Facing Philip VI's proposal, An Liang did not make any clear statement. He smiled and asked,"Your Majesty Philip, how is your electricity consumption in the western half of Spain?"

In fact, An Liang knew the answer to this question!

But Anliang deliberately asked this question, which revealed an attitude, that is, Anliang did not pay much attention to the Spanish power energy market, and had not even investigated the power consumption of the Spanish Peninsula.

Philip VI understood An Liang's subtext, but he didn't care whether An Liang really hadn't investigated the electricity consumption in the western half of the country, or it was just a way of saying it, because that didn't matter.

"Although we in the Western Hemisphere are smaller than Tyrande in terms of population, we exceed Tyrande in terms of energy consumption."Philip VI first said the key information.

The energy consumption of Spain exceeds that of Tyrande, which means that the energy market size of Spain exceeds that of Tyrande, which means that Spain has a bigger cake.

Philip VI also Full of scheming, he smells like an old fox when he opens his mouth

"In 2019, our annual electricity consumption in the western half of the country was about 220 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, exceeding Tyrande by more than 20%."Philip VI gave more detailed data

"Our electricity consumption has further increased this year and has now exceeded 200 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption. It is expected to exceed 230 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption by the end of the year, or even reach 240 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption."Philip VI said speculatively.

"In addition, the electricity standards of our Spanish country are the same as those of your country, which are the standard parameters of 220 volts and 50 Hz frequency. From a technical point of view, your technical standards of Xia country are completely applicable to ours."Philip VI added.

In fact, Tyrande is also the standard for 220 volts and 50 Hz.

However, whether it is Tyrande or Spain, there are some subtle differences in plug specifications, but those are minor problems.

"Mr. An, if you are willing to place the fourth-generation nuclear power plant project in our western half, our western half will definitely provide very huge preferential policies, whether in terms of taxation or other aspects."Philip VI added.

Faced with Philip VI's rhetoric, An Liang pointed out the core issue.

"If we place the fourth-generation nuclear power plant project in Western Spain, how does His Majesty Philippe think about dealing with the issue of pricing power?"An Liang asked to the point.

This question is the core!

The Spanish power energy market is currently in chaos, and the most critical issue is that the Spanish court has no pricing power.

Philip VI was silent for a moment, and then responded,"Mr. An Can you disclose the cost of generating electricity from Generation IV nuclear power plants?"

The fourth-generation nuclear power technology is not a secret. Relevant industry personnel can easily judge the approximate power generation cost of a fourth-generation nuclear power plant, so Anliang did not hide it.

"The power generation cost of fourth-generation nuclear power technology is very low, much lower than that of current third-generation nuclear power plants, and also much lower than that of thermal power plants."An Liang explained.

"Probably only the cost of hydropower plants can be comparable to the fourth-generation nuclear power technology, but in terms of construction cost and construction period, the fourth-generation nuclear power technology has absolute advantages!"Anliang added.

Still taking the Shanxia Hydropower Station as an example, it took a full eighteen years from construction to commissioning. This cycle is really too long.

In addition, the construction cost of the hydropower station is also too high.

The power generation power of Shanxia Hydropower Station is 22.5 million kilowatts, but the total dynamic investment is close to 250 billion yuan. This cost is not much different from that of a third-generation nuclear power plant. The investment in a third-generation nuclear power plant is about 100 billion kilowatts, which requires 100 billion yuan. The cost of the Shanxia Hydropower Station is not much higher.

But the fourth-generation nuclear power technology is different!

The fourth-generation nuclear power technology has greatly improved safety and is far lower in risk than the third-generation nuclear power plant, and the fourth-generation nuclear power technology Fourth-generation nuclear power plants are maintenance-free, and their subsequent maintenance and fuel costs are far lower than those of third-generation nuclear power plants.

According to Sato Mirai’s analysis, the construction cost of fourth-generation nuclear power plants is only about one-half of that of third-generation nuclear power plants. Simply put, the construction cost of a 10 million kilowatt nuclear power plant is only 50 billion yuan.

And with the improvement of construction experience and technology, this cost may even be lower.

Under such circumstances, fourth-generation nuclear power technology really takes over Advantages!

Therefore, the power generation cost of fourth-generation nuclear power plants is indeed very low, and can even completely subvert the current power supply system.

If not, how could Anliang establish the Dream Future Energy Group around fourth-generation nuclear power technology?

"Regarding the issue of pricing power, we have just one request."Philip VI explained to Anliang.

He had already thought about the issues related to pricing power. He knew that it was impossible for them in the Western Hemisphere to obtain pricing power. After all, neither the fourth-generation nuclear power technology nor the fourth-generation nuclear power plant was theirs. From the Spanish half of Spain, how do they get the pricing power in the Spanish half of Spain?

So Philip VI is ready to settle for the next best thing!


Update time: January 1, 2022 00:01:52, good night and happy new year! happy New Year!

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