Facing An Liang's inquiry, Shen Shizhong shook his head in embarrassment.

Ma Long answered tentatively,"Since Mixue Tea was established earlier, then Mixue Tea has more management experience, thus reducing some costs?"

Lu Wenshan seconded,"It seems possible."

"It won't be that simple."Shen Shizhong shook his head slightly. He looked at An Liang and waited for An Liang to explain the situation.

"In fact, there is also the reason mentioned by the champion brother. The management team of Mixue Tea has a deeper understanding of the perfectly competitive market. They know how to obtain profits in a perfectly competitive market."An Liang first summarized

"The reason why snow tea with a unit price of more than 40 yuan is not profitable is simple because the cost of snow tea is too high, such as the cost of raw materials."An Liang gave an example.

"The raw material cost of Snow Tea accounts for about 30% of the selling price. I have analyzed the relevant situation of the takeout platform for you before. Snow Tea also has a takeout business, but once the raw material cost of the takeout business exceeds 20%, it will be impossible. make money!"An Liang explained.

Shen Shizhong nodded slightly,"The raw material cost of snow tea is actually so high! An Liang chuckled,"

After all, the milk tea industry is also involved. Initially, the milk tea blended with milk tea powder was replaced by the milk tea brewed with tea powder and milk powder, and then was replaced by new tea drinks."

"Now the raw materials of these high-end milk teas have included the use of fresh milk, fresh tea leaves, and fresh fruits. But the cost of these things is very high, so the cost of raw materials is very high." An Liang added.

Shen Shizhong suddenly realized,"So we must control the cost of raw materials. If we have our own channels, it will greatly reduce the cost of milk tea raw materials, making it easier to make profits."

"That's right!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

"The reason why Snow Tea does not make money is because Snow Tea does not have its own raw material supply channels. Although Snow Tea has now begun to try to cultivate its own orchards and tea gardens, and even tries to cooperate with dairy companies, these all take time."An Liang added

"However, as early as 2012, Mixue Tea had already established a R&D center and central factory, as well as warehousing centers and logistics supporting systems across the country."An Liang reveals the core secret of Mixue Tea

"Mixue Tea uses the central factory to unify the production of raw materials, thereby greatly reducing the cost of raw materials. Coupled with the warehousing center and supporting logistics system, it reduces the logistics and transportation costs of raw materials, and transports raw materials for free to franchisees, which not only ensures that Mixue Tea The interests of the headquarters also ensure the interests of franchisees, which is why Mixue Tea has developed so rapidly and can continue to make profits."An Liang revealed the details of Mixue Tea's profitability one by one.

"Mixue Tea started these competitive layouts eight years in advance. I think Mixue Tea deserves to make money!"An Liang sighed.

Mixue Tea's management team is indeed very powerful. This management team foresaw that the milk tea industry would enter a fiercely competitive market in advance, and made arrangements for cost control in advance. It is precisely because of these advanced arrangements that Mixue tea has just become a mudslide in the milk tea industry. When other milk tea brands are increasing their prices, Mixue tea can still maintain low prices, thereby further seizing the market.

If he must invest in the milk tea industry, Anliang will definitely choose Mixue tea.

As for other brands?

Most milk tea brands are just rotten fish and shrimp!

"So Brother Liang recommended me to join Mixue Tea? Shen Shizhong asked tentatively.

An Liang responded without denying,"It is indeed possible to join Mixue Tea, but Mixue Tea earns hard-earned money. If you do not personally participate in management, then you must have a trustworthy person to help you." You manage."

This is also one of the characteristics of Mixue Tea.

Mixue Tea can indeed make money, but Mixue Tea earns hard-earned money. If you can endure hardships and stand hard work and work hard in the store, you can definitely make money.

But If it cannot be done, there may be some surprises in terms of profits.

Shen Shizhong smiled bitterly.

"I have a friend in Beijing. She used to join a small brand milk tea shop, and the average order price was only a dozen yuan. Later, she directly upgraded and transformed, specializing in high-end products, such as the Cherry Grand Slam, one cup is 168 yuan."An Liang used QueenTea opened by Song Qian as an example.

"If you must start a business in the field of milk tea, I suggest you refer to my friend’s case and focus on high-end and niche markets to avoid competition from milk tea chain brands."An Liang added.

Shen Shizhong suddenly realized,"Like Yuyue?"

Yuyue focuses on niche high-end fields and serves high-end consumer groups among college students.

"Basically. An Liang smiled and nodded,"Although we cannot guarantee a high total profit, there is a high probability that there will be no loss.""

QueenTea opened by Song Qian in the back alley of the National Conservatory of Music has been widely welcomed by surrounding college students, and the number of orders every day is considerable.

If Shen Shizhong imitates some QueenTea here in Tianfu, he should be able to replicate it successfully!

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