Facing An Liang's inquiry, Ye Qiangwei asked directly back. After all, this question involved some deeper meanings.

When Ye Qiangwei asked back, An Liang knew the answer he wanted.

"Since Teacher Ye has chosen to promote Yuyue, I believe that Teacher Ye will succeed through hard work!"An Liang said in response.

Ye Qiangwei showed a smile, because An Liang understood what she meant.

If Ye Qiangwei wanted to take shortcuts, how could she promote Yu Yue?

"My mother also means the same thing, do your best and obey fate, so I try my best."Ye Qiangwei explained.

"I’m grateful for my mom’s openness and understanding."Ye Qiangwei said sincerely.

Ye Qiangwei's mother, Cheng Yuhan, does not support Ye Qiangwei taking shortcuts. According to Cheng Yuhan's original words, if Ye Qiangwei needs to take shortcuts to survive, she would rather leave without leaving any regrets.

However, How many people can face death as calmly as Cheng Yuhan?

An Liang looked at Ye Qiangwei's delicate face and said seriously,"Teacher Ye is so lucky!"

"I secretly told Teacher Ye something. We, Yuyue, will also hold a concert on New Year's Day. This time not only teachers are allowed to participate, but students are also allowed to participate, so Teacher Ye, go for it!"An Liang has arranged Yu Yue's New Year's Day celebrations in advance.

Anyway, every school has some kind of 'Top Ten Singers on Campus' event. An Liang plans to expand this event and give Ye Qiangwei a chance while promoting Yu Yue through the event.

As for whether Ye Qiangwei can seize the opportunity, that is Ye Qiangwei's own business. An Liang did not give Ye Qiangwei a shortcut because Ye Qiangwei had already made his attitude clear. At

5:30 in the afternoon,

An Liang arrived at the Tianfu Normal University open-air parking lot. Waiting for Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi in the parking lot.

While waiting for the two Xia sisters, An Liang and Bai Yue sent messages

‘An Liang: Send me tomorrow’s class schedule.’

‘Bai Yue: [Course Schedule Picture】’

‘Bai Yue: There is a class meeting tomorrow. Lao Wan wants to say something. Will you come over? '

An Liang is also the life committee member of the third finance class of 2019!

An Liang took a look at the course schedule. Tomorrow's class meeting starts at three o'clock in the afternoon. As for other courses, An Liang felt that it was meaningless, especially Gao Turtle's Versailles class.

‘An Liang: No problem, I will attend the class meeting tomorrow’

‘An Liang: How is the recent development of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation?’

‘Bai Yue: Everything goes well!’

‘Bai Yue: At present, the rescue plan of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation has covered the entire Tianfu. It has legally formulated regulations on sales, abandonment, adoption, etc., and has included them in personal integrity files.’

‘Bai Yue: For example, if I want to buy a pet, whether it is an offline physical store or an online store, I need to register my identity, and the pet needs to have a subcutaneous chip implanted.’

‘Bai Yue: The local court in Tianfu also carried out publicity on pet abandonment. Within the coverage of our Animal Star Rescue Foundation, if you want to abandon a pet, you can contact us directly or send the abandoned pet directly to Animal Star. protection house’

‘Bai Yue: Regarding pet adoption, after negotiating with the Tianfu court, we finally chose paid adoption.’

‘An Liang: Why is adoption paid? '

If it is a paid adoption, it is easy to have different voices.

Bai Yue explained

‘Bai Yue: The main purpose is to screen the adopters to prevent the adopters from causing secondary harm to the pets.’

‘Bai Yue: The adoption fee we set is very cheap, only 88 yuan, and this fund will only be used for the operation of the Animal Star Protection Home.’

‘Bai Yue: If you don’t want to donate money directly, you can also buy cat food and dog food of equal value. We will specify the brand, but not the purchasing channel. '

That makes sense.

Most people don’t appreciate free things

‘An Liang: Is there a lot of pressure on the Animal Star Protection Home now?’

‘Bai Yue: Although there is pressure, we can still handle it’

‘Bai Yue: As of today, Animal Star Protection Home has rescued a total of 3,873 stray pets, including 3,301 stray cats, 501 stray dogs, 71 exotic pets of various types, and a total of 209 stray pets of all types have been adopted.’

‘An Liang: Strange pet?’

‘White Moon: Stray pets other than stray cats and dogs’

‘Bai Yue: [Golden Python Picture】’

‘Bai Yue: Here! We even rescued a golden python’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Does anyone still keep this thing?’

‘Bai Yue: There are also a few strange lizards. We invited Professor Teng Xiangtian, a biologist from Nishikawa University, to identify them and determined that they were invasive alien species, so they are currently temporarily housed in the Animal Star Protection Home. '

An Liang is speechless, do people really keep lizards as pets?

‘An Liang: Are the operating funds sufficient?’

‘Bai Yue: No problem’

‘Bai Yue: With Sister Zijin’s support, our current operations have no problems at all. '

Zhang Zijin is in charge of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Charitable Foundation. The amount of funds of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Charitable Foundation exceeds 4 billion, so it is naturally impossible to lack operating funds.

The connection between the Animal Star Rescue Foundation and the Heavenly Bai Yujing Charitable Foundation is equivalent to putting the Animal Star Rescue Foundation on the right track!


Update time: December 10, 2021 00:02:27, good night

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