Red Barrel Bar.

After Ralph proposed the sky-high reward, both Matisse and Javier were full of interest, and even their younger brothers secretly paid attention to it.

"There is contact information behind each photo. If you find a suspect, you can contact us to deal with it, or you can try to solve the suspect yourself, but we must remind you that the suspect may be armed and have received professional training. There is a significant degree of danger."Ralph warned.

However, the reward for reporting clues on the suspect is only 100,000 euros, and the reward for catching the suspect is 1 million euros. With such a huge price difference, it goes without saying how to choose?

No matter how dangerous Ralph described the suspect, he could not convince others. They could only speculate whether Ralph wanted to save the bounty.

Mathis immediately picked up a security surveillance photo of Kishijima Maple. , turned it over, and there is indeed a contact email and contact number on the back, so that if the phone cannot be connected, you can also contact us by email

"Do you have any further information about the location of this neon man? Javier asked with focus.

Ralph nodded,"From this photo, you should be able to tell that our target is very cautious. He is avoiding the camera to avoid being photographed.""

Ralph added,"We have contacted experts in the deep web to monitor the security monitoring system. As long as the suspected target appears in the security monitoring system, he cannot escape our tracking."

"The suspected target also knows this, so the suspected target must be hidden in areas without cameras. These areas are the focus of your investigation. After all, the suspected target is a neon man. Even if he is hidden, he is very conspicuous. You can ask local residents."Ralph added.

This move is Ralph's masterstroke!

In the large environment of Madrid, how can a neon man hide?

After Ralph's explanation, Matisse and Javier nodded together, and they basically After understanding the idea of ​​​​looking for the Neon Man, he only needs to mobilize his men to visit areas where the security monitoring system is missing.

In view of the reward of one million euros involved, whether it is Matisse, Havel, or even other personnel who have received the news, They all took action at night.

According to the method provided by Ralph, these people adopted the most primitive method of directly questioning local residents in the entire Madrid where there was no security monitoring system.

Such an action fell into the hands of Kishijima Maple In his eyes, his face was very ugly. He originally thought that he could hide in Madri with the help of a backup plan. After An Liang left Madri and Renyi Security Company relaxed its vigilance, he could leave quietly. However, who knew that

An Liang was going to Kill them all!

This is just because Kishijima Maple doesn’t understand Yasuru.

If Kishijima Maple knows Yasuru, he will definitely not hide in Madrid. Even if he fights to the death, he will find a way to leave, because staying here is to catch a turtle in a urn, which is impossible. escaped

‘It’s time to change places again! 'Kishijima Maple thought silently. He had discovered that someone was looking for him, so naturally he couldn't stay here any longer.

However, when Kishijima Maple was wearing a full-coverage helmet and riding a high-horsepower motorcycle to leave, he realized that he had fallen into a circle.

The alley where he is is completely surrounded!

Under normal circumstances, Kishijima Maple would definitely try to break out, but he found that the people around him were obviously carrying weapons. He could only express his surrender and spoke in Spanish,"I have important information! I want to see you." The person in charge!"

Matisse smiled and handed the ten-euro note to a little boy, and then walked up to Kishijima Maple. He responded,"Slowly take off the helmet!"

Kishijima Maple was helpless. Follow the other party's instructions to remove the helmet.

Mattis compared screenshots and photos of Kishijima Maple's surveillance video, and finally said,"This is you, right?"

Kishijima Maple wanted to deny it, but he did not deny it because he knew very well that whether he admitted it or not , the other party will not let him go

"Paul, Eagle, tie him up and I'll contact the people from the Northern Bear Country immediately." Matisse ordered, and he took out his cell phone to contact Ralph.

In less than ten seconds, the call was answered.

Matisse spoke first,"We have captured the target, where will we leave it to you?"

This question is a test for Matisse.

Because Kishijima Maple has a bounty worth one million euros.

If Ralph responds to a place that is very dangerous for Matisse, then Matisse will reconsider. Is this action reasonable?

However, Ralph did not mean to renege on his debt. He responded directly,"Be careful, take him to a place you think is safe and wait, and then tell us the location."

Ralph continued to add,"We are sincerely cooperating, we will come with cash, you don't have to worry."

Hearing what Ralph said, Matisse finally breathed a sigh of relief!

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