National Conservatoire, open car park.

An Liang opened the driver's door of Chen Siyu's BMW M8C. Chen Siyu can go back with Ning Ruoshuang today.

‘An Liang: What happened?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: About graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [Location information: Kongshan Teahouse]’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Let’s meet here. '

An Liang checked the navigation information. This teahouse is near Jingshan, not far from the National Conservatory of Music.

‘An Liang: No problem, I want to say this too’

‘Anliang: Is it convenient to park?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: There is a dedicated parking space’

‘An Liang: See you later’

‘Zhao Wanxi: OK. '

Almost half an hour later, An Liang drove to Kongshan Tea House, and Zhao Wanxi was waiting for him at the door.

When An Liang got out of the car, Zhao Wanxi looked thoughtful.

An Liang naturally understood that Zhao Wanxi saw the license plate of this BMW M8C [Emperor A·SY520], and then showed a thoughtful look.

"What brand of car do you like?" An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"I don't mean to be jealous, and I don't have any special interest in cars."

Zhao Wanxi drives a bulletproof Audi A8L every day, and An Liang has never seen her drive other vehicles.

"I was actually lamenting the changes in myself." Zhao Wanxi added,"If it were me in the past, it would be absolutely impossible to accept the current situation, but now that you are driving Siyu's car over, I just sigh a little and don't feel any obvious discomfort."

"I think it is probably because of you that I am willing to ignore some problems and look at some shortcomings more tolerantly." Zhao Wanxi said very rationally.

An Liang sighed softly,"You can still regret it. Even if you regret it, we are still friends. I won't blame you. After all, I was a little too greedy.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"I won't regret it!"

An Liang walked to Zhao Wanxi and took the initiative to hold Zhao Wanxi's right hand,"Thank you.""

Zhao Wanxi linked her fingers with An Liang's backhand, and she led An Liang into the Kongshan Tea House.

"This teahouse belongs to me."Zhao Wanxi introduced An Liang,"I made money from the club's previous project, so I bought this teahouse."

"Not cheap, right?"An Liang looked at Kongshan Teahouse.

The area of ​​this teahouse is a bit large. The lobby area alone exceeds one hundred square meters. It is a three-story building and has a dedicated parking space.

Zhao Wanxi responded without denying,"The price is almost 400 million, which is indeed not cheap."

"The building covers an area of ​​nearly 200 square meters, with 8 exclusive parking spaces, a three-story building, and a back garden of nearly 50 square meters. It is not too expensive for a location like Jingshan Road."Zhao Wanxi introduced in detail

"A rich man’s toy!"An Liang's response to Dianping.

Calculated based on a value of nearly 400 million, An Liang thought it was impossible for Kongshan Tea House to recover costs or even make a profit through the tea house, so he commented that it was a toy for wealthy people.

Zhao Wanxi did not refute An Liang's statement Comment, because the Kongshan Teahouse was indeed a toy in her hands, she led Anliang to the reserved spot in the back garden and proactively asked,"What would you like to drink?"

"You know, I don't understand tea, so anything goes."An Liang doesn't pretend to understand.

For An Liang, he basically can't tell the difference between good and bad tea. Whether it's entry-level tea that costs two hundred or three hundred yuan per catty, or high-end tea that costs two to thirty thousand yuan per catty, for An Liang It's hard to tell the difference

"Then try Longjing."Zhao Wanxi asked the service staff of the tea house to make tea, and did not perform any fancy tea art performance, because she still had something to discuss with An Liang.

After the service staff left the back garden to reserve their seats, Zhao Wanxi went straight to the topic," Regarding the application of graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, is Uncle Huang serious?"

"Lao Huang has contacted you?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"Um."Zhao Wanxi nodded affirmatively.

"This old Huang is a little too anxious!"An Liang sighed.

"Uncle Huang only contacted me. He reminded me of what kind of profit distribution you want to make for the application of graphene reverse osmosis membrane desalination technology, so that I can be prepared."Zhao Wanxi responded candidly.

Zhao Wanxi continued to add,"Uncle Huang is my grandfather's disciple. He has a very good relationship with our family, so he told me this information in advance."

"This old man is too worried! An Liang hummed,"Even if he doesn't tell me, wouldn't I share it with you?""

"The application prospects of graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology are very bright. There are more than 80 countries and regions around the world, involving more than 1.5 billion humans, and there is a freshwater crisis. Such a huge market is fully sufficient to allocate!" An Liang’s additional explanation.

As An Liang said, in such a huge global market, it is indeed enough for all stakeholders to share the cake!

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