The oldest milk tea shop is certainly not suitable to be opened around a university. The kind of milk tea blended with milk tea powder is actually more suitable to harm primary school students, because their ability to distinguish is really limited.

So even in the era of 2020, there is still milk tea blended with milk tea powder around elementary schools.

But certainly not in college!

"Franchise brands are not suitable, private stores are not suitable, and self-built milk tea brands are also not suitable, so the milk tea industry is not suitable!"Shen Shizhong complained

"As I just said, the milk tea industry is a perfectly competitive market. In this cruel market, every brand that survives has its own unique skills."An Liang explained.

"Take the Snow Tea that the two sisters like as an example. Snow Tea has launched more than 30 new tea drinks so far this year, and new products are launched almost every week to keep users fresh."An Liang explained

"But as I just said, there is no formula confidentiality in the milk tea industry, so Snow Tea’s new products are also Hey Tea’s new products, and vice versa. When Hey Tea develops new products, Snow Tea will also pay tribute to its friends."An Liang explained

"Snow tea and Hey tea seem to be in competition, but the two are linked to each other and are highly topical. They even attract customers to taste the new products of the two, so as to judge who pays tribute to whom."An Liang broke through the routines of Snow Tea and Hey Tea.

Just like the first and second-ranked herbal tea brands were at each other's throats, the third-ranked herbal tea brand was eventually hurt.

"The routines of many mid-range milk tea brands are simpler. They are proficient in the application of sunk costs. They expand their brand influence by continuously introducing franchisees, and then use the sunk costs of franchisees to further expand their scale."An Liang pointed out some secrets of the milk tea industry.

Whether it is ancient tea, Mingbaidao, or other mid-range milk tea brands, they all rely on franchisees to make money.

Milk tea brands rely on franchisees to make a lot of money, and franchisees Does it have anything to do with the brand whether it can make money?

Anyway, franchisees have invested huge costs, and most franchisees have no choice but to survive.

That’s why An Liangcai said that mid-range milk tea brands are masters of sunk costs.

"In fact, what I admire most is the low-end brand Mixue Tea. An Liang said with a sigh.

Shen Shizhong asked curiously,"Is there anything special about Mixue tea?""

"The management team of Mixue Tea is very awesome!"An Liangxian said with praise.

"In the era of 2020, the price of Mixue tea can even be as low as that of a small private workshop, and the profits of franchisees are also guaranteed. Have you ever thought about the reason?"An Liang asked back.

Lu Wenshan responded negatively at first,"I really haven't thought about it. To be honest, I think Mixue Tea is outrageous. Their iced lemonade uses fresh lemons. Do they really not lose money?"

Ma Long seconded,"Mixue Tea's other products are also outrageous. There are a lot of products that cost less than ten yuan. How do they make money?"

Shen Shizhong complained,"I also think Mixue Tea is outrageous. Their prices are really on the same level as private small workshops, so can they really make money? Xia

Ruyi answered on the side,"I heard that snow tea doesn't make any money. Is that true?"

An Liang first responded to Xia Ruyi,"Snow tea is indeed not profitable.""

"Although the unit price of snow tea exceeds 40 yuan and the market valuation is almost 30 billion, snow tea really does not make money!" An Liang added.

An Liang also likes Xuecha, because Xuecha wants to go to the stock market to harvest leeks, rather than deceiving ordinary people by joining the franchise.

Based on this, An Liang has a good impression of Xuecha.

As for letting Anliang invests in snow tea?


Anliang likes to cut leeks, but has no hobby of becoming leeks.

Shen Shizhong is vaguely disappointed. Even snow tea with a unit price of more than 40 yuan per customer is not profitable. Is there really hope for this milk tea industry?

Obviously In the eyes of ordinary people, the milk tea industry is a very promising industry, and the market performance is very good.

However, laymen only look at the excitement, and insiders look at the door.

The unit price of snow tea is indeed very high, but the store rental cost, personnel cost, and raw materials of snow tea The costs are too high. If you add marketing costs, is it any wonder that snow tea doesn’t make money?

Lu Wenshan asked again,"Snow tea with a customer price of more than 40 yuan does not make money, but mixed snow tea sold so cheaply Why can you make money?"

"Before answering this question, we first need to know one thing."An Liang explained.

Everyone looked at An Liang, including the four girls.

Obviously to a layman, the grade and quality of snow tea far exceeds that of honey snow tea. The price of a cup of snow tea is equivalent to three or four dollars. A cup of honey tea, but why does honey tea make money but snow tea does not?

"Do you know when the two milk tea brands were established?"An Liang asked.

Shen Shizhong immediately took out his mobile phone to search for relevant information, and then explained,"Snow Tea was established in 2015, focusing on the high-end market, and it is a direct operation model, not open to franchises."

"Mixue Tea was founded in 1997 and adopts franchise operations, and the franchise conditions are relatively loose."Shen Shizhong added.

An Liang laughed,"Gentleman, have you figured it out?"


Author: Once again, I remind students who want to join a milk tea shop to think twice before doing so!


Update time: December 13, 2021 00:02:23, good night.

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