In the center of Madrid, An Liang and Lenore were waiting in line at the Halloween event Zombie Survival Battle.

A year ago, An Liang would definitely not have queued up. He was very good at using money to solve the queuing problem. Just like when he and Li Xiyan went to the amusement park, An Liang used money to easily solve the queuing problem.

But this time is different!

Those at the front of the queue are actually security personnel from Renyi Security Company. They are using the waiting time in line to comprehensively inspect the Zombie Survival War event site and surrounding conditions.

Including the surrounding high-altitude sniper points, etc., all were inspected one by one by Renyi Security Company.

Some particularly dangerous sniper spots were directly occupied by personnel from Renyi Security Company.

Although some potentially dangerous sniper spots are not guarded by personnel, small drones are also released for inspection. If there is a problem, the small drones can also send warning messages.

In almost ten minutes, Renyi Safety Company completed the safety inspection.The four people in the team in front of Liang and Lenore each found their own reasons to leave.

"How lucky we are!"Lenoir, who didn't know the truth, thought it was good luck, and happened to meet the people in line in front who had something to leave.

An Liang didn't explain, he seconded,"Yes, we are really lucky."

When An Liang and Lenore were preparing to join the zombie survival battle VR game, the members of the Triglav Special Operations Team had already changed their equipment and entered the center of Madrid.

Seventeen people, including Kishijima Maple, acted in the deserted village. The members of the team entered the Halloween event in the center of Madrid because of the wait-and-see plan. The Triglav Special Operations Team was not willing to give up these fish.

An Liang was also unwilling to give up these fish, even if the Triglav Special Operations Team gave up. After the operation, An Liang was also preparing to let Renyi Security Company pretend to be the other party to perform the task.

But it seems that this is not the case now.

At the lively Halloween event in the center of Madrid, Ralph was wearing a pair of wireless Bluetooth noise-canceling headphones and casual clothes. Wearing a baseball cap and holding a mobile phone, he looked like an ordinary tourist.

But in fact, Ralph was acting according to the instructions of the No. 4 fortune teller.

"Falcon 1, please note that the target is less than a hundred meters away from you. The target is about to enter an unmonitored area and we will lose the target’s precise location information."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 personally contacted Ralph

"The target has entered the unmonitored area and the relevant target information has been sent to Falcon 1. You need to judge the target yourself."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Quickly Updates Information

"receive."Ralph responded briefly, and then looked at a photo on his phone. He could tell at a glance that it was a Neon Man.

Ralph was a special operations force of the Pacific Fleet of the North Bear Country. He and the Neon Man He has a lot of contact with people, and he can basically achieve 90% accuracy on how to distinguish between Neon people, Xia people, and Corea people.

After Ralph found the target, he first put away his mobile phone, and then from A special syringe was taken out from the pocket of his pants. The syringe contained the highly toxic substance potassium cyanide.

Cyanide poisons often appear in film and television works, and its effects are not much different from those in film and television works, including causing rapid death. The effect, etc.

The syringe in Ralph's hand is specially made. It is not a traditional syringe type syringe, but an ultra-small syringe similar to an 'I' shape, so that it can be easily held between the index finger and middle finger, and It is convenient to push the injection with the thumb.

Because potassium cyanide is a highly toxic substance, the lethal dose is only 1-2 mg/kg, so the syringe can be made very small and contain a full 400 mg of potassium cyanide.

In theory Generally speaking, even if calculated based on the lethal dose of 2 mg/kg, and adding the residual amount in the syringe and needle, 400 mg of potassium cyanide can completely poison a human weighing less than 200 kilograms. In fact, potassium cyanide is poisonous to most people For humans, the lethal dose is only about 1 mg/kg. A shot of 400 mg of potassium cyanide will only result in death in a very short time.

As for how much 400 mg is?

One cubic centimeter of water is one gram of water. It is also equal to 1000 mg of water.

The density of potassium cyanide is 1.857 grams per cubic centimeter. If it is blended into water, the density of the solution exceeds that of water. So the volume of 400 mg of potassium cyanide solution is about the size of a soybean?

Such a small volume The syringe required for the liquid is naturally very small!

This ultra-small I-shaped syringe was held between Ralph's index finger and middle finger. He naturally walked to the target, pretended to be passing by, and quickly and covertly used the syringe to prick it. Hit the target.

The member of the Deserted Village Action Group actually felt pricked by a needle, but now it was a Halloween event in the center of Madrid. There were many tourists around and it was also very crowded. Even if he was pricked, the member of the Deserted Village Action Group The members didn’t care too much.

However, it was this lack of care that hurt...


Even though the member of the Deserted Village Action Team was concerned about the consequences of being pricked with a needle, the highly toxic potassium cyanide solution with high concentration had already integrated into his body, and he had no way to save himself or call for help.

The member of the deserted village action team who was injected with a highly toxic solution of high concentration of potassium cyanide by Ralph reacted quickly. Just a few seconds later, he collapsed directly on the ground and twitched, and then stopped breathing.

After all, this guy has been injected with a highly toxic solution of ultra-high concentration potassium cyanide that is several times lethal, so how could he possibly be able to withstand it?

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