When An Liang and Lenore were experiencing the Horror Bus Halloween event in the center of Madrid, dozens of people were hiding in a warehouse on the outskirts of Madrid.

These people are naturally the operatives from Neon.

But it was not what An Liang had guessed before!

An Liang had previously guessed that if there were Neon people who wanted to retaliate, they would be either people from the Neon court or people from the former chief minister of Neon.

However, these people are neither secret operatives of the Neon court nor the personal force of the former chief minister of Neon.

They are the secret force belonging to the Neon Royal Family!

Thousand-year-old Astragalus has excellent medicinal value and is vital to the Neon Royal Family.

The thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus that obviously grew in Neon territory was suddenly taken away by others. How could the Neon royal family swallow this breath?

So the Neon Royal Family has been planning a plan to retaliate against An Liang.

However, the Neon Court and the Neon Royal Family are not of the same mind. The Neon Royal Family wants to retaliate against An Liang, but the Neon Court has more worries.

In view of the uncooperation of the Neon Imperial Court, if An Liang did not leave the Xia Kingdom, the Neon Imperial Court would have no good solution.

After all, it is impossible for the Neon Royal Family to rush into Xia Kingdom to cause trouble for An Liang.

That's not a matter of courage, that's a free gift!

In order to avoid giving it away for nothing, the Neon Royal Family has been waiting for an opportunity. They had previously targeted the opportunity of Lenore's birthday dinner because they speculated that An Liang would attend.

Now that An Liang has really attended Lenore's birthday dinner, the Neon Royal Family has also waited for the opportunity. They are preparing to attack An Liang in the western half of the country. If An Liang can be eliminated, everyone will be happy.

Even if An Liang cannot be eliminated, at least An Liang must be fearful.

"Sagi-kun, is your goal still with the Western Banja royal family?"The leader Fujishita Yamadera asked.

Fujishita Yamadera is the person in charge of this retaliation operation. In addition to the sixty people who have arrived in the western half of the country, there are three twelve-person teams coming from other areas of Europa. Sasa

Sa Mu Qizhai responded affirmatively,"Yes, Fujita-kun, the target is still with the Western Banya royal family. Also, we found out that each other participated in the Horror Bus Halloween event"

"Do you have any idea?"Fujishita Yamadera heard the implication of Sagi Nansai's words.

Sagi Nansai immediately responded,"Since the other party will participate in the Halloween event, we can play tricks on the Halloween event."

The young man sitting on the right side of Fujishita Temple said directly in the negative,"There is no chance of success. The other party's security measures are very good. We have been looking for opportunities since the other party arrived in the western half of the country, but the other party's security measures Too strict, we can't find any opportunities at all"

"What do you think, Kishishima-kun?"Sagi Nansai stared at the other party.

Kishijima Maple was silent for a few seconds before responding,"I set up a honeypot trap program in the Madrid Population Information Data Center. Once someone retrieves the Madrid Population Information Data Center, server, I can receive relevant feedback."

Kishijima Maple continued to add,"I just received feedback data. Someone conducted a large-scale information retrieval operation on the server of the Madrid Population Information Data Center. After my reverse search, I found that the other party was searching for information about Terror Bus-related staff."

"This group of people's inspection methods were very careful. They not only checked basic information, but also checked relevant tax records, consumption records, medical records, and even study records. They also mobilized Madri's road traffic safety monitoring system to obtain information from multiple sources. Dimensions determine the authenticity of the people involved."Kishijima Maple added.

Fujishita Sandera understood what Kishijima Maple meant,"Kishijima-kun means that if we arrange people to go in during Madrid's Halloween event, they will definitely be discovered by the other party, right?"

"Yes."Kishijima Maple affirmed without hesitation,"How powerful our goal is. I believe everyone knows that this level of security protection is only the most basic situation."

"In addition, we all know that there are at least three layers of protective circles around the target. I even suspect that the other party knows our existence and has not targeted us for some reason we are not aware of."Kishijima Maple had a premonition. He felt that he was being targeted. He believed in this premonition because this premonition had saved him many times.

Kishijima Maple had performed many difficult tasks assigned by the Neon Royal Family. , he has also encountered many life and death crises, but every time he was saved by this premonition.

This time, this dangerous premonition appeared again, which made Kishijima Maple feel uneasy. He was a little on pins and needles, always feeling dangerous. Coming soon

"There's no way they know we exist!"Fujishita Yamadera said swornly.

There was a hint of pride in Fujishita Yamadera's eyes,"We are the sword in His Majesty's hand, we are the thunder in His Majesty's hand, we are the secret among secrets!"

Sagi Nansai agreed,"Our deserted village action team is a top-secret existence, and it is impossible for the other party to know about us!"

Kishijima Maple listened to the confident words of the two people. He said nothing more, because the two people's confident performance further confirmed his premonition of danger....


Author: Sorry, I underestimated my strength again, it’s a little late...


Update time: December 23, 2021 00:18:27, good night.

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