili is not afraid at all, okay?


Update time: December 8, 2021 00:05:24, good night.

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