The Deserted Village Action Team is indeed a secret among secrets. It is a top-secret existence in Neon. It is directly under the leadership of the Neon royal family.

But this is a modern era of big data!

Although the Deserted Village Action Group is the top secret force established by the Neon Royal Family for hundreds of years and even existed in the era of the Da Qing Dynasty, the Da Qing Dynasty has long since died!

Kishijima Maple's premonition was correct. Renyi Security Company's No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Company had indeed discovered them. After all, dozens of people were concentrated in a warehouse. How could such a strange situation go unnoticed?

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation used abnormal food rationing and field inspections by the field staff of Renyi Security Company's Western Hemisphere Branch to pinpoint the existence of the Deserted Village Action Group.

It's just that because of An Liang's order, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company did not take action. They just marked the corresponding situation and waited for the Triglav Special Operations Team to arrive and hand it over to the other party.

In the warehouse where the Deserted Village Action Team was located, Kishijima Maple did not raise any objections, but instead actively participated in the plan against Anliang.

Kishijima Maple even proposed a very feasible plan

"Fujita-kun, Sagi-kun, according to your thoughts, since the target participates in the Halloween event, even if we cannot pretend to be staff, we can disguise ourselves as tourists and find a way to get closer to the target."Kishijima Maple put forward his own suggestions

"Although the other party can verify the identity of every staff member, it certainly cannot verify the identity of every tourist. This is our opportunity!" added Kishijima Maple.

"In addition, when we pretend to be tourists, we must not carry weapons."Kishijima Maple reminded,"If you carry weapons, it will be easier for the other party to identify you, so we pretend to be tourists and act like real tourists, so as to find the key opportunity for a fatal blow!"

Fujishita Yamadera said in agreement,"I agree!"

"Hello, Kishishima-kun!"Sagi Nansai also agreed, and then asked additionally,"How many people do you think Kishijima-kun should arrange for this operation of posing as tourists?"

Fujishita Yamadera also looked at Kishijima Maple,"We are not sure which Halloween event the target will participate in. Do you have any ideas, Kishijima-kun?"

Faced with the questions from Fujishita Yamadera and Sagi Nansai, Kishijima Maple sneered in his heart. He clearly had the answer in his just answer, but these two people didn't hear it!

Kishijima Maple just said to let Aramura The members of the action team are like real tourists.

What does it mean to be like real tourists?

Naturally, they are participating in the Halloween activities in Madrid just like real tourists. There is no need to deliberately look for the existence of the target, and there is no need to deliberately get close to the target.

Otherwise, how to disguise Become a real tourist?

Once you deliberately approach the target, according to Kishijima Maple's guess, as long as you do such a behavior, you will be discovered by the security personnel hiding around the target, right?

Kishijima Maple said his thoughts"Our operators are scattered throughout Madrid's Halloween activities, trying to select some popular activities, and then wait patiently for opportunities."

Speaking of this, Kishijima Maple took a deep breath,"There is a story in the Xia Kingdom called [Sit and Wait for the Rabbit]. Our action this time is [Sit and Wait for the Rabbit].】"

"If waiting and waiting fails, we have nothing to lose, after all we are the real tourists."Kishijima Maple pointed out the result.

As for success?

Of course that's a blessing!

Unfortunately, Kishijima Maple didn't think it could succeed. He stated this plan just to integrate into the group, and even to some extent More ideas.

For example, when the danger he foresees comes, he can use this plan to escape.

"What a waiter!"Fujishita Yamadera said with emotion,"If this plan succeeds, Mr. Kishijima should be the first to take credit!"

Sagi Nansai also agreed,"Kishijima-kun's plan is simply impeccable! Fujishita Yamadera asked,"

When will we implement this plan?""

Kishijima Maple pretended to think for nearly ten seconds before responding,"There are sixty of us. If we appear together in Madrid, it will definitely attract attention, so I think we will start taking action immediately and in batches. Second small-scale entry into the central area of ​​Madrid"

"Kishijima-kun's concerns are very necessary. I think there is nothing wrong with Kishijima-kun's plan."Sagi Nansai seconded the proposal.

Fujishita Yamadera also nodded,"Then let's start taking action!"

Kishijima Kaede added,"Fujishita-kun, please tell everyone to be careful. They must be like real tourists. Don't deliberately inquire about the target, and don't deliberately pay attention to the target. Treat yourself as a tourist visiting Madrid, and be patient. Waiting for the opportunity to wait and see!"

"Don't worry, I will give you the instructions again and again!"Fujishita Yamadera responded affirmatively.

Kishijima Maple nodded first, and then revealed his true purpose,"I will be the first to participate in the operation. I choose Madri's House of Horror. If I can meet the target near the house of horror, I believe in the operation. The success rate will be very high!"

Speaking of this, Kishijima Maple's eyes showed a fanatical look,"I will definitely complete your Majesty's mission, long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

Fujishita Yamadera and Sagi Nansai shouted together, but I am afraid only they themselves know how sincere each person is....

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