On the Spanish Internet, conspiracy theories that were originally fermented due to the gift list announced by the royal family turned into gossip discussions under the arrangement of An Liang.


Enthusiastic Spanish:

After watching"Foreigners Give Gifts?" The charm of Princess Lenore!"After that, I felt a sudden realization!

Why does it have to be a conspiracy?

Why not Princess Lenore's charm?

Please pay attention to one detail!

The gift-giver is from the Xia Kingdom, and Princess Lenore has been to the Xia Kingdom before.

【Link: Queen Lydia and Princess Lenore paid a friendly visit to the Xia Kingdom to strengthen the trade relationship between Spain and the Xia Kingdom]

Through this detail, we have reason to suspect that Princess Lenore may have known each other when they were in the Xia Kingdom. This mysterious gift giver.

So this list is simply a gift for Princess Lenore?


《"Passionate Spain" is a program that records the local humanities and scenery of Spain. Its replies immediately became the number one hot comment, and it was affirmed by a large number of people who like melons.

As discussions on the Spanish Internet become more and more gossipy, some thoughtful people try to guide the topic and still push it in the direction of conspiracy theories.

But such a pull is doomed to fail!

Because An Liang also arranged more back-ups.

When gossip about An Liang and Lenore continued to flood the Spanish Internet, another article was released.


《Details on four trade lists! 》

Regarding the four trade lists announced by the Spanish royal family, as a practitioner in the relevant industry, I will anonymously tell the real situation.

This time, the partners of the four trade lists are all Crown Import and Export Trading Company.

I am afraid that most people are unfamiliar with this company.

But those in the wine industry should be very familiar with it.

For example, Cruz Winery signed an export order worth 120 million euros with Crown Import and Export Trading Company to export Cruz wine to Xia Guo.

In addition to Cruz Winery, there are also a large number of wine estates that have received orders for export to Xiaguo, allowing them to make a lot of money.

So the wine people didn’t reveal the information at all.

Now, Crown Import and Export Trading Company is about to launch its second red wine tasting event to expand the quantity of red wine imported from our western half of the country. Practitioners in the red wine industry have begun to quietly prepare to participate in the tasting event. Are you still speculating on conspiracy theories?

The second is to increase trade in pork, metal ores, and seafood products. When you are discussing the conspiracy of these trades, practitioners in these industries have opened champagne and cheered.

If you pay attention to the dynamics of companies in these industries, you can find problems.

Especially in the pork industry, they finally have the opportunity to expand their export quota to Xia State and obtain higher profits.

Finally, I will tell you something.

It is precisely because of the four trade lists that the royal family can accept the yacht worth 15 million euros, because the four trade lists can provide us with a large number of export orders and job opportunities in the Spanish hemisphere.

After all, these things are equivalent to the royal family introducing a large number of export orders.

Another piece of gossip!

It was rumored that the gift giver from Xia Kingdom admired Princess Lenore very much, and the reason why the other party provided a large number of export orders was so that Princess Lenore could accept this gift legitimately.

That's why the royal family disclosed the other party's gift list, and the court did not stop it. The relevant stakeholders were secretly gaming the upcoming benefits.

Do you understand now?


The back-up man arranged by An Liang analyzed the meaning of the four trade lists in detail, and further pointed out the gossip information about An Liang and Lenore, so that the melon-eating netizens fully understood the situation of An Liang's gift giving this time.

As the fully declassified article was released, it was still"Passionate Spanish" that won the first hot review


Enthusiastic Spanish:

This is the inside story!

It turned out that the purpose of the four trade lists was to allow Princess Lenore to accept a yacht gift worth 15 million euros.

However, this mysterious person from Xia Kingdom may not be paying attention to one thing.

As a special reminder, our Princess Lenore is the eldest princess. She is the first heir to the Spanish royal family and will be the queen of the Spanish royal family in the future.

According to our Spanish laws, Her Majesty the Queen's husband, His Royal Highness, is not allowed to be a foreigner.

So, please ask Mr. Xia Guo’s mysterious man to understand the laws of our Spanish half?


This comment was supported by a large number of Spanish people, who all said that Princess Lenore was the jewel of the Spanish royal family and foreigners would never be allowed to covet her.

But does Anliang really not know this law?


Of course An Liang knows!

But knowing is knowing, and obeying is obeying.

Some things may not be without workarounds?

As for whether you can adapt, it all depends on your strength.

After all, this world is just a veneer of civilization. In essence, it is still the law of the jungle, especially between countries, which fully abide by the law of the jungle.

As long as Anliang is strong enough, what binding force does the so-called Spanish legal regulations have?

After all, it only depends on strength!


Update time: December 19, 2021 00:04:33, good night.

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