‘The word"negotiation" naturally has a confrontational flavor, so Anliang prefers to use the word"cooperation".

Because 'cooperation' is more acceptable. After all, 'cooperation' means both parties benefit.

Queen Lydia is also a smart person. She naturally noticed the details of An Liang's use of the 'cooperative team'. Queen Lydia secretly gave An Liang a thumbs up in her heart, and then took the initiative to express her thoughts.

"Mr. An, we hope to use this incident to gain prestige for the royal family."Queen Lydia talked openly about the Spanish royal family's little abacus.

An Liang responded with a smile,"This is what it should be. When I discussed it with His Majesty Philip before, His Majesty Philip said that this is a benefit that belongs to you."

This time when Dream Future Energy Group intervenes in the Spanish power and energy market, it is definitely a win-win situation for all parties.

Dream Future Energy Group has won interests, the Spanish royal family has won prestige and public opinion, and the Spanish court has won By gaining a certain voice and breaking the monopoly in the electric energy market, Spanish people can get preferential treatment for electric energy consumption.

If we must find a loser, should it be the monopoly organization composed of MIBEL and OMIE?

Because Dream Future Energy Group After intervening in the Spanish power energy market, only the monopoly organization composed of MIBEL and OMIE will suffer profit losses.

However, whether it is the Spanish royal family, the Spanish court, or the Spanish people, all of them are interested in MIBEL and OMIE. The monopoly organization formed is so angry!

Now that Dream Future Energy Group is allowed to intervene in the Spanish power energy market, it is just leveraging its own strength. How can it care about the losses of MIBEL and OMIE?

"Thank you Mr. An for your understanding."Queen Lydia responded politely.

Although it was a benefit agreed in advance, Queen Lydia still expressed her full gratitude. This attitude made An Liang very comfortable, so An Liang said that Queen Lydia is Philip VI. A little more than an hour later

, the Dinamico GTT115 luxury yacht arrived at the reserved location in Cadiz Bay, and Anliang came to the back deck area.

Philip VI had already taken out his fishing rod, and he took the initiative to say hello," Mr. An, I have prepared spare fishing rods here.

An Liang responded gratefully,"Thank you, Your Majesty Philip, I'm not welcome!""

"Mr. An is so polite!"Philip VI responded with a laugh.

"By the way, where's Lenore?"An Liang asked

"She was on the front deck and she said she wanted to fish by herself so we wouldn't interfere." Philip VI responded.

An Liang responded,"Then I will disturb His Majesty Philip!"

"I am very confident in my skills!"Philip VI said confidently,"Mr. An, let me first explain to you the types of these baits and their advantages and disadvantages."

Philip VI taught Anliang about the fishing bait situation. He is indeed an expert in sea fishing. He has been fishing for more than 30 years.

Anliang listened patiently, and then chose the exact same bait as Philip VI. The two of them started fishing together. The ones on the left and right were fishing on the back deck.

In less than a minute, there was movement on Anliang's side!

Under the guidance of the security personnel of Renyi Safety Company, Anliang pulled the line and retracted the pole, and finally pulled up a grouper.

Security of Renyi Safety Company The staff quickly measured and weighed the grouper. The length of this grouper reached 37 centimeters and the weight reached 1.8 kilograms. The market valuation was 12 euros per kilogram, and the final valuation was 21.6 euros.

Anliang, Philip VI, and Lenore The sea fishing competition between the three children used value estimation comparison, which means whoever catches a fish with higher value will win.

Philip VI watched An Liang catch a big grouper, and he said with praise,"Mr. An's Good luck!"

Although An Liang caught a grouper first, Philip VI didn't feel any panic. He just felt that An Liang was lucky.

"My luck has always been good!"An Liang responded with a smile.

After the security personnel of Renyi Safety Company took down the grouper, An Liang re-handled the bait, then threw the rod and bait into the water again.

Almost a minute later, An Liang loaded the fish again and pulled it by himself When I picked up the fish, it was still a grouper, but the second grouper was a little bigger, reaching 44 centimeters in length and 2.6 kilograms in weight, with a market valuation of 31.2 euros.

"Mr. An is very lucky!"Philip VI praised again. He still didn't feel any pressure because he still felt that Anliang's luck was just a little better.

However, Anliang's luck was not that good!

In the next five minutes, Anliang caught three groupers in a row. Each weighed more than 2 kilograms, but Philip VI didn't catch a single fish.

"There it is again!"An Liang deliberately exclaimed.

Philip VI's smile was a little weak. He couldn't understand why An Liang fished again and again, but he never got anything. Is it a matter of location?

Is it him ? There are no fish here?

It seems that this is the reason!

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