Local time in Western Spain, 6:30 pm.

The first piece of news on Spanish National Television’s evening news was a report on the cooperation between the Spanish Imperial Court and Dream Future Energy Group


"Good evening, viewers, and welcome to the evening news."Beautiful news host Elsa Abald said hello routinely

"Our first piece of news today is definitely breaking news!"Elsa said coquettishly.

"On November 9, 2020, our Spanish court and Xia Guo Dream Future Energy Group officially reached an agreement. Dream Future Energy Group will officially enter the Spanish power energy market!"Elsa introduced the content of the inquiry.

Spanish national television broadcast the signing ceremony in the Royal Villa Hotel conference room. Naturally, it was the scene of Chief Minister Paul Peak and Liu Jingming of Xia Guo Power Grid signing the contract and shaking hands, not An Liang. Shaking hands with Paul Pique

"The Dream Future Energy Group from Xia Guo plans to invest hundreds of billions of euros to establish a fourth-generation nuclear power plant cluster, related supporting power storage stations, and a nationwide power transmission network in our western half, so as to provide clean, reliable power to the entire western half of the country. Stable, high-quality, low-price new energy"

"According to the cooperation agreement between the two parties, once Dream Future Energy Group is officially put into commercial operation, the price of electricity and energy in our Spanish hemisphere is expected to drop by more than 20%."

"In terms of the reliability and stability of power energy, Dream Future Energy Group promises to refer to the situation of Xiaguo Power Grid. We will make a special report on the situation of Xiaguo Power Grid in the future."

"Finally, according to the agreement between the two parties, in this cooperation, Dream Future Energy Group will provide a large number of cooperation opportunities in our western half, including building transmission networks, providing materials for transmission networks and power storage stations, and even outsourcing in catering, etc. , these cooperation will generate a large number of job opportunities and consumer markets. Relevant economists have shown that this cooperation can bring at least tens of billions of euros to our Spanish market economy."

The Spanish National Television report is ongoing, but some thoughtful people have begun to take action, especially those in the power and energy industry. They have now begun to look for connections to join this cooperation.

Finding connections is very common around the world. It is common, even in Spain.

On the Spanish Internet, Queen Lydia interacts with the official account of the Spanish court.


Queen Lydia:

Congratulations to the Royal Court of Spain and Dream Future Energy Group for reaching a cooperation agreement!

I wish both parties happy cooperation!

Looking forward to a better future when electricity and energy prices fall by more than 20%


Queen Lydia posted words of congratulations on Face. On the surface, it seemed like a simple blessing, but the official account of the Spanish Imperial Court gave a very positive and positive interaction.


The Royal Court of the West Banja:

Thank you to the Royal Family of the West Banja and Queen @ledia for their matchmaking, thank the royal family for introducing Dream Future Energy Group, and ultimately facilitating this cooperation.

Thanks to Dream Future Energy Group for its support of the Spanish power energy market!

I wish both of us happy cooperation!

Finally, I recommend watching the Xia Guo Power Grid program:"Who else would build transmission lines in a place like this except Xia Guo!" 》

Look forward to Dream Future Energy Group joining forces with Xia Guo Power Grid to enter the Spanish power energy market!


The Spanish court pointed out two things on its official Face account.

The first thing is naturally to show the key role of the Spanish royal family in this cooperation, thereby enhancing the royal family's image among the people.

The second thing is that it was revealed that Xiaguo Power Grid provides technical support behind the Dream Future Energy Group, which makes them full of confidence in this cooperation.

After all, Dream Future Energy Group seems to have no experience in the power energy market, but Xiaguo Power Grid is definitely the number one in the world in the power energy industry, right?

However, there are also some different objections on the Spanish Internet.


Energy Observer:

Is the cooperation between the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy Group necessarily a good thing?

If you just look at the news introduction, the cooperation between the two parties is definitely a good thing.

After all, what's wrong with more stable, cleaner, and cheaper electricity?

Coupled with the technical support provided by Xiaguo Power Grid and the fourth-generation nuclear power technology provided by Dream Future Energy Group, this cooperation is a perfect one from any point of view.

But is it really perfect?

What is the situation behind this cooperation?

For example, what conditions did our Spanish court agree to before Dream Future Energy Group could enter our Spanish power energy market?

What's more critical is that Dream Future Energy Group is willing to re-build a more advanced, more stable and safer power transmission network throughout the entire Spanish half of the country.

There are too many basic investments. Why does Dream Future Energy Group agree to these conditions?

Has anyone thought about this problem?

Please think about what is going on behind the scenes of this cooperation!


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