An Liang’s relationship with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not a secret in the imperial capital circle, but it becomes a secret outside the imperial capital circle.

Now that An Liang took the initiative to show off his cards, the three of them were naturally shocked.

After An Liang's showdown, he continued,"Professor Tao, on behalf of the Lighthouse Project Team of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, I invite you to join."

Tao Donglin responded with a wry smile,"Thank you, Classmate An, for your trust, but my current situation is not Suitable to join your group"

"What's Professor Tao's situation now?"An Liang asked.

Tao Donglin was silent for a few seconds before sighing,"The current situation is more complicated. Although it is in the middle stage of liver cancer, other issues are difficult to explain."

"Mid-stage liver cancer should be treatable, right?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"You can ask Dr. Yang about the specific situation. I'm not sure."Tao Donglin pressed the service bell on the bedside.

In less than three minutes, a middle-aged nurse came to the ward. Professor Tao took the initiative and said,"Does Dr. Yang have time now?

The middle-aged nurse responded affirmatively,"Wait a moment, I will notify Dr. Yang right away.""

Nearly five minutes later, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat walked into the ward. He was Professor Tao Donglin's attending doctor Yang Yingfu.

"Professor Tao, what's the matter? Yang Yingfu asked while looking at An Liang and the others.

An Liang took the initiative to answer,"Hello, Doctor Yang, we would like to ask about Professor Tao's specific situation."

Yang Yingfu asked,"Who are you?""

"I am a student of Professor Tao, and my name is An Liang."An Liang gave himself the name of Professor Tao's student.

Yang Yingfu looked at Tao Donglin, meaning to ask Tao Donglin if he could explain his condition.

Tao Donglin said affirmatively,"You can speak directly, there is no need to hide it."

Yang Yingfu sighed,"The current situation is not good. Although Professor Tao only has mid-stage liver cancer, the lesions are hidden too deep and the difficulty of surgery is very high."

"Moreover, Professor Tao’s liver cancer cells have spread in the liver and are about to reach an advanced stage. Unless a liver source is found within a short time, otherwise..."Yang Yingfu sighed and shook his head.

"Is there a liver source? An Liang asked.

Before Yang Yingfu could answer, An Liang continued to add,"The cost is not a problem. I just hope to find the liver source as quickly as possible.""

This is An Liang's hint that he is willing to spend a lot of money to find liver sources.

Yang Yingfu shook his head,"This kind of thing can only depend on luck."

"No other way?"An Liang asked back.

Yang Yingfu shook his head again,"Classmate An, this kind of thing really requires luck. Even if it is handled according to what you said, it still requires a liver source to handle it like this."

An Liang nodded understandingly. Just like Yang Yingfu said, even if you can spend money to jump in line, you must at least have a liver source to jump in line. If there is no liver source, what if you are ranked as the first candidate?

"If there is a suitable liver source, I hope Professor Tao will be first in line." An Liang explained to Yang Yingfu.

At this point, An Liang added to Professor Tao Donglin,"Don't worry, Professor Tao, I will handle this matter.

Xue Zhiping said helpfully,"Since Mr. An is willing to help, there must be no problem with this matter.""

Yang Yingfu listened to Xue Zhiping's sworn statement. He was secretly curious about An Liang's identity, but he didn't ask any more questions. After all, it was other people's privacy. An Liang asked Yang Yingfu additionally,"Doctor Yang, if there is a suitable liver source, Tao What is the success rate of the professor's surgery? Yang

Yingfu thought for a few seconds before cautiously explaining,"If there is a suitable liver source and Professor Tao's preoperative preparations are very good, the success rate of the operation will be at least 50%."

After answering, Yang Yingfu added,"If Student An can contact Professor Hu Ying of the Imperial Capital Third People's Hospital and ask Professor Hu Ying to fly the flying knife, the success rate can be increased by at least 20%.""

The so-called airborne flying knife allows experts from other cities to fly over to perform surgery, thereby improving the success rate of the surgery."

An Liang responded with a smile,"No problem, I will arrange it.""

Facing An Liang's understatement of the agreement, Yang Yingfu felt more or less hopeful. After all, An Liang agreed so simply. Doesn't it prove that the other party really has the energy to arrange such a thing?

In fact, this is also true!

An Liang's connections in the imperial capital circle The network of connections is very broad. Since he is an expert in the imperial capital, there must be no problem.

Besides, even if he does not have a network of connections, Anliang can still solve such small problems with the power of money.

In addition, even if he cannot find a suitable liver Source, and even said that the result of the operation was not very good, An Liang also had two trump cards that could solve the problem. The two trump cards were Millennium Astragalus and Golden Tai Sui!

Both Millennium Astragalus and Golden Tai Sui could solve Professor Tao Donglin’s problem.

But An Liang There is no intention to reveal the trump card in advance. After all, the value of a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus is very high, not to mention the golden Tai Sui?

If the trouble can be solved by conventional means, An Liang is more willing to use conventional means.

After all, the hidden dangers of rising rice and fighting rice hatred, if It can be avoided, but it should be avoided.

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