Tianfu First People's Hospital.

Xue Zhiping led the way to Professor Tao Donglin's ward.

Professor Tao Donglin is in the general ward on the second floor of the inpatient department. There are three beds in the ward. In addition to Professor Tao Donglin, there are two other patients.

‘It’s not a single room! ' An An sighed silently in his heart.

It can be seen from the ward he lives in that Professor Tao Donglin's financial situation is not very good. Otherwise, why did he choose an ordinary ward?

Just like flying on an airplane, if you have good economic conditions, you will definitely choose first class or business class.

"Professor Tao, where is Teacher Shen?"Xue Zhiping asked

"She went to have breakfast first."Tao Donglin was lying on his back on the hospital bed. His mental state was okay,"You guys sit down quickly. Xue

Zhiping introduced Wan Yunfei and An Liang to Tao Donglin, and introduced An Liang emphatically.

An Liang took the initiative and said,"Professor Tao, what is fuzzy mathematics?""

Tao Donglin was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand why An Liang asked like this, and then explained,"Fuzzy mathematics?..."

"First of all, fuzzy mathematics is not vague mathematics, but very rigorous mathematics."Professor Tao Donglin said with certainty.

"Secondly, not all problems require fuzzy mathematics. Fuzzy mathematics, precise mathematics, and random mathematics all have their own areas of expertise."Tao Donglin added

"Student An shouldn’t be studying fuzzy mathematics, right?"Professor Tao Donglin asked.

An Liang shook his head in the negative,"Yes, I don't study fuzzy mathematics, so I asked what fuzzy mathematics is."

"Let me give you the simplest example. Professor Tao Donglin gave an example,"What is boiling water?""

What is boiling water?

This question seems simple, but it is actually quite difficult. It has hidden secrets!

"Do you think this question is both simple and complex? Professor Tao Donglin asked.

An Liang nodded,"Indeed." Professor

Tao Donglin smiled,"In our subconscious mind, boiling water means boiling water. But if you have studied physics, you will know that the boiling point of water also involves pressure."

"For example, in a high-altitude, low-pressure environment, the boiling point of water may be only over 80 degrees. Is such water considered boiling water?"Tao Donglin gave an example

"For the problem of boiling water, we can analyze it through fuzzy mathematics. Just like our human brain thinks about problems, we will make different fuzzy judgments under uncertain circumstances."Tao Donglin added.

An Liang had a flash of inspiration. This uncertain logic of judgment seems to be related to the ternary system?

"Professor Tao, can fuzzy mathematics be linked to artificial intelligence systems?"An Liang asked directly.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Tao Donglin was a little embarrassed,"Without fuzzy mathematics, artificial intelligence would not have been possible. In the field of artificial intelligence, fuzzy mathematics is widely used."

"However, the current application is still immature, resulting in a low level of intelligence of artificial intelligence. Tao Donglin said in a regretful tone.

Tao Donglin added,"Classmate An, do you know Tesla Motors?""

"Um."An Liang nodded.

"The intelligent driving system of Tesla cars uses fuzzy mathematics applications, but I think there is a problem with their fuzzy mathematical algorithm, so logical judgment errors in the intelligent driving system often occur."Tao Donglin pointed out Tesla's problems

"At present, the best application of fuzzy mathematics should be Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The lighthouse project developed by this group has done a very good job in fuzzy mathematics!"Tao Donglin praised.

What a coincidence!

An Liang secretly laughed, Tao Donglin actually spoke highly of the lighthouse project

"However, in my opinion, the Lighthouse Project still has room for improvement. Judging from the Lighthouse Project promotional video, I think its recognition speed is still a bit slow. Tao Donglin added.

An Liang answered,"If Professor Tao is asked to help improve the lighthouse project, can Professor Tao do it?""

Tao Donglin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head in denial,"It's impossible for a super large monopoly group like the other party to pay attention to someone like me."

An Liang laughed,"Let's get to know each other again. I am An Liang, one of the shareholders of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."

Tao Donglin suddenly looked at An Liang in shock.

Xue Zhiping and Wan Yunfei also looked at An Liang in shock. They knew about Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but they didn't know that An Liang was actually a shareholder of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.


A little too surprising, right?

There is a lot of information on the Internet about Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. After all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is the only company in the world that commercially applies graphene battery technology.

In the Internet world, the discussion on the market value of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has never stopped. Although the majority of people who eat melons cannot agree on the same opinion, everyone thinks that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is very valuable.

Therefore, whether it is Tao Donglin, Xue Zhiping, or Wan Yunfei, they are extremely shocked that An Liang is a shareholder of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group!


Update time: December 15, 2021 00:02:19, good night.

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