Western Hemisphere time is six hours behind Xia Kingdom time, and Northern Bear Country time is five hours behind Xia Kingdom time.

When it is 0:30 a.m. local time in Western Spain, it is 11:30 a.m. in Northern Bear Country.

An Liang contacted Dmitry Delovi of the Pacific Fleet of the Bear Kingdom through a confidential communication channel.

While waiting for the call to be answered, Dmitri's voice came first,"Sugabudat! Ann, your call was really untimely!""

"Can I call back in three minutes?"An Liang's connotative response

"I'm not a quick shooter!"Dmitri immediately retorted,"Are you in a hurry?"

According to Dmitri's guess, if it wasn't an emergency, why would An Liang call at such a late hour?

"You know I'm in Spain, right?"An Liang asked back.

"I know, I know, it’s the birthday of the Princess of the Spanish Royal Family, and you have a very good relationship with her. These are basic information."Dmitri said quickly

"Our friends also know this piece of information."An Liang responded

"our friends? Dmitri asked hesitantly,"What are our friends?""

"Our old neon friend."Anliang responded,"They also know that I am in the western half of the country. In view of the last incident on Mount Fuji, our old friends seem to be preparing to retaliate against me."

Dmitri understood what Anliang meant,"You need our help?"

"Yes."Anliang answered affirmatively.

Dmitri immediately said excitedly,"Okay! It’s still the same old rules, there’s no problem on our side! I will arrange a rescue force for you immediately. Since it is an overseas rescue and the distance is too far, we can arrange nuclear submarines, guided missile destroyers and frigates, and fighter jets as well."

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Did this Bedmitri want to take the opportunity to blackmail him?

After all, the lineup arranged by Dmitri will cause turmoil even in Neon's homeland. If it is used to counter the small moves arranged by Neon, is it definitely not a cannon to swat mosquitoes?

"An, if you are willing to spend money, I can even arrange a poplar tree for you!"Dmitri added.

"Stop, stop, stop!"Anliang interrupted Dmitri's continuation.

If you let this beep continue, you don't know how outrageous it will be!

"All I need is the Triglav Special Operations Team."An Liang expressed his needs.

"ah?"Dmitri's tone was full of disappointment,"Don't we need to arrange guided missile destroyers for deterrence?"

"You are flying there on a private jet this time. We can provide you with escort service. What do you think?" Dmitry added

"No, really no need. Those guys can't make any big move. The most likely thing is to arrange for field personnel to enter the western half of the country and then look for opportunities to target me."An Liang said analytically.

What if other means are really used?

That's really impossible!

Neon can't directly attack An Liang's Gulfstream G650ER with missiles, right?

If Neon really does this, it will be a fight to the death. , whether it is Xia Guo, An Liang himself, or even the country where the plane is located, they will all find trouble with Neon

"So how many people do you need?"Dmitri asked quite disappointedly.

"If the Triglav Special Operations Team has sufficient time and they have time to perform the mission, they can arrange fifty people. If their mission is busy, they can also arrange twenty people."An Liang explained.

The Triglav Special Operations Team has already shown its strength, so An Liang is more willing to choose the Triglav Special Operations Team.

"If they are free, I will arrange fifty people for you. Look...."Dmitri said half-way, waiting for Anliang to take the initiative to answer.

Of course Anliang understood what Dmitri meant. This Dmitri just wanted money!

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"One price, 10 million Xia Guoyuan for ten days, local time in Western Spain. We must arrive in Madrid before nine o'clock tomorrow."

This price is far lower than hiring a guided missile destroyer. With the price of a frigate.

According to the agreement between Anliang and the North Bear Kingdom's Pacific Fleet, the basic employment price for the escort team consisting of two guided missile destroyers and four guided missile frigates is 20 million Xia Guoyuan, with an additional 5 million Xia Guoyuan for each additional day.

But the daily expenses of the ship far exceed the personnel expenses.

Taking the Triglav Special Operations Team as an example, even if fifty people act together, the consumption per day will not exceed 10,000 Xia Guoyuan.

Dmitri did not refuse, he asked rhetorically,"What if it times out?"

"If it times out, 1 million Xia Guoyuan will be added every day. An Liang gave a relatively reasonable price.

An Liang continued to add,"If they discover the masterminds behind Neon and defeat the other party, each mastermind will be awarded an additional 2 million Xia Guoyuan.""

Anliang said the matter very gently and tactfully, but the meaning expressed was very clear.

Dmitri immediately asked actively,"How many people came from those neon guys?"

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