An Liang has discovered the mathematician's flaw!

"I need all the security surveillance videos of the accidental death of Mr. and Mrs. Yuki Kumura, and I need the security surveillance videos before the incident in the corresponding area. The more security surveillance video records before the incident, the better."An Liang ordered

"You should be able to get it, right?"Anliang asked casually.

Kishijima Maple responded affirmatively,"I can! Mr. An, please believe me, I can definitely get these security surveillance video records! An

Liang waved his hand,"I don't need a promise, I just need to see the results. In order to make it easier for you to get those security surveillance video records, I will also give you another 100 million yen in activity funds.""

One hundred million yen is equivalent to approximately 5.6 million Xia Guoyuan.

An Liang is not worried about Kishima Maple's money absconding at all. His identity information has been completely controlled by Renyi Security Company. Renyi Security Company has developed into a global organization. He can still Where did he go?

Kishijima Maple breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard that there was still 100 million yen in activity funds. Originally, Kishijima Maple was worried about getting the security surveillance video records, but If you have an extra 100 million yen in activity funds, there will be absolutely no problems

"Mr. An, please rest assured, I can definitely do it!"Kishijima Maple assured again.

Anliang thought about it for a moment before continuing to ask,"The information that your deserted village action group was wiped out by us must have been sent back to Neon. You have survived alone now. Is there any way you can clear the suspicion?"

Kishijima Maple nodded affirmatively,"There is a way!"

Anliang looked at Kishijima Maple.

Kishijima Maple immediately explained sensibly,"I will directly contact Prince Yukio Kumura, implicitly indicating that our actions will be exposed in advance, which will lead to a quick elimination by Mr. An.

An Liang laughed,"You are really smart!""

"Our rapid annihilation of your deserted village action group just gave you a reason to make Yukio Kumura suspect whether there was a mole."Anliang pointed out Kishijima Maple's plan.

"But there is one question. Aren’t you worried that Yukio Kumura will suspect that you are the mole?"Anliang thought a little more than Kishijima Maple.

Kishijima Maple was silent.

"If you contact Yukio Kumura directly, I guess the other party will definitely suspect that you are the traitor, so I suggest you contact other confidential forces in the Neon Royal Family and carefully disclose the things that you may have been betrayed."An Liang explained

"As for the reason why you were betrayed, it was because you knew that Yukio Kumura was planning something against me, and Yukio Kumura killed people and silenced him in advance." Yasuo gave a new solution.

This solution is better than the solution that Kishijima Maple came up with, and it is safer.

Even if Kishijima Maple didn't know the person, he contacted Yuki Kyumura The husband's confidant, but as long as Kishijima Kaede tells the reason why they were 'betrayed', the people who receive the information will also be wary.

After all, the people who receive the information also know that Yukio Kumura and mathematicians are targeting Regarding Anliang's matter, aren't you afraid of being purged by Yukio Kumura?

"Mr. An is brilliant!"Kishijima Maple naturally understands that Anliang's plan is better.

"Do you need us to help you get into neon? Yasu asked.

Kishijima Maple responded affirmatively,"Need it!""

Although his whereabouts will be further controlled by An Liang by using An Liang's channels to enter Neon, he knows very well that even if he does not use An Liang's channels, his whereabouts will still be controlled by An Liang. So why not use them?

Besides, If you use Anliang's channels to enter Neon, it is definitely a safer choice.

Therefore, Kishijima Maple did not hesitate to express that he needed Anliang's channels.

"Let’s arrange it!"An Liang ordered Qin Tianxiang.

After Renyi Security Company sent Kishima Maple away, An Liang ordered Qin Tianxiang,"Raise the security defense level of all relevant personnel."

"OK"Qin Tianxiang responded affirmatively.

An Liang contacted Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 and waited for Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 to answer the communication. An Liang spoke first,"Has the Tianji Plan started?"

"After we took over the quantum computer project of Xiong Zhang Company, we tried to develop the Tianji Project. However, due to the delay in the quantum computer project, the Tianji Project temporarily stayed on the basis of silicon-based computers."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded

"We are conducting and cooperating with the ternary computer project team to explore the possibility of developing the Tianji project on the ternary computer. However, from the current situation, neither quantum computers nor ternary carbon-based computers are possible. Meet the needs of the Tianji project."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Supplement

"For the time being, we can only discuss the construction of the Tianji project based on silicon-based computer solutions."The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan summarized the current situation.

An Liang explained the situation of the mathematician, and then added,"We are trying to obtain the relevant video recording information. Once the corresponding video recording information is obtained, , according to the current situation of the Tianji project, can it comprehensively analyze the corresponding video recording information?"

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