After Yang Yingfu left the ward, Tao Donglin thanked An Liang again,"Classmate An, thank you!"

Tao Donglin did not refuse An Liang's kindness, because he didn't want to die either!

Anyway, Tao Donglin feels that he is a commoner, so naturally he cannot face death calmly.

"You're welcome! An Liang responded with a smile,"Professor Tao, after you recover, I hope you will join the lighthouse project team of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to help us improve the lighthouse project.""

Tao Donglin naturally understood that this was the condition proposed by An Liang. Not to mention it was a life-saving condition. Even if he was not in a life-or-death crisis, he would still be willing to join the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Tao Donglin was only 68 years old, and he felt that he could still perform Remaining heat, even a little struggle

"No problem, I am naturally willing to join the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group!"Tao Donglin said in agreement.

An Liang was very satisfied with Tao Donglin's answer, because Tao Donglin didn't ask about the salary issue, which showed that Tao Donglin had a grateful heart, just like he was preparing to write letters to all the classmates who donated money.


‘Congratulations to the host for completing the random task’

‘Task reward: Fuzzy mathematics related research and practical applications’

‘Special reminder: The corresponding rewards are provided by Professor Tao Donglin. '

When the Life Winner System issued a prompt, Professor Tao Donglin added,"Classmate An, has your Dream Graphene Technology Group considered researching artificial intelligence systems in the future?"

An Liang immediately asked,"Professor Tao also does research on artificial intelligence? Tao

Donglin was not self-effacing. He responded affirmatively,"My research in fuzzy mathematics is mainly aimed at the application of artificial intelligence.""

"That would be great. We are planning to enter the field of artificial intelligence research. If Professor Tao is interested, Professor Tao is warmly welcome to join our artificial intelligence team."An Liang's rough summary.

In fact, in the field of artificial intelligence, An Liang's team has long been involved. For example, the team led by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan has been overcoming the technical difficulties of artificial intelligence systems. An

Liang acquired the quantum computer of Xiong Zhang Company The project essentially serves artificial intelligence projects.

It’s a pity that Bear Palm Company is unwilling to sell artificial intelligence projects.

After all, for Bear Palm Company, artificial intelligence projects are their core projects, which is related to whether Bear Palm Company can rise again.

If the artificial intelligence system is successfully developed, Xiongzhang Company can rise again.

In view of this situation, how can Li Hongyan of Xiongzhang Company sell the artificial intelligence project?

"Hope the surgery goes well!"Tao Donglin said blessing himself.

When An Liang and Tao Donglin had just finished their discussion, Tao Donglin's wife Shen Yanhua returned to the ward. She looked at An Liang and the other three, and then took the initiative to greet Xue Zhiping.

"Director Xue, I’m really troubling you."Shen Yanhua said politely.

Xue Zhiping waved his hands repeatedly,"It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome. Teacher Shen, let me introduce to you. This is classmate An Liang."

Shen Yanhua secretly wondered why Xue Zhiping introduced An Liang alone, and Tao Donglin explained himself, including the results of the discussion with An Liang just now.

After Tao Donglin's explanation, Shen Yanhua said thank you again,"Thank you, classmate An, for your introduction to our old Tao. Care, when our old Tao gets better, it will definitely bring rewards to An’s company.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Teacher Shen is too polite. Professor Tao's health is the most important thing now.""

The two sides talked about some housework, and Li Yang knocked on the door of the ward.

An Liang nodded and motioned for Li Yang to come in, and asked inquiringly,"Are the arrangements in place?"

"Professor Tao has been moved to VIP Ward 707 on the seventh floor, and two nurses have been arranged to take care of Professor Tao in 24-hour shifts. Li Yang explained.

Tao Donglin and Shen Yanhua were stunned when they heard what Li Yang said.

An Liang explained to Tao Donglin,"Professor Tao, on behalf of the company, I changed your ward and arranged for a nurse to perform the surgery properly." I hope Professor Tao will recover soon."

Since the winner system in life shows that Tao Donglin will provide rewards, Anliang naturally wants to cultivate leeks.

Faced with Anliang's arrangement, Tao Donglin did not refuse.

In recent times, his wife Shen Yanhua has been very tired and haggard to take care of him. , he was worried that he was not getting better, but would drag Shen Yanhua into the water.

Therefore, Tao Donglin did not refuse An Liang's kindness at all. He secretly decided in his heart that when he got better, he would wholeheartedly repay An Liang's kindness.

Shen Yanhua also breathed a sigh of relief, she She has been really tired recently. Now that there is a VIP ward and two nursing staff, she can naturally relax a little bit.

"grateful! Tao Donglin took a deep breath and said,"After I recover, I will definitely do my best to contribute to the company.""

"We’ll talk about these things later. Professor Tao, your first priority now is to take good care of your body!"An Liang continued to cultivate leeks as he spoke.

Even though Tao Donglin knew that what An Liang said was nice, he still felt very satisfied, because An Liang really provided help in times of need!

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