Triglav Special Operations Force Internal Communication Channel

"Report to the captain that the first team completed the interception mission."Andre made a report, and he secretly sighed at the professionalism of Renyi Security Company in handling the aftermath.

When he just intercepted the deserted village action team support team on the road into the city, Andre was still thinking that this incident should become a A major case that shocked the western half of the country.

As a result, the guys from Renyi Security Company actually handled the scene quickly. Although their handling was not particularly perfect, after processing, even if problems were discovered later, at least there was no on-site evidence.

"Well done!"Ralph responded

"There is one more thing, I don't know how to say it."Andre thought for a while and decided to tell what happened at the scene handled by Renyi Security Company.

After Andre finished narrating, Ralph responded with a smile,"When we solved Target No. 1 before, they also provided For help, the scene was also cleaned up."

"these guys..."Andre couldn't help but marvel,"The power they control in the western half of Spain is too strong!"

Ralph agreed,"Yes!"

"But..."Andre said hesitantly,"In that case, why do they still need us?"

"idiot!"Ralph snorted softly,"You are not allowed to ask about this kind of thing again!"

Ralph knows the answer very well.

The power controlled by Renyi Security Company in the western half of the country can indeed easily eliminate the Deserted Village Action Group, but for a large-scale operation like this, even if a sweeper is arranged to clean up the tail, the truth cannot be completely concealed.

Once It would be a very bad thing for Renyi Security Company to find clues and be linked to Renyi Security Company.

Since Renyi Security Company can easily deal with Neon's elite force, is it possible to threaten the Spanish mainland? Although it is logically impossible for Renyi Security Company to do that kind of thing, the existence of such a threat is a problem. How can the local forces in the Spanish Peninsula feel at ease?

Therefore, Renyi Security Company definitely cannot take action on its own and can only let other forces take action to avoid arousing the fear of local forces

"Report to the captain that our second team has also completed its mission."Grian reported.

After Green reported, Gulotta of the third team also reported, indicating that the third team also completed the mission.

Ralph ordered,"According to the planned plan, Ander Lie, you go deal with the fifth and sixth targets and pay attention to your own safety."

"receive."Andre responded

"Green, Gulota, you bring people back to look for the fish that missed target No. 1. There are seventeen small fish that escaped. We have to catch them all."Ralph ordered


Madrid city center.

Because it’s Halloween, Madrid is bustling with activity right now.

An Liang and his team participated in various activities like ordinary tourists. He was not worried about the Deserted Village Action Team at all, because his danger premonition ability never gave him any feedback about danger from the beginning to the end.

Since there is no danger, why bother with everything?

"Ann, would you like to try witch soup?"Sofia asked An Liang on the side.

An Liang originally thought that witch soup was a dish in some romantic TV series. If it was that kind of witch soup, An Liang expressed interest in trying it.

But Sophia was obviously talking about the witch soup for the Halloween event!

In In the Halloween food market, a cosplay witch shopkeeper was making a pot of gloomy green soup. Who knows what ingredients he used to make the soup a ghastly green color?

Although the danger premonition ability did not issue a warning, An Liang instinctively rejected this seemingly weird thing.

"I do not want."An Liang refused directly.

Sophia looked at Lenore again. Before Sophia spoke, Lenore spoke first,"If you want to try it, we will praise your courage!"

Sofia curled her lips, obviously unable to convince Lenore.

Queen Lydia looked at An Liang with complex eyes. After playing all the way, she found that Lenore was happy from the bottom of her heart. She kept smiling and looked at An Liang. His eyes were full of sweetness.

But Anliang is not Spanish!

This is the biggest problem!

‘If he were Hispanic, that would be perfect! 'Queen Lydia imagined in her heart.

If An Liang is from Spain, then there will be no obstacle between An Liang and Lenore. With the power controlled by An Liang, the Spanish royal family will inevitably rise strongly.

But Anliang is not from Spain!

After Lenore rejected Sophia's suggestion of miserable green witch soup, she took the initiative and said,"I want to play [Zombie Survival War], let's go play together, okay?""

"what is that? An Liang asked.

Lenore explained to An Liang,"It's a new VR game launched for Halloween. Last year, my classmates went to play it. They all said it was very fun, and I wanted to go too.""

Due to identity issues, Lenore cannot participate in Halloween activities under normal circumstances. This time, An Liang gave her the privilege

"VR game?..."An Liang pondered for two seconds, then agreed,"No problem!"

Sophia answered at the side,"I want to play too."

Lenore directly refused,"That's a two-player game, you can wait a while with mom. Team up"

"..."Sofia looked at Lenore speechlessly, this answer was too realistic!


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