Madrid International Airport.

On the Gulfstream G650ER business jet, Anliang and Philip VI sat opposite each other, while Queen Lydia and the two princesses Lenore and Sofia sat slightly behind.

Captain Liu Sen announced the imminent takeoff through the PA system. Liu Sen is an experienced captain. He has fifteen years of experience in flying airplanes and has flown more than 19,000 hours.

The Gulfstream G650ER business jet took off smoothly, and the interior of the aircraft was extremely quiet, fully demonstrating the superiority of top-tier business jets.

An Liang and Philip VI continued to discuss the power market in the Spanish Peninsula.

Faced with An Liang's euphemistic statement about the chaos in the Spanish electricity market, Philip VI could only shake his head with a wry smile.

"Our power system in the Western Hemisphere is indeed very bad. In fact, our country’s electricity prices are among the best in the entire European Union. This has long aroused public dissatisfaction."Philip VI said frankly.

An Liang asked pretending to be confused,"Can't the Spanish court control the price of electricity?"

Philip VI shook his head in the negative,"We in Spain are different from your Xia Kingdom. Both our royal family and our court are different from yours"

"Our electricity energy in the Spanish Peninsula is purchased wholesale from MIBEL through OMIE, and then distributed to consumers in different ways. The specific situation is very complicated. Simply put, we in the Spanish Peninsula do not have our own power supply system."Philippe VI added.

An An conscience secretly sighed, how outrageous is it for a country to not have its own power supply system?

No wonder the Spanish court cannot control the price of electricity!

"Your Majesty Philip, have you paid attention to the news about our Xia Kingdom, such as the news reports about the fourth-generation nuclear power plant that our Xia Kingdom announced before?"An Liang asked remindingly.

Philip VI was a smart man and he understood the implication of An Liang's words.

"Of course I have read news about Xia's fourth-generation nuclear power technology. Your Xia country should already be building a nuclear power plant based on fourth-generation nuclear power technology, right?"Philip VI asked back.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Yes, Xia State is currently building an experimental fourth-generation nuclear power plant, but I know a rumor that the fourth-generation nuclear power technology is a completely mature technology and does not need to be used at all. Verify further"

"I plan to build a super-large fourth-generation nuclear power plant in Tyrande to realize the layout of the energy industry in Tyrande and integrate Tyrande’s power system."An Liang added.

If the global civil electricity price is divided into three ranges: high, medium and low, the low price range for civil electricity is 0.01 to 0.09 US dollars per kilowatt hour; the middle price range is 0.10 to 0.19 US dollars per kilowatt hour; the high price range is It is more than 0.2 U.S. dollars per kilowatt hour.

After being classified according to the above price range, the electricity prices in the Kingdom of Pharaoh and the Kingdom of Maine are even as low as 0.02 U.S. dollars per kilowatt hour. The civilian electricity price of Xia Kingdom is about 0.08 U.S. dollars per kilowatt hour, and the same It is in the low price range.

The domestic electricity price in Tyrande is about 50% higher than that in Xiaguo, reaching the price of 0.12 US dollars per kilowatt hour. The electricity price in Spain is even outrageous, reaching 0.25 US dollars per kilowatt hour. level.

Anliang plans to build a super-large fourth-generation nuclear power plant in Tyrande. In addition to further developing Renyi Safety Company, he also hopes to indirectly control Tyrande’s power energy market and try to build a monopoly to gain huge benefits.

According to In the case of fourth-generation nuclear power technology, the use of fourth-generation nuclear power technology will greatly save the cost of power generation and thereby obtain more profits.

It is certainly impossible for Anliang to significantly intervene in the power energy market within Xia State, so Anliang will target Tyrande.

However, now that An Liang has spoken out about this, of course he is not simply proving from the side that there is no problem with the fourth-generation nuclear power technology, but is crazily hinting at Philip VI.

How could Philip VI not understand? An Liang's hint?

"What scale of fourth-generation nuclear power plant does Mr. An plan to build in Tyrande?"Although Philip VI understood An Liang's hint, he also refused to let go of the rabbit.

Faced with Philip VI's inquiry, An Liang did not respond directly. He greeted the flight attendant and signaled the flight attendant to be Philip VI and himself. Pour a glass of whiskey.

An Liang raised his glass, and Philip VI also raised his glass.

After the two took a sip of whiskey, An Liang asked Philip VI,"Does your Majesty know the power generation capacity of our country's mountain gorge power station?""

Philip VI nodded,"Of course I know! If the design theoretical data is followed, a hydroelectric power station can generate 540 million kilowatt-hours of electricity at full load throughout the day!"

This is a terrible number!

What is the concept of 540 million kilowatt-hours of electricity?

If calculated according to the current average electricity price in Western Spain, the single-day sales of 540 million kilowatt-hours of electricity would reach 864 million yuan.

Although these calculations are only theoretical The actual situation is more complicated according to the data calculation, but the result is still very amazing.

After all, the sales every day can exceed 800 million Xia Guoyuan. Isn’t it too scary?

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