The Tianji Project is an artificial intelligence project.

Originally, Anliang planned to acquire the artificial intelligence project of Xiong Zhang Company. However, the artificial intelligence project was the core of Xiong Zhang Company, and it was impossible for Li Hongyan to sell it.

Since he was unable to acquire Xiong Zhang Company's artificial intelligence project, Anliang could only build his own artificial intelligence project.

After all, artificial intelligence systems are at the heart of everything in the future!

Whether it is the next generation of industrial revolution, the Internet revolution, or the integration of the Internet and the real world, or even the virtual world that is hyped as the concept of"Metaverse", all require artificial intelligence systems as the foundation.

So artificial intelligence systems are the core of the future and the core of the core.

The world's top technology companies, Internet companies, and even various traditional companies are aggressively entering the field of artificial intelligence and the related field of quantum computers.

The power controlled by Anliang is also the top power in the world, so how could it not develop technology in the field of artificial intelligence?

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan responded quickly,"If we only analyze the information of relevant personnel in the security surveillance video records, and run the human facial feature recognition program, as well as the human behavior dynamic feature recognition program, and then create each object Comprehensive comparison and screening of relevant data, there is no problem at all"

"Although the difficulties of the quantum computer project and the carbon-based chip project have led to the delay of the Tianji Project, the development of the Tianji Project in the field of silicon-based computers has a certain foundation. Tasks similar to those are actually not too difficult."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation added.

An Liang asked additionally,"How long do you need to process it?"

"After we get the security surveillance video records, we will roughly process them, such as filtering and matching all security surveillance video records to see if there are unconventional identical objects in different time periods."The Divine Calculation No. 4 explains.

Unconventional identical objects in different time periods mean that a certain non-local person has appeared at the crime scene many times. This is a highly suspicious situation. An Liang naturally understands this truth.

"In the case of rough processing, the current Tianji system can ignore the original video resolution and bit rate, accelerate the timeline by 64 times, and process 64 videos at the same time."The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation illustrates the capabilities of the Tianji system.

The so-called 64 times timeline acceleration means that if the video that needs to be processed is 64 minutes, the Tianji system can complete the processing within one minute and process 64 videos at the same time.

This efficiency is already quite high!

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation continued to add,"We are adjusting the development direction of Tianji Project, temporarily shelving the direction of quantum computers and carbon-based chips, and fully promoting the development of Tianji Project in the field of silicon-based chips."

"no problem."An Liang said in agreement.

Although An Liang acquired Xiong Zhang Company's quantum computer project team, Xiong Zhang Company's quantum computer project team is a younger brother in the world. It not only follows other people's routes, but also seriously Falling behind others.

In fact, if this were not the case, how could Li Hongyan sell the quantum computer project?

It is nothing more than Xiong Zhang Company’s quantum computer project investing a large amount of R&D funds every year, but without any R&D results.

Now this It was An Liang's turn to have a headache. After the quantum computer project and the carbon-based chip project were launched, a large amount of money was continuously invested in them without any return.

But there is an essential difference between An Liang and Li Hongyan!

Xiongzhang Company is now one of the three Internet giants. Lagging behind, both operating income and profits are unsatisfactory. It is impossible for Li Hongyan to invest in artificial intelligence system projects and quantum computer projects at the same time.

However, Anliang can!

Whether it is Anxin Investment Company or Xia Guo Anxin Bank, both It can bring sufficient funds to Anliang.

Especially Xiaguo Anxin Bank. Now Xiaguo Anxin Bank is on the right track step by step, and its revenue capacity is getting stronger and stronger. Naturally, Anliang has no financial pressure. Besides, after starting Before the carbon-based chip project, Anliang had already made plans to invest crazily. Now that the carbon-based chip project has just been launched, Anliang has no investment pressure at all.


The next day. seven in the morning.

At the entrance of Zarzuela Palace, An Liang took Philip VI's place to send Lenore and her sister to school amidst Philip VI's helpless expression.

This is the right that Queen Lydia fought for for Anliang.

Queen Lydia was very clever, and An Liang knew very well that Queen Lydia deliberately asked An Liang to send Lenore and Sophia to school.

Because Anliang's act of sending the princess of the Spanish royal family to school was in itself a statement, thus revealing that the large number of export trade orders brought by the Crown Import and Export Trading Company to the Western half of the country this time was brought by the royal family.

That's why An Liang said that Queen Lydia was very clever. Just such a small thing completely demonstrated the influence of the royal family.

On the way to school, Lenore and Anliang sat in the second row of the bulletproof version of Saboban, and Sophia was naturally in the third row.

"Ann, you..."Lenore sat next to An Liang, her tone was full of hesitation....


Update time: December 28, 2021 00:02:25, good night.

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