The Spanish royal family took the initiative to publish the list of birthday gifts prepared by An Liang for Lenore, which was naturally questioned by the Spanish people.

After all, why would a foreigner give Lenore a yacht worth more than 15 million euros?

On Face, an article targeting An Liang’s gift-giving is spreading on the Spanish Internet. This article is full of malicious analysis of An Liang’s purpose of giving gifts.


《The deal behind the 15 million euro yacht gift! 》

Hello everyone, I am your old friend Prossi.

Before publishing this article, I looked up a list of all gifts made public by the royal family since King Philip VI took over.

One of the most expensive gifts is a limited edition handbag given to Queen Lydia by the brand LOEWE, which is worth 4,199 euros.

Although Queen Lydia accepted the gift, she only used it once before conducting a charity auction and donating all the money to charity.

Now the royal family suddenly announced that it will accept a super yacht worth more than 15 million euros donated by a Xia native. I find this kind of thing very incredible.

King Philip VI is nothing like the old king.

Under the leadership of King Philip VI, the royal family's public support rate has been rising. According to logical analysis, it is impossible for King Philip VI to accept this gift.

Even if it is Princess Lenore's adult birthday, the royal family should not accept such a gift.

After all, this gift represents four lists of trade agreements!

From the gift list announced by the royal family, we can clearly see that in addition to gifting a yacht worth more than 15 million euros, the Xia man also listed four trade lists.

The four trade lists include: expanding the scale of red wine trading, adding pork export trade, metal ore export trade, and seafood product export trade.

Although the specific trade agreements and contents have not been announced, judging from the gift of a yacht worth more than 15 million euros by the other party, the above four trade lists should have inside information on the agreements.

As for what the inside story is, we still don’t know.

I just hope the royal family can release specific inside information!

If there are insiders who are not afraid of the royal power, please let the insiders publish the inside information. We ordinary people also have the right to know.


This article caused widespread heated discussion on the Spanish Internet, with a large number of people participating and various conspiracy theories emerging in endlessly.

After all, for ordinary people, they can only see that An Liang gave the royal family a yacht worth more than 15 million euros. How can they get through the fog and see the truth?

Smart people are always in the minority!


Traveling around San Catalo:

I suddenly began to worry about Prosi. If he exposed the secrets of the royal family, he would be banned by the royal family, right?

If something unexpected happens to Prossi, I have reason to suspect that the royal family is behind it.

After all, this time the royal family has crossed the line and actually received a yacht worth more than 15 million euros from foreigners. If there is no insider trading, I will never believe it.

@Prossi: Friendly reminder, please leave the Spanish Peninsula immediately. I'm worried that you may have an accident.


This reply immediately became a hot comment and received support from a large number of melon-eating people.

However, this reply actually contains evil intentions!

Because this reply presets the result in advance, if something happens to Prossi, it will be the Spanish royal family that secretly takes action, but what if someone else puts the blame on the Spanish royal family?

I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly!

Faced with such a situation, Anliang arranged a backup plan.

An article analyzing Anliang’s gift list in detail quickly appeared on the Spanish Internet and spread on a large scale on the Spanish Internet.


《Foreigners giving gifts? The charm of Princess Lenore!":

Regarding the fact that a yacht worth more than 15 million euros appeared in the royal family's latest birthday gift list for Princess Lenore, in fact, as everyone guessed, there is an inside story about this matter!

However, the inside story is not the money transaction you imagined.

First of all, let’s analyze it from a legal perspective. According to our Spanish laws, gifts received by the royal family need to be disclosed to the public.

If there is no very positive reason, the royal family charges a yacht worth more than 15 million euros, which is a very harmful thing to the image of the royal family.

Therefore, we conducted an in-depth analysis and found that the royal family must have a reason for receiving this gift, and it is a reason that the people cannot refute.

Next, continue to analyze the four trade lists.

Still like the above analysis, the royal family must make a public announcement when receiving gifts. Since it must be publicized, how can the royal family accept gifts at will?

What's more, is there a list of trades that may be suspected of insider trading?

In fact, all of the above questions have a hidden answer.

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between the gift giver and Princess Lenore?


This article half-hiddenly pointed out a little bit of the truth, and it immediately aroused heated discussions among a large number of melon-eating people!

The melon-eaters showed their spirit of gossip and followed the thread of the article to discuss the relationship between the gift giver and Princess Lenore. For a while, no one said any more conspiracy theories, and everyone was talking about gossip.

After all, everyone loves gossip, right?

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