In a confidential voice communication channel on the Deep Web, Ralph established a voice link with the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator. The two parties first checked the password set by An Liang to determine the identities of both parties.

"Hello Falcon."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 uses voice-changing software. Although the identities of both parties are well known, some things still maintain due rules to avoid unexpected situations and ensure that the identities of both parties will not be leaked.

"Hello, command center."Ralph responded,"Falcon is online, location information has been sent, and is waiting for orders at any time."

"The current situation has changed. The number of targets far exceeds the estimated range. Specific information has been sent to you."The Divine Calculator No. 4 sent the relevant information to Ralph of the Triglav Special Operations Team.

Ralph checked the information sent by the Divine Calculator No. 4 on the tactical tablet, and six numbers were displayed on the electronic map of Madrid. A red skull logo.

While Ralph was checking, Number Four continued to introduce the situation to Ralph.

"According to our original estimate, there should only be 50 to 70 targets, but so far we have discovered more than 100 targets, with target No. 1 having the largest number of people, a full 60 people."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 introduced target No. 1.

This target No. 1 is naturally the Deserted Village Action Group.

Ralph immediately checked target No. 1. While checking the information displayed on the tablet, he asked inquiringly,"Target No. 1 There are only forty-three people at this location?"

"Yes, the other seventeen people have left the abandoned warehouse where Target No. 1 is located and are currently in the center of Madrid. We are tracking them in real time through the security monitoring system. We can send this information to you together."Explanation of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"In addition to target No. 1, targets No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 each have 12 people. They are about to enter Madrid. We already have real-time dynamic information."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Supplement

"Target No. 5 is on the edge of Madrid. There are only six people on this target. However, after our investigation, we found that the opponent has sniper weapons, is a key target, and is relatively dangerous."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 did not conceal any information.

"There are only three people on target No. 6. The other party is disguised as a reporter team and equipped with drone equipment. We suspect that the other party may use a drone to carry an explosive device to carry out the attack, so you need to pay close attention to it."Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 revealed all the information currently available.

Ralph quickly calculated that the six targets combined have a total of 105 enemies. If everyone is killed together, according to the rules given by An Liang, then That’s a bounty of 210 million Xia Guoyuan.

Isn’t such a bounty too rich?

Ralph’s breathing was a little short!

"Command Center, which target is easiest to escape?"Ralph asked quickly.

According to Ralph's idea, all 105 enemies in the six targets are their leeks. Of course, none of them can escape, so Ralph plans to catch them all in one fell swoop.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation also understands that Ralph Husband’s plan, he responded affirmatively,"Theoretically speaking, the three people on target six are the easiest to escape. However, we found that Target No. 1 is carrying out a plan to impersonate ordinary tourists. If all the people in Target No. 1 carry out such a plan, according to Madrid’s security monitoring system, I am worried that they will not be able to be completely locked."

There are sixty people in Target No. 1!

According to the rule that more people equals more bounties, it seems that Target No. 1 should be selected directly, but Ralph is very greedy. He is ready to detach himself to carry out the mission.

This time Triglav Special Operations A total of fifty people came to the team. Although there were 60 people on target No. 1, it was a bit too luxurious for the whole team to go together to target target No. 1.

So Ralph first explained the situation to his subordinates.

"I just received news from my employer that the situation has changed this time. We encountered a total of 105 enemies."Ralph announced the answer.

Under normal circumstances, it would be a bad thing to encounter more enemies.

But when an enemy offered a bounty of 2 million Xia Guoyuan, the members of the Triglav Special Operations Team heard When there were more enemies, his first reaction was the same as Ralph's: here's the opportunity to make a fortune!

Ralph continued to explain the six targets in detail, and finally added,"This time the number of enemies is large enough. Each of us is assigned two enemy bounties. The four squad leaders, plus me, add an extra bounty. Does anyone have any opinions?"

Everyone expressed their support.

After all, the bounty for each of the two enemies, after excluding the Pacific Fleet's dividends, is a full 2 ​​million Xia Guoyuan, which is far more than their ten-year salary income.

"Let’s start with the ugly talk first. If anyone fails, a quarter of the bonus will be deducted and used to give to other meritorious personnel. Do you understand?"Ralph added. Andre

, whose wife was going through a divorce, responded affirmatively,"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely be fine."

"Next, arrange the work. Andre, you take five people to deal with target No. 2; Grien, you take five people to deal with target No. 3; Gulotta takes five people to deal with target No. 4, and the others will follow me to deal with target No. 1. target."Ralph ordered.

Ralph continued to add,"Andre, after you take care of target No. 1, you can also handle target No. 5 and target No. 6 together. Grien and Gulota will come back to help us. Target number one"



"no problem!"

Andre and the three of them responded together.

The poor deserted village action team didn't even realize that their wait-and-see action had just begun and they fell into the trap designed by An Liang!


Update time: December 24, 2021 00:02:42, good night


An Liang: Surprise? Five-nut mooncake?

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