There is a lively discussion on the Spanish Internet about the cooperation between the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy Group. Most of the discussions are positive, but there are also critical discussions.

For example, [Energy Observer]’s criticism is reasonable.

This account on Face reasonably questioned what the behind-the-scenes conditions were for the cooperation between the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy Group.

Such hints full of conspiracy theories are very easy to attract attention, and can easily arouse discussion among people who eat melons. After all, eating melons is not a big deal!

Besides, there is indeed room for conspiracy theories to develop. People on the Internet love conspiracy theories.

【[Energy Observer] The content posted on Face quickly became popular because of the help of some well-intentioned people. A large number of people posted their speculations, and various conspiracy theories emerged one after another.

For example, some people speculated that the Spanish court betrayed the interests of the royal family and sacrificed Princess Lenore, which ultimately won the favor of the Dream Future Energy Group.

Such speculation has to be said to be very outrageous!

In addition to this outrageous guess, there are also very reliable guesses



Regarding the cooperation between the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy Group, some people think there is a conspiracy, so we can rationally analyze what the conspiracy is.

The Spanish national television report did not elaborate on the form of cooperation for Dream Future Energy Group to enter the Spanish power energy market.

Should Dream Future Energy Group enter as a sole proprietor, or should it cooperate with the Spanish court?

If the two parties jointly cooperate, will the Dream Future Energy Group be dominant, or will the Spanish court be dominant?

Secondly, there is the issue of electricity energy pricing power.

This pricing power belongs to the Spanish court, or to the Dream Future Energy Group. If it belongs to the Dream Future Energy Group, we can see from the public cooperation terms that the Dream Future Energy Group plans to monopolize the entire Spanish power. energy market.

After all, the dream of future energy is to build a transmission network throughout the Spanish half of the world!

So, is the pricing power of electric energy in the hands of the Spanish court or the Dream Future Energy Group?

If Dream Future Energy Group controls the pricing power, once Dream Future Energy Group completes its monopoly on the power energy market, will Dream Future Energy Group become an evil dragon?

Capital is naturally evil. Just like MIBEL and OMIE now, our Spanish Hemisphere and Pudaoya next door are almost the most expensive in the European Union in terms of electricity energy prices.

The fundamental reason for this result is that MIBEL and OMIE have completed their monopoly on the power energy market in Western Spain and Pudaoya.

So after Dream Future Energy Group completes its monopoly, will it also become a dragon?

This is highly doubtful!

I hope that the Spanish court can reveal some cooperation details in more detail, so that we ordinary people can feel a little more at ease and avoid worrying that Dream Future Energy Group will also become a new evil dragon.


The analysis of the content posted by Anonymous-Q is very reliable. It has a feeling of seeing the essence through the phenomenon, and it captures the key points sharply.

It is precisely because of this that Anonymous-Q's remarks received a lot of support, and people who were interested in melons sent topics asking the Spanish court to announce more detailed cooperation content.

However, the Spanish court ignored it at all, because the Spanish court knew that [Energy Observer] was MIBEL's trumpet.

Since [Energy Observer] is MIBEL’s trumpet, [Energy Observer] and [Anonymous]-Q】Almost asking and answering questions by myself, doesn’t it prove that [Anonymous-Q】Is it also MIBEL’s trumpet?

Besides, some of the terms of cooperation between the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy really cannot be made public.

Because if it is made public, it will definitely be criticized!

For example, the fact that Dream Future Energy Group is the sole proprietor can make the Spanish people angrily scold the Spanish court. After all, this means that the Spanish power energy market is completely controlled by Dream Future Energy Group.

Although in terms of pricing power, the Spanish court obtained a maximum price clause, Dream Future Energy Group also has supplementary clauses.

As for the five-year tax exemption, the five-year tax halving, plus the clause that reduces the tax from 21% to 17.8%, it all seems like the Spanish court is suffering, right?

If such terms are announced, won't they be criticized?

However, in fact, the Spanish court will not suffer any loss, because the people who like melon subconsciously ignore the monopoly of MIBEL and OMIE.

Now MIBEL and OMIE's monopoly on the Spanish power energy market is even more excessive.

If the monopoly of MIBEL and OMIE in the Spanish power energy market had not gone too far, the Spanish court would not have been able to agree to the demanding requirements of the Dream Future Energy Group.

In fact, the Spanish court is waiting for a fight between Dream Future Energy Group and MIBEL and OMIE!

After all, the goal of both is to completely monopolize the Spanish power energy market, and MIBEL and OMIE have now monopolized the Spanish power energy market. When Dream Future Energy Group enters the Spanish power energy market, MIBEL and OMIE will How can we just sit back and wait for death?

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