Near noon, everyone left Tianfu First People's Hospital.

An Liang took the initiative to invite,"Director Xue, Lao Wan, let's have lunch together?"

Xue Zhiping naturally couldn't refuse,"No problem."

Wan Yunfei certainly didn't refuse either.

"My girlfriend's family has opened a private restaurant in Qingyang District. The food is quite good. How about we go over and try it?"An Liang suggested.

"Since it is a private restaurant in classmate An’s girlfriend’s house, I must try it."


_ , arrived almost forty minutes later

"Lao Wan, you can park on the roadside." An Liang reminded Wan Yunfei.

Wan Yunfei followed An Liang's reminder and parked at a temporary parking space on the roadside. Then he saw the price guide board. He complained,"It's five yuan an hour, and there is no limit to the accumulation!"

"After all, it is the most convenient roadside parking! An Liang responded with a smile.

Xue Zhiping was looking at the bamboo forest outside Ruyi Private Restaurant,"The environment looks really good!"

An Liang greeted," Please come this way.""

The three of them walked to the door of the Ruyi private restaurant, and Han Xin immediately greeted the guest,"Mr. An, good afternoon.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Is there still a private room?""

"There is also box number one."Han Xin responded immediately

"Okay, I'll go there myself."An Liang took Xue Zhiping and Wan Yunfei into the Ruyi Private House Restaurant.

When the three of them bypassed the screen wall and entered the Ruyi Private House Restaurant, Xue Zhiping and Wan Yunfei were immediately shocked by the scenery inside the Ruyi Private House Restaurant.

Ruyi Private House Restaurant The quiet and peaceful artificial pool in the restaurant no longer has any artificial craftsmanship, but instead presents a natural rhythm.

A few swimming koi carp add vitality to the clear pond.

The pond was originally supposed to be still water, because of the hidden filtration The existence of the circulation system simulates the effect of living water, creating a more natural feeling.

In the pool, at the foot of the rockery, a few calamus branches sway in the wind, but unfortunately there is no embellishment of dragonflies.

In such a peaceful environment, Xue Zhiping felt that he was completely relaxed, and he sighed softly,"Such a level of landscaping is simply amazing!"

Wan Yunfei had already taken out his mobile phone to take pictures. While taking pictures, he said,"How can such a private restaurant not become famous on the Internet? An

Liang responded with a smile,"Probably because it doesn't accept reservations, which prevents a large number of Internet celebrities from checking in, so it doesn't become popular on the Internet!""

When Ruyi Private House Restaurant first opened, if you called to make a reservation, you would get a one-hour table reservation.

But now Ruyi Private House Restaurant has refused to reserve tables in the lobby. After all, there are only sixteen tables in the lobby of Ruyi Private House Restaurant. It’s just a table.

Ruyi Private Restaurant now only allows pre-paid regular customers to book private rooms.

An Liang took Xue Zhiping and Wan Yunfei into the No. 1 private room.

Xue Zhiping took a look at the large private room, and then came to the viewing room on An Liang’s recommendation From the balcony, you can admire the beautiful scenery of the courtyard of the Ruyi private restaurant from top to bottom.

Wan Yunfei still uses his mobile phone to take photos and record videos. He tentatively asked,"Classmate An, can I post the photos and videos on the Internet?""

"sure! An Liang responded affirmatively,"Wishinruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant does not actively promote, but it does not refuse to be promoted. It is just that its business capacity is limited and it does not accept reservations. I personally recommend that you specifically state this to avoid missing people when they come." When you are in the position, you are scolded"

"Um."Wan Yunfei nodded.

Almost five minutes later, An Liang greeted,"Director Xue, Lao Wan, let's order first!"

Xinxin Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant has upgraded its ordering system. It used to use tablets to order, but now it has added WeChat scan code ordering, thereby reducing the workload of service staff, improving efficiency, and making it more convenient for customers.

In Anliang's At the prompt, Xue Zhiping and Wan Yunfei also scanned the code together.

Wan Yunfei looked at the electronic menu of Ruyi Private Restaurant displayed on his mobile phone. He first checked the price, because in such a beautiful dining environment, Wan Yunfei felt that the dishes The price should be very expensive, right?

‘It doesn’t seem too expensive! 'Wan Yunfei looked through the [Chef Recommended] dishes and found that the price of private braised beef is 99.8 yuan. Although it is a little more expensive than ordinary restaurants, when the price is combined with the dining environment, it is very cheap, right? ?

But the next moment Wan Yunfei discovered a problem.

Wan Yunfei got the wrong price!

The privately made braised beef is not 99.8 yuan, but 998 yuan, which is almost a thousand yuan per unit.

Faced with such a price, Wan Yunfei retracted his previous evaluation. He felt that the price was really very expensive. Even with a beautiful dining environment, he still felt that it was very expensive.

Wan Yunfei looked at other dishes and found that the prices of other dishes were also very expensive.

For example, the price of traditional boiled fish is 658 yuan per serving!

Even ordinary seasonal vegetarian dishes cost 98 yuan a serving.

Isn't this price too expensive?


Update time: December 16, 2021 00:02:49, good night.

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