On the second floor of Yuyue Main Store, Yuyue Light Food has a booth by the window.

Facing Ye Qiangwei's inquiry, An Liang responded,"If Teacher Ye needs it, the account can be paid today."

Ye Qiangwei responded slightly embarrassed,"If the account can be paid today, please ask An to make arrangements."

"Hold on."An Liang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Bao Youzhong, CEO of Xia Guo Anxin Bank.

‘An Liang: Lao Bao, pay a sum of 600,000 to the following account’

‘An Liang: [Ye Qiangwei account information】’

‘Bao Youzhong: Got it.

After An Liang sent the message, he explained the situation to Ye Qiangwei and added affirmatively,"As for our endorsement cooperation, we will bear the corresponding tax expenses. Please rest assured, Teacher Ye.""

"Thanks."Ye Qiangwei said gratefully.

Less than two minutes later, Ye Qiangwei's mobile phone received a prompt message from the bank, indicating that her account income was 600,000 Xia Guoyuan, and the account balance reached more than 1.73 million. 900,000 of which were former teachers She earned an additional 600,000 yuan in endorsement fees from selling points after winning the festival concert event. Added to Ye Qiangwei’s savings from working, the total is more than 1.73 million.

This Ye Qiangwei is still a little rich woman!

"Classmate An, I have received the endorsement fee, thank you."Ye Qiangwei once again expressed her gratitude.

"You're welcome. An Liang responded with a smile, and then thought about it for two seconds before asking inquiringly,"I would like to ask, Teacher Ye, have you encountered any difficulties?""

An Liang was full of curiosity!

Although An Liang didn't know how much money Ye Qiangwei had, An Liang could probably calculate Ye Qiangwei's income. Ye Qiangwei earned at least 1.5 million from Yuyue.

According to the situation in Tianfu, if you choose ordinary If you just need a house, you can even buy a small two-bedroom apartment with 1.5 million in full.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Ye Qiangwei hesitated for a moment and then sighed,"I can tell Mr. An, but I hope that Mr. An will keep it confidential, okay? ?"

"no problem. An Liang said in agreement.

Ye Qiangwei showed a bitter expression,"My mother has a bad heart. The hospital recommended that my mother undergo a heart transplant.""

"heart transplant surgery..."An Liang frowned.

Even a heart transplant doesn't cost that much, right?

In fact it is.

The cost of a heart transplant is about 300,000 yuan, and anti-rejection drugs after surgery cost about 10,000 yuan a month. Such expenses should be within Ye Qiangwei's affordability.

Ye Qiangwei looked at the silent An Liang and smiled bitterly,"Does An Liang have any doubts in his heart?"

Before An Liang responded, Ye Qiangwei continued,"I previously won a million dollars worth of money at the Teacher's Day concert. I sold the Yuyue Points at a 10% discount and earned a total income of 900,000."

"If it was a normal heart transplant surgery, this fee would be completely sufficient, but the problem was that a suitable heart for my mother had been waiting and was far away."Ye Qiangwei's face was full of helplessness.

"There were seventeen people on the list ahead of my mother, but in my mother's case she couldn't wait too long."Ye Qiangwei said a little vented.

An Liang understood Ye Qiangwei's subtext,"So how much does it cost to jump in line?"

This bad habit is imported from foreign countries!

There are always people who think that overseas medical care is free, which is a paradise, but no one says that free medical care has the problem of queuing. Although treatment is free, whether you can wait for treatment is really a big problem.

Ye Qiangwei's mother is the representative of the one who can't wait.

Ye Qiangwei fell silent. After almost a minute, Ye Qiangwei responded,"I estimate it will take more than three million, maybe five million.""

"Ah! An Liang sneered,"Are you really just looking at what others are doing?""

Ye Qiangwei also understood An Liang's subtext.

For ordinary people, whether it is three million or five million, it is almost impossible, but for Ye Qiangwei, whose appearance is one of the best in a million, If Ye Qiangwei is willing, there will definitely be a chance.

That's why An Liang said it depends on who chooses the dishes!

"Didn't you change the hospital? An Liang asked.

Ye Qiangwei shook her head,"I changed it, but the result was the same. It's not a problem with the hospital, but a problem further upstream.""

An Liang suddenly transformed into the King of Understanding!

It's just that there are some things that everyone understands. If he talks too much, there will be big problems, and there may even be trouble.

"So what is Teacher Ye going to do?"An Liang really wants to know how Ye Qiangwei will choose.

Because the problem Ye Qiangwei faces is a standard dilemma.

Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for Ye Qiangwei to earn five million.

But there is no five million , then there is no way to save her mother.

However, if she wants to save her mother, she will inevitably choose abnormal money-making channels.

So An Liang wants to know what kind of choice Ye Qiangwei will make?

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Ye Qiangwei was deeply moved. Taking a breath, she did not answer An Liang's question directly. Instead, she asked An Liang this question.

"Classmate An, what do you think I will choose?"Ye Qiangwei asked back.

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