Ralph has his own ideas about finding the fish that slipped through the cracks!

This is Madrid in the Spanish half of Spain. It is very difficult for a neon person to integrate into Madrid. After all, there are natural differences between neon people and Spanish people.

Neon people are a typical Asian race, and Hispanics are a typical European race. Whether it is skin color or hair color, they are all different. How can they blend in under such circumstances?

So after No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation reminded him of the direction of the investigation, Ralph had his own ideas.

It was nearly six o'clock in the evening.

An Liang and the Spanish royal family went to the Warner Theme Park to participate in Halloween activities. In the Warner Theme Park, characters from various Warner movies will appear in Halloween-style costumes, giving people the illusion of entering a movie.

While An Liang and Lenore were having fun at Warner Bros. Theme Park, Ralph started his own action.

In the Red Barrel Bar in the south of Madrid, Ralph and three members of the Triglav Special Operations Team appeared in a bad middle-aged image, and became very arrogant after entering the bar.

A local Madrid drinker was just about to make a few taunts when he was stopped by his companion,"Those guys are from the country of the bears, don't mess with them." The reputation of the people from the country of the bears in Europe is not very good, especially those wearing Adidas. Chinese people are the typical image of a certain type of people.

In the corner of the Red Barrel Bar, two members of the gray force from Madrid looked coldly at the four Ralphs, and one of them whispered,"Mattis, can you bear it?"

"Hahaha! Matisse laughed,"Javier, do you think I'm an idiot?" Javier raised his glass,"Guess who they are?""

"The guys from the North Bear Country may be Ax or PBB, but no matter who they are, as long as they don't enter Madrid, it has nothing to do with me!"Mattis clarified his attitude.

"What if they were to enter Madrid? Javier asked.

Matisse looked at Javier,"I can also ask you this question. If they want to enter Madrid, how will you deal with it?""

While Matisse and Javier were communicating, Ralph had already seen the two of them, and he walked straight over.

Matisse and Javier both looked at Ralph, and the young people at the tables around them were all wary.

Ralph seemed not to notice such a tense atmosphere. He walked over and sat down at the table where Matisse and Javier were sitting. He took the initiative to speak and said in suffocated English,"My name is Ralph." Husband, we are from the Northern Bear Country. We don’t have any ill intentions. This time we entered Madrid just to find someone. Matisse took the initiative to open a bottle of beer for Ralph and pushed it over to express his welcome. The originally tense atmosphere was slightly relieved.

Javier asked in English,"Who are you looking for?""

Ralph raised his right hand, and Andre immediately placed a stack of photos on the table. These photos were clearly photos of Kishijima Maple taken by the security surveillance system.

Although they were not full-face photos, they were all of them wearing caps. A photo that covers most of the face, but some basic information can also be determined.

"We are looking for a neon man who recently entered Madrid. He has no fixed job in Madrid, uses an unknown false identity, may be carrying weapons, has received professional training, and is dangerous to a certain extent."Ralph introduced the situation of the fish that slipped through the net.

"We need your help to find him!"Ralph stated the request, and then immediately added,"If someone can provide accurate clues, we will give a reward of 100,000 euros; if someone helps us catch him, we will give a reward of 1 million euros.."

Ralph added,"All are cash rewards, you don't even have to pay taxes!"

The salary level in Spain is actually not high. In 2019, the average monthly salary in Spain was only 950 euros, and even the average salary in the Madrid region was only more than 1,900 euros.

But the average salary depends on the situation. Just look at it, after all, everyone knows everything?

If someone were to average with An Liang, wouldn’t he be directly at the top of the rich list?

Take the Red Barrel Bar as an example. The bartender’s monthly salary is 1,200 euros, plus a part of the sales commission. You can get 1,800 euros per month if you are lucky, and only about 1,400 euros if you are unlucky. The high-paying occupations in the Spanish half of the world are mainly dentists and various corporate managers. It is very normal for ordinary people to earn less than 20,000 euros per year. Things.

Especially for these street gangsters, it is normal to earn less than 20,000 euros a year, right?

Now Ralph has proposed rewards of one hundred thousand euros and one million euros. For the local street gangsters in Madrid, it is natural that Full of attraction

"you sure? Javier stared at Ralph.

Ralph looked at Javier contemptuously,"We men in the Northern Bear Country never lie!""

"If we find someone, how should we contact you? Javier asked.

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