In the hot pot box in Guichang, while the two Xia sisters, Bai Yue, and Fang Mei were ordering dishes, they were also listening to the chat between An Liang and Shen Shizhong.

"Today's milk tea industry is indeed getting more and more popular, and the market is getting bigger and bigger. For example, the two of them like snow tea. An Liang looked at Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

Xia Ruyi answered,"Snow tea is really good!"

Xia Hexin agreed,"I also think snow tea is good." An

Liang looked at Shen Shizhong and asked casually,"How are you going to enter the milk tea industry?""

"What way?"Shen Shizhong doesn't quite understand what An Liang means.

"Are you planning to join a milk tea brand, build your own brand, or just open a private milk tea shop? An Liang asked in detail.

Shen Shizhong hesitated for a moment,"Brother Liang, can you analyze everything?"

An Liang teased with a smile,"Since I want to kill you, I naturally have to analyze it clearly for you.""

Lu Wenshan and Ma Long laughed in agreement.

"Before analysis, we need to first understand the competition in the milk tea industry."An Liang explained

"Since we are students from the School of Economics, we will analyze the milk tea industry from an economics perspective. From an economics perspective, the milk tea industry is a perfectly competitive market!"An Liang habitually analyzes from an economic perspective.

"Since it is a perfectly competitive market, it means that the profits of every milk tea company will tend to zero."An Liang sighed, this is the cruelty of a perfectly competitive market.

"The refinement of the perfectly competitive market into the milk tea industry is probably reflected in the highly similar milk tea categories. For example, orange juice and lemon juice type fruit teas are simply highly homogeneous!"An Liang gave an example.

Whether it's Snow Tea, Hey Tea, or Happy Tea, the milk teas of these brands are all highly similar.

"Second is the almost complete disclosure of the recipe. An Liang added,"In order to strive for quality, each brand uses raw materials, so how can our friends not know?""

The milk tea industry is not a century-old secret recipe, there is no possibility of keeping it secret.

"Thirdly, there is almost no barrier to entry into the industry. For example, a guy like Gentleman, who has almost zero understanding of the milk tea industry, actually wants to enter the milk tea industry."An Liang said jokingly

"Based on the above situation, more and more businesses are pouring into the milk tea industry. The more choices users have, but the number of users is certain. When there are more milk tea shops, based on user choices, there will definitely be milk tea businesses. Knocked out."An Liang analyzed the overall situation of the milk tea industry.

Shen Shizhong thought for a while, and then he said tentatively,"Brother Liang means that the milk tea industry is not a good choice?"

"Yes and no."An Liang responded

"If you choose to join, you will first have to face the high franchise fee, followed by the rent, the squeeze from the takeaway platform, various equipment, personnel expenses, raw materials, etc. These tangible and intangible costs add up, even if If everything goes well for a franchised milk tea shop, it will also take one or two years to recover the cost."An Liang explained the situation of joining a milk tea brand.

This seems to be different from what many ordinary people imagine? Quite a few ordinary people think that by joining a milk tea brand, they can make money while lying down, but the truth is cruel. After joining the brand milk tea , is the beginning of the suffering.

Anyway, Anliang does not recommend ordinary people to join the milk tea brand, that is not a good idea!

Shen Shizhong asked hesitantly,"What about building your own brand?"

"That's even harder!"An Liang laughed.

Build your own brand?

It is already the era of 2020, and the milk tea industry has entered a state of fierce competition.

Whether it is high-end snow tea, hey tea, or happy tea, or what kind of moonlight tea is added , or a large number of mid-range brands, as well as low-end Mixue tea, etc., all of which have formed a brand moat.

In this era, it is extremely difficult to enter the milk tea industry and build your own brand!

"Gentleman, when you were a child, did you ever drink milk tea that cost 5 yuan a cup at the school gate? An Liang asked.

Shen Shizhong nodded,"Of course I have." However, I think it tastes bad"

"nonsense! An Liang complained,"That's milk tea powdered. It contains creamer and glucose. It definitely doesn't taste good!" But the cost of each milk tea is only a few cents, and the profit is still very high. Shen

Shizhong asked doubtfully,"Since the profit is high, I think there is not much left of that kind of milk tea, right?""

"There are indeed very few left in big cities, but they are still surviving tenaciously in small counties, after all, the prices are cheap."An Liang said casually.

Shen Shizhong said hesitantly,"This kind of milk tea shop should not be suitable next to our school."

Tianfu is a new first-tier city, and the consumption level is relatively high. If it is the oldest kind of milk tea mixed with milk tea powder, even if Shen Shizhong is a layman, he feels that such milk tea has no competitiveness.

An Liang responded with a smile,"You are Not stupid!"


Author: I advise students who want to open a milk tea shop to think twice before doing so!

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