It was late night and close to early morning local time in the western half of the country.

An Liang has returned to Manor de la Mata from Zarzuela Palace. Although it is almost early in the morning, An Liang is still sending WhatsApp messages to Lenore.

‘Lenore: We meet at my house at nine o'clock tomorrow. What do you think?’

‘An Liang: No problem’

‘An Liang: But did your mother really agree? '

Although Lenore held an adult birthday dinner today, Lenore is the first heir to the Spanish royal family, and she is the future queen of Spain.

Both Lydia and Philip VI would carefully consider her contact with An Liang, right?

‘Lenore: My mom and sister go out with us. '

I see!


It should be so!

Just like the situation in the imperial capital, although An Liang and Lenore travel together, Queen Lydia will also accompany them, but now there is the addition of Lenore's sister Sophia.

‘An Liang: Okay’

‘An Liang: See you tomorrow’

‘Lenore: [Sleepy]’

‘Lenore: Go to sleep now, see you tomorrow’

‘An Liang: An’

‘Lenore: GD9! An

Liang looked at Lenore's reply. After thinking for a moment, he realized that Lenore abbreviated"Goodnight", which also means"good night".

After An Liang and Lenore finished their exchange, Qin Tianxiang came over to report

"BOSS, we found a small problem."Qin Tianxiang took the initiative to report.

An Liang nodded slightly and signaled Qin Tianxiang to continue explaining.

"We discovered some anomalies in Neon's branch, and there is a tidbit on Neon's side."Qin Tianxiang narrated

"According to the information reported by the Neon branch, some people in Neon were dissatisfied with the previous incident at Mount Fuji, so they took advantage of BOSS's overseas situation to prepare for revenge against BOSS."Qin Tianxiang added

"revenge? An Liang complained helplessly,"How could you have the nerve to retaliate when your skills were inferior to others?""

"When is the time for retribution!"An Liang sighed

"Have you found out who it is?"An Liang asked additionally.

Qin Tianxiang shook his head,"Our branch in Neon, as well as the network security department led by Mr. No. 4, are fully investigating, but there is currently no accurate conclusion."

An Liang shook his head,"We don't need evidence. If someone in Neon really wants to retaliate against us, apart from the Neon court, the most likely person is the former chief minister."

Qin Tianxiang secretly agreed in his heart. An Liang's analysis is completely correct.

"Boss, please rest assured that we have laid a dragnet. No matter whether the opponent chooses to raid or assassinate, they will not succeed. Qin Tianxiang explained while taking out a tablet and showing it to An Liang for review.

The tablet displayed the security and defense layout plan around An Liang.

It included eight public security personnel in the innermost layer, plainclothes hidden personnel in the middle layer, and the outer layer Security personnel who completely hide their identities and carry weapons.

In addition, there are security personnel at fixed locations.

For example, at the commanding heights of a certain area to avoid long-range snipers.

Qin Tianxiang showed off the security defense mechanism around Anliang , while swearing,"According to our defense layout, if you want to break through our defenses head-on, it will be impossible unless more than a hundred elite combatants are mobilized."

Qin Tianxiang added,"Even if the black hands hidden behind the scenes really mobilized more than a hundred elite combat personnel, we will definitely discover the mobilization of such a large number of people in advance and avoid risks in advance."

An Liang nodded casually. His danger premonition ability did not issue any warning. Either the gossip was wrong, or the masterminds behind the scenes were too weak to break through Renyi Security Company's defense.

"BOSS, His Excellency No. 1 asked, is it necessary to mobilize members from the African branch? Qin Tianxiang asked additional questions.

Renyi Security Company has established branches in many regions around the world, either explicitly or covertly.

Among them, the African branch is a very important branch, recruiting a large number of front-line field personnel, all of whom are elites.

If we mobilize personnel from the African branch, we will be preparing to confront the masterminds behind the scenes.

An Liang refused and said,"Don't use our people."

Although Renyi Security Company can indeed solve the problem, Anliang is not ready to use the power of Renyi Security Company at all now.

The reason is very simple!

Once the power of Renyi Security Company is used, those who are interested will pay attention to how much power Renyi Security Company has. , thus causing concern and vigilance towards Renyi Security Company.

That is not a good thing!

An Liang prefers to hide behind the scenes and be the mastermind, thus achieving calculated calculations without intention.

"Contact our thugs and let our thugs come over to solve the problem."An Liang ordered with a smile.

Since you can solve the problem with money, why should you dirty your hands?

For An Liang, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.


Update time: December 22, 2021 00:03:41, good night.

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