An Liang guessed the question Lenore wanted to ask, and he responded with a smile,"I will not leave the Spanish Peninsula for the time being. The Dinamico GTT115 yacht given to you will arrive in Cadiz today and wait for you. During the holiday on Friday, your father, mother, and we will go on vacation together."

Cadiz is the southernmost city in the western half of Spain. It is also one of the oldest cities in Europe. As a typical Mediterranean climate city, it The four seasons are pleasant.

Cadiz has very good weather conditions all year round, and Victoria Beach is the highest quality beach in Europe. Coupled with a variety of seafood delicacies, Cadiz has become a favorite among Spanish people and belongs to the Spanish Peninsula. The first choice for beach vacations.

Philip VI loves to go to Cadiz for vacation!

However, the 'poor' Philip VI did not have a luxury yacht, so he had some regrets every time he went to Cadiz.

After all, every time he went to Cadiz, Philip VI could only rent one yacht, and it was a small rented yacht, which had a more or less shabby taste.

When An Liang gave Lenore a Dinamico GTT115 luxury yacht as a birthday gift, and arranged a series of back-up plans that the Spanish royal family had to accept, the happiest person was actually Philip VI..

Therefore, Philip VI did not hesitate to invite An Liang to participate in the weekend beach vacation, and An Liang naturally did not refuse.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang returned to De La Mata Manor. He checked the tablet computer handed over by Qin Tianxiang, which displayed relevant information about Kishida Maple.

Kishijima Maple has already gone to Neon under the arrangement of Renyi Security Company. Just as Kishijima Maple guessed, his whereabouts are completely under the control of Renyi Security Company.

Time flies.

On November 3rd, Tuesday, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon local time in Western Spain and around eight o'clock in the evening neon time.

Kishijima Maple was feeding back information to Anliang,"BOSS, I have obtained the relevant video records."

"What time periods of security surveillance video records did you obtain?"Anliang asked very professionally. He has recently discussed a lot of things about mathematicians with the management of Renyi Security Company, so he has become more and more professional.

For example, Kishijima Maplewood said that the security surveillance video record, the most important thing is of course the incident. Security surveillance video records at the time of the incident, followed by security surveillance video records before the incident, and security surveillance video records after the incident.

According to criminal psychology analysis, with a modus operandi similar to that of a mathematician, he must have conducted on-site inspections , and it is possible to return to the scene to observe again after the incident.

In fact, a considerable number of criminals have the mentality of returning to the crime scene after the incident.

Kishijima Maplewood immediately responded,"Including the three security surveillance cameras at the time of the incident. Three security surveillance video records captured by the camera, as well as all security surveillance video records within the fifteen days before the incident, as well as security surveillance video records for all time periods after the incident."

It's so complete?

"Those security monitoring systems didn't malfunction?"An Liang asked casually

"I have secretly investigated and found that the three security surveillance cameras at the crime scene did not have any malfunctions, and there were no defects in all security surveillance video records."Kishijima Maple responded.

Is there such a good thing?

Is the mathematician negligent, or is the mathematician too confident and thinks his plan is impeccable?

"Send all the videos you have collected through the confidential communication software we give you."An Liang ordered

"OK"Kishijima Maple responded.

"If you continue to stay in Neon, we will first analyze the video you sent."An Liang added

"clear."Kishijima Maple had no intention of refusing, and he had no reason to refuse.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Kishijima Maple used a regular upload speed, and it took nearly ten hours to complete all security monitoring The video records were sent to the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

After Kishijima Maple sent the security surveillance video records, in less than five minutes, the Tianji system had finished analyzing all the security surveillance video records.

After all, the data transmission speed was too slow. , the Tianji system can process 64 times the timeline of 64 videos at the same time, and the processing and analysis speed is extremely fast, so the Tianji system has completed the analysis almost as soon as the security surveillance video records have been transmitted. The No.

4 Tianji Divine Calculator looked at the analysis of the Tianji system As a result, he immediately contacted An Liang

"BOSS, there is a problem with the security surveillance video recording!"Tianji Shensuan Report No. 4," After analysis by the Tianji system, in addition to the security surveillance video records at the time of the incident, whether it is the records within a week before the incident or the records within a week after the incident, all of them have been edited and spliced. Case."

It is very simple for the Tianji system to analyze the edited and spliced ​​videos, because the Tianji system uses the human facial feature recognition program and the human behavior dynamic feature recognition program to create independent data information for each human being recorded in the security surveillance video. It can easily judge The human characteristics of which segment appeared to be repeated.

When Anliang listened to the report of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, he felt that this was indeed the case!

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