On the outskirts of Madrid, on the road into the city, three black Toyota Prado off-road vehicles were driving quickly, and naturally they were members of the Deserted Village Action Group.

The three vehicles formed a team, maintaining the speed at 80 kilometers per hour, thereby avoiding additional trouble caused by speeding violations.

In the black Toyota Prado in the middle, the man sitting on the left side of the second row asked,"Ono-kun, can our plan succeed?"

Ono Saburo responded affirmatively,"Our plan will definitely succeed!"

"As long as we catch that Xia man, not only can we get back the thousand-year-old astragalus that he stole before, but we can also ask him how he discovered the thousand-year-old astragalus! Saburo Ono said ambitiously.

As soon as Saburo Ono finished speaking, he felt the speed of the car drop, and he immediately asked,"Why are you slowing down?" The driver responded immediately,"

Car No. 1 slowed down, I asked immediately."

The driver picked up the walkie-talkie and asked,"Ozawa-kun, what's going on ahead?"

Ozawa Kanyo's voice came from the intercom,"There was a car accident ahead.""

A car accident?

Saburo Ono frowned and said,"Everyone, be careful and be careful of any accidents.""

About a hundred meters in front of the three black Toyotas, two vans rolled over on the road, occupying both lanes. Coupled with the existence of the isolation belt, it became impossible to pass.

Between the two vehicles At the scene where the van rolled over, two middle-aged Spanish natives were having a heated argument, and it seemed that each was blaming the other.

This situation gave Saburo Ono a headache. He looked to his left and said," Iwakawa-kun, please take two people over to ask about the situation. Pay attention to your attitude so as not to cause any surprises."

Iwakawa Yato responded affirmatively,"Hi!"

Iwakawa Ato is the deputy captain of the foreign aid team of the deserted village action team. He is proficient in Spanish, so he was arranged by the captain Saburo Ono to check the situation. Iwakawa Ato led two team members to the scene of the car accident, and the two team members followed him Behind him, to prevent accidents.

When he walked to the scene of the car accident, Iwakawa Yato quickly observed the situation. Judging from the scene of the car accident, it should be that the truck in front made a mistake and the following car was too close, causing the collision. car accident

"Hello."Iwakawa Yato greeted in Spanish.

The two Spanish middle-aged people who were arguing stopped, and then looked at Iwakawa Yato together.

The middle-aged man on the left said in a somewhat irritable tone,"What's the matter? Iwakawa

Yato ignored the other party's unfriendly tone and asked politely,"Do you need help?""

Iwakawa Yato's communication is very skillful. He didn't ask the other party when he could get out of the way as soon as he opened his mouth, nor did he accuse the other party, but asked if the other party needed help. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person.

Iwakawa Yato took the initiative to ask if he needed help. The attitude of the two middle-aged Westerners was a little stunned.

One of the middle-aged men stared at Iwakawa Yato,"Are you from the Xia Kingdom? Or a Corean?"

Iwakawa Yato still responded politely,"I am Neon..."

However, the polite Yato Iwakawa did not have a chance to finish his sentence, because when he was answering, he suddenly flew backwards, as if he had been hit by a high-speed truck.

When he fell to the ground, a large amount of blood oozed from his chest.

The same situation happened to the two members of the Deserted Village Action Team who followed Iwakawa Yato. They both flew backwards and fell to the ground as if they were hit by a high-speed truck.

All three members of the deserted village action team were killed by sniper rifles!

The members of the Triglav Special Operations Team are very particular about practical effects, so they all aim at the chest instead of aiming at the head to show off their skills.

After all, when normally sniping a target, the target's larger chest position is chosen, so how could it be possible to select a smaller target's head?

When such an incident occurred, Saburo Ono immediately shouted,"Enemy attack! Be careful!"

However, such shouting had no effect!

Because of the intensive gunfire, three black Toyota Prados were immediately beaten into pieces.

Although there are always situations in film and television works where people hide behind cars to resist gunfire, film and television works are always film and television works. Unless it is a bulletproof car, ordinary vehicles cannot stop bullets at all.

Now the three Toyota Prados are not bulletproof vehicles, let alone block bullets. The people in the vehicles did not even have a chance to fight back, so they were all killed by the dense bullets.

Once again, the Triglav Special Operations Team, with the cooperation of Renyi Security Company, easily eliminated a support team of the Deserted Village Action Team through deliberate calculations and unintentional calculations.

After the support team was dealt with, a crane came from behind. The crane first lifted two vans, and then members of the Western Half of Renyi Security Company sent three black Toyota Prados into the van. inside the truck and quickly processed the scene.

In less than ten minutes, except for a few craters left by bullets, even the blood stains were completely cleaned up.

"Scavenger 1 called the command center and we had cleared the scene and allowed traffic to clear to the rear."The personnel responsible for cleaning up the scene of Renyi Security Company reported.

In order to carry out this attack and avoid accidents, members of the Western Hemisphere Branch of Renyi Security Company even put down roadblocks behind the deserted village action team support team to block subsequent incoming car.

Such solid details made the deserted village action team, a support team, disappear without a trace after being attacked, as if it had never existed!

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