In the driver's cab of the Dynamic GTT115 yacht, David Gasol, a field staff member of the Spanish branch of Renyi Security Company, is working part-time as a yacht pilot. Philip VI and Lenore are both seriously learning driving skills.

Especially Philip VI, he asked questions from time to time and asked about specific operations, so as to master the driving skills of the Dynamic GTT115 yacht.

Lenore also followed her studies seriously. She is the first heir to the Spanish royal family. For Lenore, yacht driving skills are a must because it is the basic skill of a royal member.

Queen Lydia and Sophia were resting in the reception room. An Liang was also in the reception room, and he was sending a message to Zhao Wanxi.

This large luxury yacht has an on-board network and can connect to the Internet via satellite network even in offshore areas

‘An Liang: Has the negotiation team for investment in the Spanish power energy market been formed?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [roll eyes]’

‘Zhao Wanxi: How could it be so fast?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I have informed the relevant person in charge of Xiaguo Power Grid that Xiaguo Power Grid attaches great importance to investing in the Spanish power energy market. They hope to send a team of more than fifty people to negotiate.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: What's going on?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: This time for investment in the Spanish power energy market, if we really follow what you said, we can solely control the nuclear power plants, power storage regulation companies, and transmission networks, and we can set prices and sell by ourselves, which is equivalent to Having completely monopolized the Spanish power energy market, how could Xia Guo Power Grid not be excited?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Our Xiaguo Power Grid’s technology is in a leading position in the world. Once we monopolize the Spanish power energy market, we will completely control the Spanish power energy supply!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I suspect that you hope to eventually make the Spanish royal family regress by monopolizing the Spanish electricity and energy market! An

Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi's guess and sighed secretly in his heart, this Zhao Wanxi is too smart!

‘An Liang: I am doing it for more benefits!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: That’s killing two birds with one stone!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: You did a good job of keeping things confidential in the Western Hemisphere, but there were no reports there. '

This is naturally the credit of the Western Hemisphere Branch of Renyi Security Company!

‘An Liang: After all, safety comes first!’

‘An Liang: Regarding the negotiation team, you should decide as soon as possible. The Spanish court has initially agreed to our conditions. Now we are just waiting for the negotiation team to come over and have detailed discussions.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay, we can finish it today’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I will send you a message after it is completed.’

‘An Liang: Okay’

‘Zhao Wanxi: There is one more thing you need to decide’

‘An Liang: What happened?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Actually, it’s still about investing in the Spanish power energy market.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: If this negotiation goes well, we can fully intervene in the Spanish power energy market. According to your plan, we should simultaneously build fourth-generation nuclear power plants, power storage facilities made of graphene batteries, and build independent Grid, these tasks require a lot of human resources and construction materials’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Some related companies in the imperial capital circle have heard the news about the Spanish power energy market. Although they cannot eat meat with us, they hope to drink a bowl of soup with us. For example, they can provide us with building materials or provide Some human resources, and related supporting services. '

An Liang thought about it for a while before replying to the message.

‘An Liang: Regarding building materials, if the cost allows, we can also purchase them from domestic sources.’

‘An Liang: But for human resources issues, we give priority to the local human resources in Spain. I believe the Spanish court will also make demands on this matter.’

‘An Liang: Of course, if the Spanish mainland cannot absorb our human resources needs, we can naturally adjust the human resources issues domestically.’

‘An Liang: Related supporting services can indeed be outsourced, especially catering related ones. We outsource them directly to others.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay, I know how to handle it! '

Actually, Zhao Wanxi always knew how to deal with it, but she was very measured. She first asked An Liang about the solution and let An Liang make the final decision.

After the exchange between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi, Queen Lydia, who was sitting diagonally across from her, asked casually,"Mr. An, when will your Dream Future Energy Group's negotiation team come over?"

Queen Lydia is not a flower vase!

Queen Lydia is Philip VI's virtuous wife. After Philip VI became the king of Spain, he was able to increase the reputation of the Spanish royal family so quickly and reverse the mess left by his father. Queen Lydia has a huge contribution.

Facing Queen Lydia's inquiry, An Liang guessed Queen Lydia's thoughts, but An Liang had no intention of asking. He just answered the question and said,"If there are no accidents, we should arrange for a cooperation team to come over in the next few days."

An Liang deliberately referred to the 'negotiation team' as a 'cooperation team'. Although it was indeed a negotiation team in essence, he also used the term 'negotiation team' when communicating with Zhao Wanxi, but when facing the Spanish royal family, An Liang prefers to use a 'cooperative team' to weaken the opposing positions of both parties and make the negotiations that have not yet started easier in the future.

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