The Deep Web is a complex virtual world.

In the deep web, almost 99.9% of people use false identities or keep confidential identities. Under such circumstances, how to trust each other is the key.

Taking the previous transaction between Anliang and Sansang Company on the Deep Web as an example, Anliang used the identity of the middleman of No. 4 Tianji Shensuan to successfully connect the two parties to complete the transaction of the photolithography machine.

Without the middleman vest of No. 4 Tian Ji Shen Shuan in the deep network, it would be impossible to facilitate this transaction.

So how did neon royalty and mathematicians get connected?

The Neon Royal Family wants the mathematician to deal with An Liang. Isn't the Neon Royal Family worried that the mathematician will turn around and sell this piece of information to An Liang?

How do they trust each other?

This is the key question!

Faced with Anliang's inquiry, Kishijima Maple pondered for a few seconds before shaking his head and responding,"Sorry, Mr. An, I didn't mean to deceive you. I really don't know how the neon royal family and mathematicians are connected. But I can be sure that what I said before is true. The Neon Royal Family does indeed have plans to target your family and girlfriend."

Kishijima Maple continued,"I can also be sure of the person who will execute the plan this time. It's a mathematician, because it's impossible for the Neon Royal Family to give you any obvious clues about this kind of thing."

"After all, according to Mr. An's strength, if the Neon Royal Family shows even the slightest flaw, Mr. An will fight back violently, right?"Kishijima Maple said with certainty.

Anliang did not hide it. As long as the Neon Royal Family breaks the rules of the game first, Anliang will definitely fight back directly, and to the greatest extent.

However, if it is really the kind of accident arranged by a mathematician As long as no clues can be found through investigation, An Liang cannot directly fight back against the Neon Royal Family.

Because without any clues, An Liang will fall into a passive position.

But An Liang already has a way to target mathematicians!

"Do you know when Neon Royalty became associated with mathematicians?" Yasuo asked.

Kishijima Maple thought for a moment before responding,"I only know an approximate time. The Neon Royal Family should have established contact with the mathematician in the past half month."

"Is there any reference information for speculation?"An Liang asked

"Half a month ago, when the Neon Royal Family was formulating a plan against Mr. An, it was still unable to determine a specific action plan. However, the next day, it came up with a specific plan and our deserted village action team carried out peripheral investigation tasks. Including the daily routine of Mr. An’s parents, whether it is transportation, diet, or other daily routines, etc."Kishijima maple description

"A week later, the relevant person in charge of the Neon Royal Family leaked the information at a meeting, saying that the person responsible for this operation was a famous mathematician, and that our deserted village action team only needed to be responsible for the preliminary investigation operations, and then completely withdrawn.."Kishijima Maple added.

Anliang nodded slightly, indicating that he recognized this information.

"Who is the person in charge of the Neon Royal Family?"Anliang asked again.

This time Kishijima Maple still didn't hide anything,"Prince Yukio Kumura, he is fully responsible for this action against Mr. An. By the way, there is another thing that may be related to mathematicians"

"You tell me."An Liang signaled the other party to continue.

"A safety accident occurred with the brother-in-law of Prince Yukio Kyumura. The other party rolled down the stairs of the overpass and eventually broke his neck and died."Kishijima Maple explained the case.

Kishijima Maple continued to add,"Regarding this case, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau both conducted independent investigations. The results of both investigations were accidental."

Kishijima Maple explained in detail,"The cause of this tragedy was that a helium balloon in the hands of a child exploded, which disturbed a large Akita dog. The large Akita dog broke away from its owner's leash and passed by the deceased. The traction rope tripped the deceased when he was around him, which ultimately led to tragedy."

"The entire tragic incident was filmed by the security surveillance system. No suspicious persons were found in the security video records. During the investigation by the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department and the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, they respectively investigated the amusement park that provided helium balloons and the purchase of helium balloons. The family, the man walking the dog, no one had any problems, it was just an accident."Kishijima Maple added.

Yasuhiro raised his eyebrows,"It does sound like a mathematician's method, but how did the other party make the balloon explode?"

Kishijima Maple shook his head in denial,"I don't know. I think it was after this incident that the mathematician was selected by the Neon Royal Family as an executive against Mr. An, right?"

The corners of Anliang's mouth turned up. Although it seems from what Kishijima Maple described that the mathematician's plan was indeed seamless, Anliang didn't believe in seamless things at all. This seemingly seamless plan was actually a flaw. In fact, through An Liang has already guessed some of the answers to Kishijima Maple's narrative, and now he just needs further confirmation.

"I can give you a chance to live, but you need to do something for me!"Anliang looked at Kishijima Maple.

Kishijima Maple responded directly,"Mr. An, please give me your orders!"

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