The member of the deserted village action team who fell to the ground convulsed and stopped breathing attracted the attention of surrounding tourists.

However, most overseas people who eat melons are also worried about trouble coming to their door, so these people who eat melons just watch and have no intention of coming forward to help.

If there are rumors about overseas people being enthusiastic, then they must have never been overseas.

If you have been overseas, you will know what it is like!

While the melon-eating crowd was watching, two local Madrid patrol officers arrived at the scene and quickly took away the dead member of the deserted village action team. The whole process was extremely skillful and there was no feeling of unfamiliarity at all, as if they knew it in advance. This is going to happen.

In fact, this is true!

The two Madri patrol officers were not patrol officers at all. They were local personnel recruited by the western half of the Renyi Security Company. They took away the dead members of the deserted village action team and were naturally part of the aftermath.

This is actually the principle of darkness under the lamp!

At the lively Halloween event in downtown Madrid, in such a crowded environment, if the bodies of the members of the Deserted Village Action Team were left undisposed of, it would definitely cause a big trouble.

But if it is dealt with openly and honestly by pretending to be a local police officer in Madrid, there will be no problem.

Because there are many local Madrid patrols today to maintain order on the scene, neither tourists nor real Madrid patrols would suspect such a thing.

After all, who would have thought that an assassination would happen in such a lively environment?

Besides, potassium cyanide poisoning is a bit like an acute illness, such as falling to the ground and convulsing. Most people will only think of it as an acute illness, not potassium cyanide poisoning.

"Falcon 1, we have helped you deal with the aftermath and move on to the next mission."The fortune teller No. 4 ordered.

Ralph sighed secretly in his heart. In fact, he did not go far, but hid in the crowd to observe how Renyi Security Company would handle the subsequent situation.

Faced with Renyi Security Company's handling of the situation, Ralph He could only express his admiration. He fully expected that those who dealt with the aftermath were fake police officers. After these fake police officers took away the bodies of the members of the deserted village action team, they would definitely destroy the bodies and eliminate traces.

In the case where the victim's body was not found, How to further investigate?

The Deserted Village Operation Team will definitely suffer this time!

The so-called Waiting for Rabbit plan is indeed good, but the result is completely opposite. Deserted Village Operation constitutes the rabbit in the Waiting for Rabbit plan!


In the center of Madrid, on the edge of the Halloween event.

Kishijima Maple took his mobile phone to contact his confidants in the warehouse. He sent a coded message. However, almost a minute passed and he did not receive a reply from his confidants.

This situation made Kishijima Maple's heart sink.

Kishijima Maple made an agreement with his confidants. After he sent the secret code, the confidants would send secret codes based on the situation in the warehouse, allowing Kishijima Maple to determine the situation in the warehouse.

Kishijima Maple did not continue to send messages. He directly called a member who was out to implement the wait-and-see plan, but the phone call fell silent and there was no intention of responding at all.

Faced with this situation, Kishijima Maple's expression suddenly changed. He hung up the phone without hesitation, then carefully put his mobile phone into a passerby's cross-body backpack, and left quickly.

Kishijima Maple's route was carefully planned. The route he chose was a remote route without a security monitoring system to avoid being exposed to the security monitoring system.

Even so, Kishijima Maple lowered his cap as much as possible to avoid being seen.

‘Sure enough, there was an accident! 'Kishijima Maple fled while thinking about how to escape Madri.

Judging from the current situation, his previous premonition has completely become a reality. The members of the deserted village action team who stayed in the warehouse may have been wiped out, and the members who went out to implement the wait-and-see plan may have also suffered accidents.

If he hadn't been hiding from the security monitoring system, he would have suffered, right?

‘The other party obviously controls the security monitoring system and even controls the channels in and out of Madri. It is very dangerous to leave Madri now. 'Kishijima Maple thought cautiously.

Kishijima Maple also knew about the three support groups of the Deserted Village Action Team, but Kishijima Maple suspected that Renyi Security Company also knew about this matter, and even speculated that the three support groups had been sniped.

‘So you can’t leave Madrid now! 'Kishijima Maple made a judgment.

If you leave Madrid now, you will most likely be intercepted.

‘Luckily there is a backup plan! 'Kishijima Maple felt a little relieved because he had made a backup plan to be trapped in Madrid.

When Kishijima Maple was lurking in Madrid, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Ralph were communicating.

"Falcon calls the command center. We have eliminated sixteen fish that slipped through the net, and there is only one left. Do you have the latest information?"Ralph asked.

The Triglav special operations team has eliminated sixteen members of the deserted village action team who implemented the wait-and-see plan, and only Kishijima Maple is left alive!

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