Except for Kishijima Maple, others in the entire deserted village action team have not yet realized that they have been exposed, but they have indeed fallen under the surveillance of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

The Deserted Village Action Team underestimated the power of Renyi Security Company!

Renyi Security Company's tentacles have stretched too far, mainly because Renyi Security Company's budget has almost no limit. Under such circumstances, Renyi Security Company has expanded rapidly.

Especially in the regions and countries where Anliang may go, Renyi Security Company has also carried out special development.

For example, the Western Hemisphere.

Because An Liang and Lenore were related, An Liang was bound to come to Spain, so Renyi Security Company established a branch in Spain and invested a lot of money.

Especially in Madrid, the Spanish capital, Renyi Security Company has a very high degree of penetration.

So when the Neon branch of Renyi Security Company discovered the problem, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Unit could work with the Xibanya Branch to quickly identify Neon's attackers.

In a warehouse on the outskirts of Madrid, members of the Deserted Village Action Team are setting up a temporary command center. Although Kishijima Maple has a wait-and-see plan, Fujishita Yamadera is also waiting for the arrival of the other three action teams.

Fujishita Yamadera is the person in charge of this retaliation operation. Although he feels that Kishijima Maple's wait-and-see plan is feasible, this wait-and-see plan is too much of a test of luck.

If the wait-and-see plan fails, they will need other plans for Anliang, so they need to establish a temporary command center

"Fujita-kun, according to the time, we can send some people out to implement the wait-and-see plan."Sagi Nansai reminded.

Fujishita Yamadera asked,"Is Sagi-kun interested in personally executing the wait-and-see plan?"

Samu Qizhai shook his head in denial,"I don't want to participate in person. I am planning to participate in the subsequent raids."

Fujishita Yamadera didn't say much. He just ordered Sagi Nansai to arrange for three more people to set out to implement the wait-and-see plan.

When the three members of the Deserted Village Action Team carefully left the warehouse, the field staff of the Western Banya Branch of Renyi Security Company Discovered their actions and reported them immediately on the joint intelligence communication channel

"Calling the Falcon, the observer found three targets leaving the A3 route at location 1. Please pay attention to interception."The field staff of Renyi Security Company's western branch reported information.

"Falcon received it and immediately carried out the mission."Ralph responded.

After responding, Ralph checked the corresponding situation displayed on the tablet computer. He immediately ordered his team members to intercept the three members of the Deserted Village Action Group so that the other party could not leave the encirclement. The

Triglav Special Operations Team was a member of the North The leading special operations elite in the Bear Country. Although the Deserted Village Operations Group is also an elite, the current situation is a matter of calculation and unintentional. The

Triglav Special Operations Team deliberately attacked the Deserted Village Operations Group, and the Deserted Village Operations Group did not even know about the Triglav Special Operations Team. existence.

In addition, in order to implement the Waiting Plan, the members of the Deserted Village Action Group had to completely disguise themselves as real tourists, which meant that they could not carry weapons.

Under such circumstances, how could the three members of the Deserted Village Action Group resist a sneak attack?

They didn't even react before they were easily eliminated by members of the Triglav Special Operations Team.

"Got 33 million!"A member of the Triglav Special Operations Team said in a low voice.

This is the income after calculating the exchange rate and dividing it equally with the Pacific Fleet.

"Call the command center. We have surrounded target location No. 1. Please call the command center for remote support."Ralph reports

"The command center has received it. Please feel free to act. We have arranged a plan to intercept the local police. It will take at least 17 minutes for the local police to arrive at the scene."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded

"Falcon received."Ralph responded.

After Ralph responded to No. 4's secret calculation, he immediately ordered on the internal voice communication channel of the Triglav Special Operations Team,"Everyone takes action, and the battle is quick!""

The members of the Triglav Special Operations Team immediately took action. They were all equipped with automatic rifles equipped with silencers, plus flash grenades and smoke grenades. From the beginning of the raid to the elimination of the remaining forty people in the warehouse, a total of It only took 1 minute and 29 seconds.

This raid did not even meet basic resistance!

In fact, this was also the result of mental calculation and unintentional. The deserted village operation team did not realize that it was possible to be attacked by a sneak attack. As a result, it was attacked by Triglav Special Operations. Naturally, they did not respond to the powerful raid of the team.

Therefore, the Deserted Village Operation Team did not even organize a decent resistance, and were easily wiped out by the Triglav Special Operations Team. Whether it was Fujishita Yamadera, the person in charge of the retaliation operation, or the Deserted Village Sagi Nansai, the think tank of the operation team, all died quietly in this attack by the Triglav Special Operations Team.

The order given by the Triglav Special Operations Team was to eliminate all suspects, so it was naturally impossible to arrest them. Important personnel.

Besides, each member of the Deserted Village Action Team is worth a bonus of 2 million Xia Guoyuan. How can the members of the Triglav Special Operations Team let them go?

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